Uchiha Girl

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Sakura stand shock at the door frame of Sasuke's bedroom, eyes staring wide at the little figure on his bed. Her mind went back to when he call him up through her window.

She was arranging her weapon for next day's mission when she heard something knocking her window. Her sight unconsciously move to her ajar window at the same time she saw something like a small stone hit on it.

Sakura moves to and find Sasuke, another stone in hand and was about to throw it her way, looking weary and weird. "Sasuke-kun." She calls out, her voice controlled in case she woke her parents up. Her eyes shone with excitement at the sight of Sasuke outside of her house, maybe he finally agree for a date. She grins at the thought, and wait expectantly at Sasuke.

"Sakura. Follow me!" He didn't wait another second for her to reply as he marched away.

Sakura blinks once at his bluntness. She made sure that he isn't another genjutsu casted by her sensei like he did before the chunin exam to make sure she's qualify to join the exam, before she jumped out of her window following her Uchiha teammate. Her mind going wild as to why her forever crush asking for her to follow him in the middle of the night. Her fangirl demeanour makes itself known by throwing all the possible thing he and Sasuke can do alone at night. The thought of Sasuke agree for a date with her doesn't sit right in her mind. She hoped there's nothing remotely dangerous is happening knowing how strongly they attracted danger.

Shaking her head, she quicken her pace and follow Sasuke enter his apartment.

Sakura blink her eyes to bring her mind to the current time. "Who is she?" She walks slowly to the bed, her step unsure. She stares questioningly at the sleeping girl.

Sasuke was right behind her, taking a glimpse at the girl on his bed. "I'm not sure. Found her walking around, calling for her mother at my family's house."

Shocking with the news, she adverted her sight to look at the Uchiha boy behind her, "Is that so? She must be lost. Poor girl." She said, moving closer.

"Maybe. But she wears Uchiha crest on her clothing." He paused and then he warned Sakura when she's about to touch the girl, "She's having fever."

Sure enough, there's pink flush on her cheeks signifying her high temperature. Sakurs put the back of her palm on the girl's forehead, "She's having high fever. Do you have any medicine for her? Has she eating?" She rose up, and look at him, "Do you have clean cloth? I need it to put on her forehead." Whatever her fangirl self is thinking righg now, she has to wait. The little girl's well being is so much important.

"There's cloths in my cabinet. Use anything you want. I'll go find some medication." Sasuke said, walking out to the door.

She smiles at Sasuke even though he's not facing her. "Okay. I'll find something to cook for her too." Sakura said as she walks over the cabinet to retrieve clean cloth.

"Ahh." Was all she heard before the sound of the door closed signalling he's out.

Sakura breath out in relieve. As much as she likes being around Sasuke, it always makes her nervous. The increase of her heartbeat, the cold sweat on her palm; it's so freaking annoying.

"Mama." A soft incoherent mumble caught Sakura's hearing as she neared Sasuke's room, holding a bucket of warm water with cloth in it.

Quickly, she walks to the little girl shushing her as she start to sob. "Shush shush, little one. I'm here." She pats her thigh lightly, while other hand squeeze the water out of the small towel. When the girl stop sobbing, she smiles at her expectang eyes and stop patting. She fold the towel and put it on top of the girl's forehead.

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