Papa's Scroll

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"Why do you not know my Mama and Papa? Everyone does." Mikoto heard a cute chattering voice of a toddler right after the door of their house open.

The voice was follow by her husband's voice announcing his arrival. She quicken her pace to the door to greet her husband.

"Why don't you tell me who they are, so I can find them for you." Her husband replies the foreign voice as she reached them.

"Welcome home." She smiles at her husband, before her attention turn to the tiny girl possibly around three or four years old, standing beside Fugaku. She kneels down so she's on eye level with the adorable big eyed girl. "Why, aren't you cute little one." She coos, and pokes her cheek.

The girl frowns and puffs her poked cheek out. And then her eyes widen while her palm moves up to cover her mouth, "I'm sorry," She bows apologetically.

Mikoto stiffles her giggle as she smiles kindly, "It's alright, sweety." She rose to stand on her feet and gaze up at her husband, giving him a questioning look, before look back at the girl when she sees the rise and fall of Fugaku's shoukders.

She once again smile at the curious looking girl, "Why don't you come in? I might have some sweets for you." The girl's eyes light up in delight, and nods her head aggressively. Mikoto lead her the way and point out the kitchen so she can walks beside her husband.

"Who's she?" Mikoto asked her stoic facade husband, as they walk into the house to the direction of the kitchen.

"Inoichi found her roaming in the Yamanaka compound, thought that she's lost." His gaze then settle on the back of the girl's red dress, "Everything about her implied that she is an Uchiha. She even wears the Uchiha crest on her back. But I can't remember seeing her around. I even ask some of us along the way, none knew her." He explained, and take his normal place on the dining table. One of many things Mikoto knows about her husband is, he knew of his people, the Uchiha. From the eldest to the youngest, and he's always proud of it. Seeing how he's clueless about the mysterious little girl, concern her a little bit. Who would let this cute thing walk around, without supervision.

Taking things into her hand, she spoke-while she pour tea in hers and her husband cup, "What's your name?" She asks, the girl is currently holding a stick of dango she bought from store for Itachi earlier.

The girl blinked twice and then stare at her, the look of confusion adorn her sweet face, "You don't know Sarada's name?" Mikoto let out a short chuckle at her.

"So your name's Sarada. What makes you think I should know your name? This is the first time I've seen the most beautiful little girl as yourself." Mikoto said, and lightly pinched her cheek.

She puffs her cheek again while pouting, that action remind Mikoto of her second son. Sasuke has always acted the same way too when something displeased him.

"Everyone knows Sarada." She stated simply, and lick on the sweet before drag it out of the stick using her teeth. When she finish the first dango, she starts. "Is this alright, though? Mama said I should not eat sweets often. And," She put her palm on the side of her mouth to whisper, but her whisper is somehow become more louder than her usual voice, "Sarada and Inojin had extra chocolates when Aunty Ino didn't see."

That attract Fugaku's attention. He might not be so close with the Yamanaka, but he knows the only born of the Yamanaka head clan, and she is the same class with Sasuke. "What were you doing at Yamanaka household?"

Sarada pulls her tongue out in displease, "Mama had an emergency at work. And Papa went out for mission. Iruka-sensei gotta teach this morning. And there's no way for Uncle Kakashi to take care of me." She said exasperatedly, "He's so busy with hokage work lately. Last time I seen him was so long ago." Her hands flailing in the air to emphasize her meaning.

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