Konoha Military Police Force

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"PAPA!" Sarada shouted before she was transferred into somewhere else, away from her father.

She groans and made a grunted sound at the back of her throat, "Papa. I am strong enough to at least sit at the side to watch you fight." She spoke at no one in general, cradle at her wounded arm when she tried to help her father fought the Otsutsuki.

Huffing while puffed her cheeks out, she stomps her feet walking in circle, grumbling to herself. She was too busy with her frustration that she didn't notice two figure hiding at the tree not far from where she is.

Her reflex however was fast when she pulls out her kunai knife out of her weapon holster and hit all the coming senbon coming her way, eyes shone with her two tomoe sharingan. "Show yourself." She exclaimed, looking directly at their direction.

One person emerged from behind the trees and run straight to her. Sarada was prepared this time. She hit the ground with brute force she saw her mother did when she accidentally broke the house, making her opponent widen his eyes in surprised at the cracked ground. She move forward and take the opportunity of his distraction, at the same time pull her chakra infused fist back and hit the coming enemy in the face. The affect from her chakra caused the full grown man fall backward in full force causing a tree split in two when he hit it there.

Another one of them target Sarada with senbons, but was easily dodge by Sarada tracking it with her sharingan. She makes a familiar hand signs of the infamous uchiha's favorite katon jutsu and blew of the fire at the man hiding behind a tree. She do it again once more when her target able to dodge her first fireball. The second one was able to nick on the guy's arm though, causing him to fall down to the ground.

Sarada heave a sigh of relief and walk over to them to inspect their injury. That was when she sense presence behind her. She twirl back to see the new comer and get ready for a fight, but stop dead in track when she saw their Konoha headband.

Sarada breath out, "Well, I didn't mean to interfere but they attack me. Who are they?" She asked, gesturing at the injured enemy. She looks at the konoha ninja closely, they look very unfamiliar which should not be a problem because she's a genin, and genin don't know much of upper class ninja; but their appearance seems different. Their green vest looks like the older version she only saw in picture of her parents Team picture where Lord Sixth wear it.

"Yeah, they're ninja thieves. A rogue ninja of Kirigakure. We have been hunting them for months for stealing from the civilian villagers." One of them explained.

The information caused Sarada tilted her head to the side, "I didn't know about that." And for Sarada, it means something. Her grandparents live among the civilian, and her grandmother is one of the village gossip. If something like that happen, she should have known. At least, Papa would have mention about it. She thought.

"It's been happening for a while." The guy paused to look at her, "You. I haven't seen you around. Do you live in the compound?" Sarada blink at that. At the compound? What does they mean? She thought.

"Uhm, no." She answered, her voice guarded. One thing she always sure of in her life is, she's somehow a celebrity in her village. Everyone seems to know her. If being born from the two of the three new lagendary sannin isn't enough, there's another fact that she's the daughter of the sole survivor of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Sasuke, and the best Medical ninja in the shinobi world, Uchiha Sakura.

"Ahh, I see." They give Sarada a look that is close to disgust, before move to gather the rogue nin.

Their reaction caught Sarada in pure confusion. She knew her father had done something bad in the past but they have not received this kind of treatment before. She dismissed the thought and help them.

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