Chapter 5: How should I ask?

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Chapter 5
A few weeks passed since the whole incident. Amy was walking from school with earphones on. Instead of heading straight home she decided to go to the little lake near her house. She closed her eyes and leaned on the tree. She unplugged her earphones from her ipod and let the music play freely. She hummed the tune and started singing along.

"My love for you was bulletproof but you're the one who shot me.

And God damn it, I can barely see your name,So I'll try to write it and fill the pen with blood from the sink." She opens her eyes and looks at the pond. The water hitting the grass so smoothly. Mother natures voice was being heard. Amy then got up and walked to a big rock next to the pond she sat there looking at the view in awe. The moon was rising creating this beautiful reflection in the pond. Amy quickly opened her backpack and pulled out her sketch book. She then started sketching out the moon and pond with the trees. She then took out her art tools and started shading and perfecting it until she stopped and checked the time. It was midnight. She decided to head home, she put everything away and walked home.

*~~At home~~*

Amy quietly climbed up the tree. She made sure not to make any noise. She then opened her window slowly and steped in. Once she set her backpack on her chair she turned on the lights. Only to be greeted by her mom in the corner of the room sitting on the bean bag chair. This startled Amy,causing her to drop her iphone.

"Where have you been?" Amy's mom asked.
"I only went to the park. Nowhere else."

"Do you know what time it is?"

"Uh 12am." Amy said slightly nervous. "12am. It's 12am on a school night! You should be home by 10pm or even earlier, Not 12am." Amy's mom got off the beanbag chair and walked to the door. "Go to bed Amelia." With that she closed the door and went to her room. Amy then put on grey sweats and black shirt and went to bed.

Sonic's P.O.V

I woke up after my alarm clock rang.But then I fell back to sleep until my mom walked in the room and dragged me out of bed.

"Come on Sonic get out of bed," Sonic's Mom, Aleena, said while trying to get me off the bed. "Why do you always have to do this every morning? Sonic if you aren't up by the time I come back your going to be in big trouble Mister." Aleena then walked out the room. "Manic! Get up and get dressed!" I heard my mom yell to my older brother Manic.

I then got up and got ready. I then walked out of my room passing Manic's and Sonia's room, my older sister.

"The struggles of having triplets!" I heard my mom yell. I went down stairs to see Sonia there.

"Ashely's here. Tell mom I'm leaving. See ya later." Sonia said putting on her sweater.

" Bye." I said while closing the door. Manic finally came downstairs.

"Bye Mom!" Manic and I yelled.


Manic went to school with his friends leaving me all alone. Which I don't mind. Once I reached school I stopped and stared. A crowd was forming and I also went to see what was going on. I then see a pink hedgehog infront of a big purple cat while starring at that football player.

Amy's P.O.V

I walked to school as usual alone. Listening to music while humming. I then walked in the gates that lead in the school.

Once I walked in I saw my friend Big,getting teased.

"Look fatty can't even reach his own books." said James, one of our best football players in the school. James then pushed Big to the floor. Big was on the verge of crying. I couldn't watch Big being teased and made fun of like that.

"Hey!" I yelled to James walking towards them. "Leave Big alone!" I told James looking straight at his blue eyes.

"Oh yea what are you going to do about it," He looks down at me. "Shorty."

Then there was a crowd forming. Big was in back of me looking a little worried. "Nothing? Then get out the way." James said pushing me to the side. I then grabbed his arm and twisted it causing him to turn around wincing in pain. I then presure pointed him and he fell on his knees.

"Come on Big." I said walking away from the crowd with him walking behind me.

"Thank you Amy, if it wasnt for you I would've been crying infront everyone." Big said giving me a bear hug.

"It was no problem Big." I said returning the hug knowing he needs comfort right now. "I really mean it Amy, Thank you for sticking up for me." He smiled one last time and walked in the school.

The bell rung and I was about to walk in until someone stopped me.

"That was something Amy." Cream said.

"That was awesome Amy, didn't know you had the guts to do that." Rouge said.

"Well I wasn't going to let one of my friends get pushed around like that."

"But wow." Cream said.

"We should get to class." I said as we walked to 1st period.

*In class*

Class was boring again. We were just reviewing math from last week. I looked over to my left looking at Sonic. He saw me looking at him and smiled, a cute smile. I'm not really sure whats going on with me. Just a few weeks ago I wasn't into him, but now... I'm not sure what's going on with me. I smiled back, which was new to me. Omg, I better not get feelings... It's to soon to be feeling this way. I mean we have been getting close. He practically knows a lot about me.
I looked away and saw Silver throwing paper across the room to Knuckles. Whatever was on the paper made Knuckles laugh. Knuckles then wrote something back to silver and tossed it back. I then looked at Rouge shaking her head with Cream laughing silently.
"Hey." I turned my head to sonic.
"What's wrong?" He asked me.
"Just thinking."
"Never mind."
"Come on, you can tell me." I sighed,
"I'll tell you later." Should I do this? No...? Yes...? Why is this so complicated! Oh,I know I'll ask Maria about this. Surely Shadow will find out to.
"Okay then..." That was all he said and turned back to paying attention to the board.
I sighed of relief he wouldn't push the topic further. The bell then rang, and I was the first to be out. I ran to Maria the only thing on my mind right now.
"Maria!" I said jumping on her while she catches me.
"Woah, someone misses me."
"I need to tell you something!" I said pulling her outside of the cafeteria. Shadow then grabbed Maria's hand.
"Your ditching me?" He said playfully.
"No amy wants to tell me something so shoo." She swats her hand.
"No it's fine shadow would like to know."
We all went to our favorite spot which is under a tree near the school grounds.
"Okay so what do you want to tell us." Maria said sitting down on the ground next to Shadow.
I took a deep breath." I'm feeling this butterfly feeling in my stomach whenever I talk to Sonic. I don't know why. Explain to me Maria."
"Oh amy that's simple you are falling love." Maria said.
"W-what!" I can't be in love with him! I just met him 2 months ago.
"Don't worry Amy your going to soon figure out what love is. Trust us." Shadow said getting up. "I knew you liked him since the beginning." My eyes widen. Have I liked him since the beginning? That...
"C'mon Maria lets go get lunch." Maria then got up. They then started to walk off.
"Thank you guys." I smiled. Not a fake one a real smile. Time to move on from the past and look forward, to see what's coming next and appreciate. Today I'm going to tell him how I feel.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Sorry I haven't updated in a while I'll get on to writing another chapter :) yea so expect a new chapter this week hopefully. Bye~

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