Chapter 12 - Mystery, when you take a hold...

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Hello everyone! Sorry for the lack of update on the story recently. As some of you might have seen on my profile, I published a note to tell you that I had problems with my laptop, and it took me quite some time to solve that. On an additional note, life has been tough recently for me. I do not seek pity or anything I just want to explain to you all why I didn't update. And I think we should normalise talking about mental health.

It didn't seem right for me to write this story while I was (clearly) not at my best. I felt like you and the Marvel characters deserved better than my shitty writing at that moment. So now that it's better I come back to you with a renewed inspiration.

If, ever, you feel the need to, drop me a DM. I'm here for you and I will support you. Fandoms support each other, people, in general, should stick together. That's what I want for you. If you just want to write it somewhere to let it all out, it works too.

With all my love, let's go on to the chapter.



The room fell silent. Everyone's eyes were either on Loki or me. Some were switching from one to another. As for us, we were staring at one another. Loki displayed a shit-eating grin, the kind of look that made me want to slap him.

"Do you want to go first, or should I tell them what you've been hiding for over a week", Loki asks earning some more surprised looks.

We face each other not moving a jot, eyeing each other. The silence is broken as Tony exclaims. "For the love of Einstein, what the hell is he talking about Natasha?"

I sigh before turning to the boys.

"He's right." They all give me a look of disbelief. Clint is the worst, I feel like I've betrayed him and judging by his face he feels that way too. He's my best friend, I've not kept much from him before. "I've not been completely honest with you." I decide to sit before going further into my explanations. That's not how it was supposed to go. It's not how I planned to tell them about it.

"But, please, I need you to listen throughout and not interrupt", I give them a look of warning, "Inès shared with me a theory of her own the second day she was here, she talked to me the morning after she...well, after she shouted at Thor basically."

"She what? Uh-huh, nope, not possible, how would she still be alive after that", Clint snickers, making Thor grumble. I shoot him a glare.

"Not now Clinton." At the mention of his birth name he stiffens, understanding that I'm dead serious. "As I said, she shared with me a theory, and please, keep an open mind".

"I know it sounds insane." I look at them. "And she knows too", I add in disbelief. I summon all my courage before dropping the bomb. I explain to them all of her theory, all that she shared with me, from not remembering much of her life to us being fictional characters, and everything that she knew she couldn't possibly know.

I see their faces frown more and more as I talk. When I stop, the room is dead silent once again. Clint stares at me. When I stare back he starts huffing, and it's not long before he bursts into uncontrollable laughter, dragging the rest of them with him. Some try to ask questions and others are using colourful cuss words.

Tony finally make himself heard over the cacophony. "How can you believe something so stupid Nat, have you gone bonkers", he asks with a snicker.

"No Anthony I haven't gone bonkers", I spat at him, "between World War II veterans who look like twentysomethings and real Norse mythology Gods, I don't think crossing realities is so far-fetched."

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