Chapter 7: The life we live in, is not that necessary, like oxygen.

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Hello my friends and potential foes! It's Phoebe back with another chapter. This really is a filler because I needed to get the story moving along. I hope you enjoy!

(Image made by me, if you wish to use, ask permission first.)


"I wish I wasn't an idiot." Dawn muttered. She and Phoenix sadly sat on the couch. Both the girls were sitting there. Phoenix tried to explain as she clammed Dawn's mouth shut as she muttered words.

"It was an accident! We weren't eavesdropping!" Phoenix claimed. It did seem like it and even felt like they were eavesdropping but surely they weren't, right?

"Then what were you two doing?" Ethan questioned. The two girls looked at eachother. What were we doing? They thought to themselves.

"We were getting dressed!" started Phoenix. "Then we heard yelling from the living room. We thought, well I thought, you boys were arguing but..." she couldn't find the right words to explain, Phoenix was trying the best she could not to laugh at the situation.

"Wait," Hunter began, "You heard that? Like, all of-" he cut himself off while he went to get a small flashback to the argument.

"Yes. Well, ever since you guys were like, WHO STOLE THE MATCHES? And whatnot." Dawn replied. Elijah stared in shock, Aaron was embarrassed while Hunter was just disappointed in himself.

"You know what's funny?" Dawn questioned. "Tristan fathers you guys and Phoenix mothers us. They are kinda like our parents." Everyone nodded in agreement, except Tristan and Phoenix. Being the ones with common sense, they knew in that case, they'd have to be married for that to make sense. They blushed in the slightest.

Moon and Neptune ran down the stairs. They held empty yogurt containers. "Looking for these, Elijah?" Moon asked, holding the cups. She threw them in the trash. "They were in Dawn's drawers." Phoenix forced a cough.

"Well, I didn't mean to. I didn't know who they belonged to." Dawn admitted, but she wasn't admitting defeat, she was just stating the truth. "I was hungry, so. Anyway, whoever had the yogurt has a really nice taste! I would love more yogurt from them!"

Neptune had forced herself to hide her emotions, even if she was sensitive, she blushed at Hunter. She looked away. At that moment, Phoenix teased her. "Is that you asking Elijah on a date?" Phoenix asked. Dawn blushed as Elijah stared at her.

"No..." Dawn muttered. "It's me asking him for his yogurt. Not a date!" Dawn's eyes changed into her dragon eyes. She rolled them. "I just realized, this is the first day we're here, and this happens! This normally happens within weeks from now!"

Phoenix nudged Dawn in the stomach. "Whatever! Can we go now?" Phoenix asked, clearly impatient. Phoenix stood up and grabbed Dawn's arm. With her other hand, she grabbed Moon, who grabbed Neptune.

Hunter stared at Neptune. She ignored him. The minute they all walked in the room, Phoenix slammed it shut. "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?!" She screamed. Neptune looked at her shoes. Phoenix screamed gibberish once more.

Dawn put a hand on her hip. "Why are you angry?" Dawn pointed out. Phoenix stopped yelling. She sighed.

"Curse you and your fancy emotions, Tristan." Phoenix murmured. She walked to her bed and lay flat on her stomach.

Neptune opened her mouth, but said nothing. She was confused, but let her sister deal with her "fancy emotions".

Phoenix laid on her bed and screamed in her pillow. Luckily, no sound came out. Even after she was done screaming, Phoenix stayed in the same position. Face still covered. A knock came from the door and Moon opened it. Aaron stood in front of the door. Moon smiled, but didn't let him in. "I just... nevermind. Dinner in ten." Aaron stated. He left without a warning. Moon didn't even smile. It happened too fast for her to realize. Then it hit her.

Moon screamed, "We're all eating dinner together!" slamming the door. She looked at her sisters. None of them cared. "Oh, well."

Dawn sat still. She tapped her shoes. "Might as well go now." Dawn sighed. All of the sisters got up from where they sat and headed downstairs. Neptune jumped from stair to stair with Dawn doing the same. Moon and Phoenix whispered funny jokes in each other's ears. The minute they all made it downstairs, their eyes glimmered with light.

A large table for twelve had eight plates on it. A wonderful scent filled their noses. It was a scent you could never get rid of. It would be trapped in their memories forever. They really didn't mind.

The sisters eyed the table. They sat down at the table with the four boys. No one said anything for a while, so they just ate. The food was simple "earth-food". Pasta and meatballs. Not a single sound was made until the doorbell rang. "Open the door! I'm not using your stupid code if there's more than six of you! Open the door!" Screamed a female voice. Hunter groaned as he opened the door. The girl stepped in. She wore a hood over her head and carried a basket. The girl was extremely short and high pitched.

For her vocabulary, she must be at least our age. Moon thought to herself.

"Do you have food for me?" She asked.

Hunter looked at the kitchen. "Of course, Ditiya! Come sit next to... Neptune!" Hunter exclaimed. The girl, Ditiya, sat next to Neptune. She placed the basket next to her chair. Hunter gave her a plate and served her.

Elijah looked at Ditiya. "No hoods at the table," he sighed. Ditiya removed her hood. She looked no older than ten. The sisters gasped.

"Before anyone says anything, no swearing" said Dawn, staring at Phoenix. She was about to but, who swears in front of a literal child? "Just continue, you stupid people" Dawn stated.

Ditiya turned and smiled at Neptune. "Hi, Neptune! I'm your step-sister, Ditiya!" She smiled. Her wholesome face grinned. "I'm a Legend just like you!" 


Hi again! It's Phoebe and Diana, this time. (She normally doesn't want to be here, yet here we are). I hope you liked this chapter. If you did please support me and my sister.

Back on the topic of a discord server, I need help. I have no idea what I'm doing (here and discord). I can really only hope that we will finish it soon enough. Also, I'm so sorry for not updating recently. I just finished school so now, there will (what i mean is should) be more constant updates.

But in all seriousness, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and I wish you a great day/night! And here's you weekly motivational quote from me; your limitations – it's only your imagination. So dream big and go big.

Well, that's all. Once again, remember to be yourself because there is only one of you in this world. Now, it's Phoebe and Diana signing out!

~Until chapter 8 friends (and foes)!~

(970 words, i give up trying to make it 1000).

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