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After Naruto Gaiden


Sarada stops her pace, panting real hard while she bends herself down, her hands on her knee to support herself. Her legs shaking, her heart hammering, sweats glistening down her face.

Why is being an Uchiha this hard?

Was the thought mingling in her mind since she's been chasing by a group of people she doesn't even know, shouting how she's an Uchiha and that of the sharingan.

She let out a soft squeal of surprise when a flying kunai flew her way, making her legs moves faster, painfully, than before as she makes her way out. She continues to run all her might, jumping above the tree to escape those people who apparently just heard about the news of Uchiha Sasuke's kid, a sharingan bearer, has activated the sharingan of her own.

She was training alone in one of her parents favorite training spot–as her mother told her–when suddenly she was attacked by a group of 3 bandits. She managed to run for an escape but instead of going into the village, she found herself ran to the opposite direction.

She isn't mastering her sharingan as much yet, that some of the bandits' weapons has got her. A few deep and shallow cuts on her arms legs, one at her side. She also got a few angry blueish bruised on a few parts of her body. She doesn't want to think how her stomach looks like after she was brutally kicked there when she was trying to fight them.

While wincing in pain as she hops off from tree branches to tree branches, her vision caught on a weird distortion right infront of her. She didn't get to halt and went right into it. The difference of the surrounding and its earth surface makes the currently jumping Sarada gasps because right where she was about to land is supposed to be a tree branch there, but it somehow vanished when she enter the distortion.

She shrieks loudly when her momentum increase and she falls down deeper from atop. Closing her eyes while she shouted at no one in particular, she prays for her life, for her mother and father, for Lord Seventh, heck, she even prays for the annoying Boruto.

She waited for the impact to come, but it never did. Instead, she feels a warm body engulfed her. Sarada abruptly open her eyes to see her saviour, only to meet with a pair of eyes she knew always staring into her when she looks in the mirror, sure this version she's facing right now is slightly smaller in shape as she has inherited her mother's huge eyes. But it looks like hers still.

She was pulling out of her thoughts when they landed. Sarada quickly move out of the person grasp and step on the ground. She winces, when her stomach throbbed painfully.

"Who are you?" She feels a sharp cold metal touch the back of her neck. Her eyes grew wide. Slowly, she crane her neck to look at her back.

A young teenager is aiming her neck with his awfully familiar sword, his eyes blaze with three tomoe sharingan. The sight make Sarada choked her own saliva.

"Tell me who you are." He demand, "Why are you wearing the Uchiha crest?"

Sarada could see the veins in his neck popped up as his anger risen.

"S-Sarada. My name is Sarada." She whimper, didn't dare to move anymore than she already did, afraid that the sharpened sword got into her skin. She's gotten enough injuries already.

"Don't scare the kid too much, Sasuke. She looks like she's in more pain than necessary." A familiar voice sounded in the background, but all Sarada could think of is the familiar name she heard he was saying.

She looks at the figure behind her carefully, and then the sword too. When everything seems to put pieces together, her eyes grew wide in disbelieve. Her already tired knees buckle and she makes a fall on the ground, her eyes not leaving the young man.

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