Chapter 9: The story beneath the legend.

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The amount of lore in this chapter, jeez. I'm not sorry though.


 The sisters sat in a circle in the middle of the room. "When we first came, we went to the palace, during training. I used my powers and got a vision. I saw words. Like, criminal, fake, traitors, and cruel. More to come. I saw a guy. Then my thoughts said it was just my type. But I didn't really see him. I saw his silhouette. I think now it wasn't my type of guy romantically, cause I don't have one. It might be for something else. Like murder. One of the words was death." Dawn explained, quivering. She held her breath when she finished.

Phoenix held her closely. "Todoroki, what did you see?" She asked.

"I'm not Shōto Himura-Todoroki! My powers are planet-based. Not off my parents!" Neptune argued. She closed her eyes. "I think someone was in control of me when I using my power-rings. Unlike Dawn, she was in a magic forcefield world. For me, I saw vision made out of water, ice, and fire. I think it took me somewhere. So when I was there, someone took me over( "Someone with a fat attitude." Dawn snickered. "No kidding." Moon laughed.)."

Phoenix and Dawn were writing this down. It was their job to make the conspiracy theories or fix them up. They were professionals. "I think we have on conclusion." Phoenix stated.

"THEN SAY IT." said Neptune. Phoenix cleared her throat.

"I think," Phoenix started. Dawn shot her a glare. "We think that during a certain time when we use our powers, you get visions or clues or something." Phoenix croaked.

"I'm very concerned." Moon stated. "And very confused."

"When I was talking trash to Layla in her face, I wasn't there. I saw other things. VISIONS. I was doing other things. Watching the past. Someone else was taking me over." Neptune explained, swinging her hands everywhere.

Moon blinked. "Oh." She flipped some of her hair to the back. "Anyways, who cares about this and her? Not me. She's rude and this is a waste of time. I was thinking, we could dye our hair."

Everyone stared at her like she had lost her marbles and then tripped on them. Maybe swallowed a few, no one knows.

Neptune smiled. "That actually might be a good idea!" She exclaimed. At that moment, she put her palm in the middle of their circle. Her hand had frost on it. Phoenix put her hand on Neptune's. Her's had ashes and a few flames. Dawn put her on top of all of them. Her fingers had a purple glow. Moon yawned dramatically and put her hand on the very, very, VERY, top. Her ring started to levitate.

When did she get a ring? Neptune thought.

The thought didn't matter. When Phoenix explained their theory, she mentioned a certain time. Any time. Little did they know, that time was now.


When Phoenix opened her eyes, her sisters were scanning the room. They were looking at a room made out of gold, diamond, and plenty of precious stones. None of them could even speak. Why? A calendar was next to them. It looked really different, like a long long time ago. Dawn managed to read it. Don't even ask how.

"This is five thousand years ago. This is another vision!" She exclaimed. The room was filled with people.

Four more walked in. The first was a red-headed girl with red eyes. She had a staff with a firing crystal on the top. Her dress sizzled as it touched the floor. The dress changed colours from yellow, orange, and red. Her eyes faded between red and yellow, just like Phoenix but with yellow. Then it hit Phoenix. Her dress was made of fire. "Her dress..." Phoenix mumbled. Fortunately, not a single thing lit on fire.

The second was a male. Dawn recognized this person. "It's the same guy from my vision." She gleamed with joy, she could have outshone Phoenix if she was to light this place on fire. The male's staff had a star on the top. It was strapped against his back. He had pouches, bottles, and spices hanging on his belt. He had a cape black and long. Dark purple smoke was on it. Prints of a dragon were on the very back of the hood. He had black hair with a strip of purple to match his violet eyes.

The third was a girl. She had black hair almost entirely dyed pink. Her grey eyes glistened in the light. She smiled with joy as she took her seat. Her pink flowing dress was an attraction to everyone. It was simply gorgeous. Even her herself, too. She had no staff. In her hands, was a stone. A moon rock. This was her inspiration. "Wow." Moom murmured. The third smiled.

The fourth was a male, too. He had shiny black hair and faded teal. He held no staff either. He held an ice sword that was half on fire. It was so amazing to watch. "Look at that!" Neptune yelled, shocked. He wore a collared shirt with iced buttons. His pants were normal. He took his seat across the second. They smiled at each other. The fourth pulled on his sleeves nervously. None of them looked normal.

A voice boomed in the room. It was a man sitting at the front of the table. "Today, as the king, we will plan to bring peace to this world. How? By writing our futures. We will let our four most powerful sorcerers write the powers of four sisters. They will save our land." The king explained. "We expect that maybe, with magic, the writers will be able to see them enter our time."

The four writers looked at the sisters. They squint really hard. The first groaned. "Looks like we're alone this time!" She laughed. "Let's move on. And hope everyone takes their SEATS."

Phoenix grabbed Dawn's hand and sat in an open chair. Four were already open. Maybe for them. Dawn sat in the chair next to Phoenix. Moon sat across Phoenix and Neptune across Dawn. A pen flew in front of each sorcerer.

The king spoke again, "On the golden pieces of parchment paper, magic will be held in. So will be in these pens. As you write, four souls will be given the magic they have been gifted with." The king looked at the clock on the wall. "When midnight strikes, you must finish. Ten minutes. Now."

The writers began to write. Each sorcerer concentrated very hard. The third's wrist looked like it was going to break. The first was sweating.




Hi everyone, it's Phoebe here with a new chapter. 

I would just like to ask, how are you guys? I realized that a lot of authors don't appreciate their fans, so mental health check?

Personally, I'm really tired. I have to start writing chapter 10 now and I have no energy to do so. But, it's for you guys, my readers, you are people who mean a lot to me. 

Since I care, here's your weekly quote: "it isn't where  you came from, it's where you came from that counts" -Ella Fitzgerald

That's really all for this week so remember, you are loved and worthy of this world, I don't care what others say.

This is Phoebe signing out!

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