Break down

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Dream POV:
It had been a few hours since this morning, I was still wondering what the bad guys were doing but I just shrugged it off and continued with my day. I was an patrol for ink since he couldn't do it alone, like sometimes. I was currently in sugartale, I was talking to one of the inhabitants there to see if anything happened that seemed out of the ordinary. "There was this strange thing I heard while I was going home. It was from one of the echo flowers, and I just heard it around yesterday. It seemed like some sort of plot/plan, I advise you to go check it out." One of the inhabitants said, I was weirded out, 'some sort of plan?' I thought to my self. I decided to go check it out and went to waterfall, I overheard some monster talking, 'now, go into detail about this plan of yours, I'm interested.' There was some more talking, their suspicions were correct. I should probably go report back to ink, I teleport away to the doodlesphere, where ink was. "Ink! I need you." Ink turns to me, clearly confused and interested, "yes Dream What is it?" I took a deep breath.

Ink POV:
"I overheard a conversation about how some monsters are planning to-" Dream stops talking which made me worried but also curious, "Dream? What's wrong?" Dream shakes it off like it was nothing, "n-nothing, just felt light headed for a moment there." He smiled, I couldn't tell wether it was fake or not. I Sighed, "Alright then. Please continue." He didn't continue, "Dream...what's wrong with you? Talk to me." Dream shakes his head violently, "let's just go, I'll tell you later." I sighed from annoyance, 'what the h*ll's wrong with him?' I asked myself, "alright. Cmon." I painted some ink onto the ground, Dream stood on it with me. We both turn to ink and teleport to blues house.  Blue was with his brother, watching tv together, "hey blue!"  Blue turns around and smiles, "HEY DREAM! HEY INK!" Ink waves at blue.

Dream POV:
"I'm gonna go to my room." Ink stared at me for a moment before nodding, "Alright." I sigh from relief and go to my room and close the door. I curl up into a ball against my bed...voices began to whisper..."it's your fault"  "he's gone because of you"  "it should have been you"  "he hates you now"  "he was never happy with you"  "you're a disappointment to him"  "you never cared about him"  "such a freak"  "you're such a loser"  "you don't deserve friends"  "you're a disappointed"  "you'll never be happy"  I hear the voices continue, insulting me, discouraging me. I clutch my skull with my hands and screamed. I screamed for long enough for Ink to come busting in, "DREAM?!" "ARE YOU OKAY? IS SOMETHING WRONG?" Ink rushes up to me, "y-yeah! Just stressed." I put on a fake smile. Ink tears up a bit and hugs me tightly, "don't scare me like that." I sigh, "I won't...I promise" I couldn't bear to tell Ink the truth, he would've killed me! I was just happy that Ink was there comforting me. The voices stopped...I couldn't forget the incident though, tears started to fall as I hugged Ink tightly, "Dream? Hey, hey it's okay." Ink rubbed my back with his thumb, which calmed me down a bit. I smiled, "Thanks ink. I-...I really appreciate it." Ink smiles, "no problem, anything for a friend."

Wowee! A sweet end to a sweet chapter!

Words: 604

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