Chapter 5: Love conques all, even war

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Here, we dive deeper into the romance between Dawn & Elijah because, well, we asked Google for a plotline and, we just wrote it. We got lazy, leave me and my sister alone. Either way, hope you enjoy this chapter. Also, this is a short chapter, as I said, we got lazy and we didn't know what to write. Sorry.


Dawn awoke with a rush of cold water on her head. She looked at Neptune who had frozen ice drops around her. "I just had too." Neptune responded to the non-verbal conversation. Dawn woke up furious.

"What happened?" Dawn asked, with a sense of confusion. She looked at her sisters. They were all excited. "Wait a minute... What is happening?" Dawn changed her words this time.

Surprisingly, Neptune helped Dawn up. "A war." She answered eagerly. Dawn almost fell to the ground.

"You're kidding?" Dawn asked. Neptune gave her a look that screamed 'You think I'm lying?'. "You're not!" Dawn clapped her hands in joy. Phoenix shivered. Her sister was going to start a war... and there was nothing she could do about it.

I... want this. I actually want this. Phoenix thought as she smiled full of delight, yet so full of worry. Phoenix opened her fist. Sparks of fire flew out of her left hand. The sparks fell to the floor and a bo staff formed slowly. The metal was still red and steaming. Phoenix laughed as she picked it up. Her sisters looked at her funny.

"Let's get this going, then!" She declared. Dawn's eyes faded purple at the edges. Her dragon wings and tail appeared. Phoenix's wings and feathered tail burst out in fire. Moon's antennas slowly appeared. Neptune's halos of ice, rocks, stone, asteroids, and diamonds appeared.

A scythe appeared in Dawn's hands. She sliced through the door. "We could have been quieter..." Moon stated, annoyed that no one was interested in being silent.

Dawn rolled her eyes. "Whatever," She stuck out her tongue. "The world needs noise."

Phoenix gulped. This would not be good. "Let's separate then, In two hours, we'll meet back here." Phoenix said. The girls nodded. They all ran in different directions, but Phoenix lied. She followed Dawn because her sister was angry.

Dawn ran into the training hall. Phoenix flew onto the ceiling. She watched Dawn and Elijah stare at each other. Dawn had no expression however, Elijah did. His mouth was hanging open, the clothes he held fell to the floor. Elijah gritted his teeth in fury. "Starting a war, huh?" He asked. Dawn nodded.

Phoenix had to cover her mouth from screaming. Why because Dawn held the scythe over her head and threw it at Elijah. He ducked and clasped his hands. A blue shield protected him.

"You always have to be so perfect, don't you?" Dawn yelled. Elijah said nothing. Dawn had the scythe in her hands again. Then she lowered it, Elijah lowered his shield. "The world doesn't need to be perfect, Elijah... neither do I." Dawn added. Dawn slowly pointed her finger at Elijah. Purple energy flew at him.

Phoenix squinted. Dawn was crying. She was too. When the energy faded, Elijah still had his shield up. "I'm not that easy to kill, Dawn." Elijah responded. Dawn wiped her tears.

"You sure?" Dawn asked, in a threatening voice.

"Yes," Elijah said. She raised an eyebrow. Elijah's blue shield flew at Dawn. She closed her eyes. When she opened them, she was pinned to the ground. Phoenix was going to yell and attack, but then she saw Elijah on top of Dawn. She didn't dare to move, who knows what Dawn would do to her.

Phoenix watched Dawn struggle to get free. Dawn blushed at the same time. "I thought I was easy to kill." Elijah said, wiping away Dawn's tears. She froze.

"What the heck..." Dawn mumbled. Elijah watched Dawn cry. Dawn's wings slowly started to fade away. Then, she fainted. Elijah picked her up in his arms in a bridal style.

Phoenix cried. She couldn't bear to fight Tristan or even see him. Yet Dawn had the idea to try and kill Elijah.

Dawn's insane. Phoenix thought. She moved her attention back to the two. Elijah touched Dawn's face. Dawn had goosebumps all over her arms and legs. Dawn's scythe faded away too.

Elijah looked at Phoenix on the ceiling. He smiled at her. "You must be supportive of her, right?" Elijah asked. Phoenix put on a straight face and flew down.

"I am." Phoenix said, then she smiled. "She clearly likes you," Phoenix's eyes watered.

Elijah looked at Dawn. "I don't know. I like her, but other girls don't threaten to kill me and start a war." Elijah explained. Phoenix laughed. Elijah looked at Dawn. "You aren't safe here. Go leave now, take Dawn too, and go to the forest. Now.'' Elijah ordered, handing Dawn to Phoenix. She nodded.

"Anything else?" Phoenix asked.

"Tell Dawn I love her, no matter how many people she kills and how many wars she starts." Elijah replied. "By the way, when you're in the forest, find a treehouse. Say team of six. It's going to be hard, but you have to find it!"

Phoenix nodded and flew away. Luckily her sisters were back in their room early. "Let's go." Phoenix said. Moon levitated herself and Neptune while Phoenix flew and carried Dawn.

She swore she saw Tristan watching them fly off, but she thought she was going nuts. She just couldn't believe it. She had a power she hadn't told anyone, it wasn't actual magic, it was the smarts to notice true love between two people.


(879 words, why couldn't it have been 1000?)

It's exam week for me, yay. I'm prolly (probably) gonna write a lot more during summer break, so beware for more constate updates.

Context on Dawn: She has a big mood change mid-way.

                                   Eg: Wanting war to emotional stuff

It seems pretty normal but, I realize it might be a personality disorder, of some type. If this is a symptom of a personality disorder, please let me know, I want these characters to be as accurate as possible. 

Slight spolier for the next two (2) chapters;

Moon: kalm

Aaron: eating matches

Moon: cries in pain because she's tired of his sh*t

-------------------------Meanwhile in the real world---------------------------

Phoebe (Me): why did we make this story again

Diana (Sister who is like Dawn): Because on the first of may 2021, we both realized that it would be stupid to start something you can't finish-

Phoebe: but that's what we're doing

Diana: *Demon voice* I WASN'T FINISHED

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Make sure to hit the vote button if you want more chapters! (That sounds like a YouTuber, smash that subscribe button!) That's all so, remember to keep smiling, never give up and be who you are on the inside.

This is Phoebe and Diana signing out!

~Until Chapter 6 gets written~

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