Chapter 14

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Lauren's pov

I woke up really early like I said I was. I got up carefully so I don't wake up Luke. I was hopping Calum would wake up today. I don't know everything about a coma I just know that he can choose to live or die and if he lives he can forget some stuff.

It was warm outside, so I out black shorts on, with a maroon tank top, and my maroon vans. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. After that I grabbed my phone and left before Luke could wake up. I would tell Luke to come with me, but when there's more people in the room I feel like crying more.

I got in my car and left. I was really hungry, so I went to go pick up some food. I said I didn't feel like eating, but I'm starving. I decided to get Starbucks to. Luke's gonna be so mad. I drove to the hospital. Yesterday I was crying a lot, today I wasn't crying as much.

I got to the hospital an went in. Today they had different nurses. I feel like there gonna stop me from going in.

"Hi can I help you"a nurse asked me

"Yes I'm looking for Calum Hoods room"I told her

"Are you family"she asked

"Yes"I lied

"Okay follow me"she said

I followed her to an elevator. She took me to the third floor.

"May I ask are you his sister or cousin"she asked

"I'm his sister"I told her

"I was gonna say you two look like brother an sister"she said

"Ya you should see our other sister her and Calum could be twins"I told her

"I probably will see her your grandma and grandpa just came"she said

"Really I didn't know they were here"I asked

"Really did you move out of the house"she asked

"Ya my mom probably tried calling me but my phone was dead"I told her

"Ya well here's his room"she Said

"Thanks"I told her

"Your welcome"she said then walked off

I walked inside. Calum's parents were in there. I wanted to turn around and leave, but they caught me.

"Hello Lauren"Calum's mom said

"How have you been"I asked her

"Good what about you"she asked

"Good"I told her

"How have you been with all of this"Calum's dad asked

"Not so good"I told them

They know how close I am with Calum. They told me I'm like family. There like my second family. I tell them everything like there my own parents.

"It gonna be okay Lauren"Calum's mom said

"I believe in him"I told her

"We do to just keep praying"she said

"I will"I told her

"Well we have to go it was nice seeing you"she said

"Bye guys"I told them

They left and once again it was just me in the room. I was still drinking Starbucks. I wish Calum was awake just so I could talk to him. He's the one I really tell everything to.

"Calum please wake up I really need you"I told

"Like I said yesterday I can't lose my brother"I told him a tear falling on my arm

He's heart started to race and at that moment I thought my whole life was over. Nurses ran in here. One pushing me out. They took Calum out of the room.

"What's happening"I asked

"Get him to surgery now"a doctor yelled

This was the moment I wasn't prepared for. The moment I felt like I was dieing to. I tried to go with them, but the nurse held me back

"Let me go"I told her

"I'm sorry I can't"she said

I pushed past her and ran to were they were taking Calum. My heart started racing and tears fell down my face.

"Hey you can't go in there"he nurse yelled

"I can do what ever the fuck I want"I told her

"We need security"the nurse said

The security got me. They stop me from running. I just fell on the floor and cried. A nurse came up to me and helped me up.

"Come on sweetie come sit down"she told me

"I can't I need to get to him"I told her crying

"After the surgery"she told me

"But"I said

She just gave me a hug. I cried and cried and cried. Knowing this May be the end.

"I'm so sorry"I told the nurse

"It's okay I know what your going through"she told me

"It's just he's my brother I can't lose him"I told her

"I know the same thing happened to me" she said

"I'm sorry"I told her

"It's okay well I gotta go back to work"she said

"Okay thanks for talking to me"I told her

"Your welcome"I told her

I called Luke. He answered worried. I knew that would happen. He said he was coming to the hospital. I tried to stay positive while I waited for Luke. I heard the elevator and Luke walked out. I ran to him and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me. I just cried.

"Let's go sit down baby"he old me

"Okay"I said sniffing

We sat down and I just cried. I tried I stop the tears. I tried to stop the fear, but it all stayed there. The tears started to stop, so I decided to tell Luke what happened.

"So what happened"he asked

"I was in the room sitting on a chair then his heart started racing and the nurses came running in and took him to surgery"I told him

"He's gonna be okay"he said

"Are you sure"I asked

"Yes I'm sure"he told me

"I'm gonna go ask a nurse about everything"I told him

"Okay"he said

I went to go talk to a nurse. They said I couldn't see him. I went back to Luke.

"We have to go babe"he said

"Okay I'm tired and hungry anyways"I told him

"Okay come on"he said

Now all I have to do is wait.

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