Chapter 17

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Calum's pov
Luke thinks it's messed up that I'm playing a joke on Lauren. It is messed up, she thinks I don't remember her, but how could I forget my best friend. It's literally hard to forget she took a picture of us and put it as my screen saver, and I at least have over a hundred pictures of us. Today Luke and Lauren are coming. I guess I'll tell Lauren today because I'm tired of not talking to her.

When they walk in I'm gonna yell best friend. She might be a little mad at me. Maybe not she might just be happy that I remember her. Luke texted me that they were here. I was happy of course.

"Calum are you awake"Luke asked

"No I'm asleep"I told him

"Okay bye"He said

"Funny"I told him Laughing

"At least he remembers you"Lauren told Luke

"Best friend"I said

"Luke he's calling you"Lauren said

"He doesn't call me best friend"Luke told her

"You were calling me"she asked

"No I was calling Casper"I told her

"Best friend"she said

She came and gave me a hug. It was so adorable she got so happy. I'm just afraid, what is she gonna do when she finds out I was lying?

"Wait how did you remember so fast the doctor said it takes a while"she asked

"I guess I got my memory back faster"I told her

"Shut up you lier"she said

"Fine are you mad at me"I asked

"No I'm just happy I have my best friend"she said

"Good when do I get out of this hospital I hate being here"I asked

"I don't know ask a doctor"Luke said

"Go get a doctor"I told him

"Fine"he sighed

Right when Luke was gonna go get a doctor, a doctor walked in.

"Hello Calum how are you feeling"the doctor asked

"Good when do I leave"I asked

"Tomorrow"she said

"Good I want to go home"I said

"Wow usually when people wake up from a coma they aren't as talkative as you are"she said

"I feel like I've been asleep for days I'm really hipper"I told her

"You have been asleep for days"Lauren told me

"Hi you must be his girlfriend"the doctor asked Lauren

"No I'm his girlfriend"she said pointing to Luke

"Oh I'm so sorry, so are you his sister"she asked

"Ya"She said

"Oh well I'm Dr.Martinez"she told her

"Wow that's a normal last name for a doctor, no offense"Lauren told her

"No it's okay a lot of people expect some weird last name"she told her

"Ya, so Calum's okay to go tomorrow"she asked

"Yes, okay Calum I'll come see you tomorrow"Dr.Martinez said

"Okay bye"I said

"I bet that gets annoying"Luke said

"Ya it does"I told him

"So where's your girlfriend"Lauren asked

"Out of town she came yesterday before she left"I told her

"Oh, so what do you do when nobody's here"she asked

"I've been writing a song on my phone"I told her

"Let me see it"she said

"Okay here"I said giving her my phone

The song was about me. It's about how I wake up with amnesia. It's not suppose to be a sad song, but it sounds sad.

"Calum I love this song"Lauren told me

"Is it good"I asked

"Yes"she said

"Thanks Lauren"I told her

She couldn't answer back because her phone started ringing. She walked out of the room. She looked worried, I wonder who it was.

"So it's getting close to the wedding"I told Luke

"You remembered the wedding"he asked

"Well duh I'm the best man"I told him

"That's true, it exciting, but I'm also nervous"he said

"Do you really love her"I asked

"Yes she's the best things that's ever happened to me, I love her so much, she so beautiful"he said

"When you see her you won't be nervous"I told him

"Are you sure"he asked

"If you truly love her you won't be nervous"I told him

"Thanks Calum"he told me

"No problem"I told him

Lauren came back in. Before she looked up she wiped a tear away.

"Babe are you okay"Luke asked

"Ya I'm fine"she said

"Are you sure"he asked

"Ya"she said

I could tell something was wrong. Why doesn't she want to tell us? Maybe she just doesn't want Luke worried. Maybe she will tell me when Luke leaves.

"So what were you Calum talking about"she asked

"The wedding"Luke told her

"Oh I can't wait"she said

"It's gonna be a fun day"I said

"It is"she agreed

"It's all coming so soon"Luke said

"It is"I said

"So did any of you tell the guys from one direction about this"I asked

"No did you want us to"Lauren asked

"No it's fine"I told them

"You sure"Lauren asked

"Ya"I said

"Okay well we have to go see you tomorrow Calpal"Lauren told me

"Okay bye love you best friend"I told her

"Love you too"she said

"Bye Cal"Luke said

"Bye Luke"I told him

Of course I wouldn't tell Luke I love him, it would be weird. He already knows I love him like a brother. Anyways that night I just couldn't wait for tomorrow.

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