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A/N: Hello! I'm so sorry for missing out on here. I've been quite busy with work and life and SasuSaku month's daily prompts. It's in tumblr, you can visit my account if you'd like to see. I'll find some time to put them in wattpad so others who doesn't use tumblr can read 'em too. Anyway, this one is one of the few entry I've written for SSM21. It was for day 9, Family! Hope you like it.


Sasuke is fidgeting beside her, looking anywhere but the person, a few person, before them.
Understand that he won't saying anything else, Sakura bows, which a 3 year old Sarada, who's in Sasuke's hold do as well, "We apologise to be coming over here. My family were chased by enemy and this husband of mine is just too generous to transfer us here." She half teased, half serious telling the family before her their story.

The Uchihas family looks perplexed. Of course they would, someone who looks exactly like their youngest son is standing right before them, holding a toddler, with an oddly pink hair woman beside him.

"May we ask who you are?" The Uchiha Matriarch, Mikoto Uchiha asked.

It would seem better if they didn't tell the family their identity, but then again, this is once in a lifetime opportunity, to be with Sasuke's family. All of them gather in one place, so Sakura do what Sasuke probably wouldn't approve.

She smiles politely before she spoke, "I'm Sakura Uchiha, this is my husband, Sasuke Uchiha. And our daughter, Sarada Uchiha." She introduced. From her peripheral view, Sasuke is throwing a disbelieving look over her while Sarada squeals when her name is mentioned.

It was Itachi who spoke first, "Are you from the future?"

Sakura beamed at him, "Yes, such smart one you are."

Sasuke wished he has another hand that is not too busy holding Sarada to pinch the bridge of his nose for the stunt his wife has just pulled infront of his supposedly dead family.


Sitting with the other male members of his family, Sasuke can't seem to calm down as he plays with Sarada's hair to distract himself and occasionally responded to her babbling questions, and glancing at his wife-who is helping Mikoto with lunch, once in a while. He is forever grateful that his father and brother knew he doesn't want to speak.

"Is he like Naruto-oji, or Kakashi-jii chan?"
Sasuke paused at that, looking at his daughter trying to put pieces of puzzle together since her mother's outburst about those people being their family.


Sarada folded her little arms above her chest as she glares at her Papa. And then she shouted at her mother, "Mama! Papa being annoying again."
"Let him be today, Sarada-chan." Her soft voice sounded from the kitchen.

Sarada huffed and then grumbles on Sasuke's lap, "Be nice to Papa today, Sarada-chan. Just today, please." She mimics her mother's voice telling her what to and not do that day while they're visiting Papa's family.

Sasuke's eyes twitched at that, his lips make a frown of its own, "I don't think its nice to mock your mother."

"I dont think its nice to not answer Sarada's questions either." Was Sarada's quick remark.
"I did answer."

Sarada turns around in his lap to face him, "But you didn't give me proper answer, papa."

For one second, Sasuke lift up his gaze to look over his father and brother before quickly avert it away. He sighs, "Fine." He paused to drink his tea, "They're your family. Like Kizashi, and Mebuki. He," He nodded at Itachi, "is pretty much like Naruto," And then he paused, making a face thinking about the knucklehead.

"But Naruto-oji is your friend, Papa."

"It means family too."

"Really? Does that makes Chocho our family?"

Sasuke shrugs, "Sure."

"Inojin too?"

"Of course, Sarada."

The little girl's eyes glinting with excitement before she frowns, "How about Kakashi-jii chan? Is he family too."

Sasuke rolls his eyes thinking back at when he first started being a father, and somehow, betweem managing his job as a hokage, Kakashi was able to give him some of his Icha Icha Paradise tactics on how to start a bond with his new daughter, "No."

"But I like Kakashi-jii chan."

"Kakashi is bad influence. You should stop staying at his place."

"But I like hokage office."

"It's not a place for kids to play around."

"But Kakashi-jii chan said he likes Sarada's company."

Sasuke snorted, "Right, because you stamp for him."

"Kakashi-jii chan likes it when I help him doing hokage work."

"You should not encourage him to be lazy, Sarada. It's his job as the hokage, not you."

Sarada pulls her tongue our at her father, "But Shikamaru-san helped him." She pointed out.

"Shikamaru is his assistant. It's his job."

"I want to be a hokage too."

"You're 3 years old, Sarada."

Sarada nods her head a few times making her glasses fell down a little bit. "Old enough." She said, as she pushes her glasses up.

"She's a wise kid." Sasuke was startled at the voice of his brother, forgetting momentarily where they were.

Decided that it's time for him to speak up, he nodded, "She is."

"How do you transport yourself here, Sasuke?" It's his father. His stern authoritative voice makes Sasuke's raises his head up to look him in the eye.
He mutely uncover his hair over the rinnegan he tried to hide and show the odd 6 tomoe purple colored eye.

The eye makes the two Uchihas gasped in surprised, "It's rinnegan."

Sasuke nodded, "That's right."

Sarada's laughter surrounded the house successfully attract all attention to her. She lifted Sasuke's hair again to see his eyes. It always excite her to watch the mismatched color of her father's eyes.

"Can you do the star eyes, Papa?" She asked.
As if Sarada calls it herself, Sasuke's Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan appears, swirling into 6 pointing stars.

Sarada's giggle intensify before she pulls her father into her small embrace, and then pull away again, staring fondly at his eyes.

"Just how strong are you, little brother?" Itachi asked, amused.


"And then Papa killed it!" Sarada exclaimed with exasperation which earned her grandmother's laughter, Itachi's amused smile and an eye twitch from her grandfather.

Sasuke was silent as he watched the scene unfold before him. After they finish dinner, Sakura will help Mikoto clean up and doing the dishes. They will maybe sit for a little while, talking or rather, listening to Sarada babbles about everything she manages.

He, even though quite uncomfortable, is partly content at what had happen today. Both his family, past and future, finally met. He likes how casually Sakura speaks to Mikoto, the way she follows her orders as they cook together, and how she regards both Fugaku and Itachi. He likes how they accept who Sakura is to him, despite the different of clans, hair and eye color.

He especially loves how acceptable his past family is to their precious little Sarada. At such short time, he noticed how frequent his father will glance at the little girl, fondness marred his eyes. Itachi even though so subtle, shows how he enjoys Sarada's non stop talk, amusement danced in his expression, as if saying, you're just like my otouto. His mother is the most obvious out of them all. She already loves Sarada, that is an understatement of the day.

At this short moment of time, Sasuke let his guard down and savour this significantly valuable moment with his family.
He turn to look beside him only to meet with the green eyes of his wife, smiling at him. Sasuke nods as his expression soften before he returns her smile.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2021 ⏰

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