Chapter 8

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Lauren's pov
I woke up at 7:00 in the morning. I got out of bed and wen to the bathroom. I took my shower and brushed my hair and teeth. I was still pretty tired, but I had to get up to go get the dresses. I went back to Luke's room. I was trying to be quiet because Luke was still sleeping. I got my straightener an straightened my hair.

"What are you doing babe"Luke asked me his voice cracking because he jut woke up

"Getting ready to go get my dress"I told him

"Oh"he said

"Sorry I woke you up baby"I told him

"You didn't"he said

"Okay"I said

I got done with my hair. I unplugged the straightener. I got up ad went to Luke's closet. I got my black shorts and a maroon t-shirt. Then I got one of Luke's flannels and wrapped it around my waist. I put on my maroon vans.

"You look beautiful babe"Luke told me getting and standing behind me, then he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Love you"I told him

"I love you to an I mean that"he told me

"I know, I need to go now bye"I told him

"Bye"I said waving

"Wait you forgot something"he yelled chasing me down the stairs

"What"I said turning to face him

"A kiss from me duh"he told me

"Oh my go I can't believe I forgot"I told him

He kissed me and held on tight like if he let go he'll never see me again.

"I love you, bye baby"he told me

"Bye"I said walking out to my car

I got in my car and texted Jesenia.theb I texted my mom, Lexi, and Kayla. I was so excited to get my dress. The only thing I don't like is that I have to hide the dress from Luke. I think I'll keep it at Lexi's house. I guess she can do that because I feel bad, I feel she wanted to be my maid of honor and I made Jesenia my maid of honor. Keeping the dress at her house is a big responsibility and I trust her to handle it.

I got to Jesenia's house and texted her that I'm here. It took her a while to come out, I guess she was saying bye to Calum. She walked to my car. I was just on my phone waiting for her.

"Hey"she said getting in the car

"Hey are you ready to get dresses"I asked

"Yes I'm so excited"she told me

"Me to, even though I don't really like dresses I feel like it's gonna be fun"I told her

"Well ya it's your wedding dress this dress is better"she told me

"I know, now let's go pick everyone else"I asked

"Ya"she told me

We went to Lexi's house, then Kayla's. After that I went to pick up my mom. It was so exciting to think about picking a dress! There's gonna be so many dress, I don't know how I'm gonna pick.

"So where do we go mom"I asked walking to the car with her

"You want me to drive over there"she asked

"Yes please"I told her giving her the keys

She got in and I got in on the other side. I still had to ask Lexi if she's fine with keeping my dress at her house.

"Hey Lexi would you be fine with keeping my dress at your house"I asked

"Ya sure"she said

"Okay thanks"I told her

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