Chapter 8: Siblings you didn't know existed, but how bad can that be?

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Hi. How are you doing? Totally not trying to divert the conversation away from the fact that i published late, no that's not happening. Totally. The image has nothing to do with anything, I just had the urge to make another meme.

(Once again, the image is my property so if you wish to utilize it, ask permission first.)

Also, happy independence day for all you Americans!



Ditiya smiled at Neptune. "Hi, Neptune! I'm your step-sister, Ditiya!" She smiled. Her wholesome face grinned. "I'm a Legend just like you!"

The water in Dawn's mouth spit out and landed right back in her cup. She choked desperately for air. Ditiya just stared at her. Phoenix helped her. "How?!" Dawn exclaimed.

"The entire family has Legend powers." Ditiya explained. "I answer prayers and decide balance. Well, not yet. I haven't gotten my powers yet." Ditiya shoved two meatballs in her mouth. Neptune helped her eat, or stuff her mouth with food.

"How old are you?" Neptune asked. "Any siblings?" Ditiya nodded. She put one of her fingers up.

"I'm nine, but I'm turning ten soon!" she replied, it was clear she had a very bubbly personality. "I also have a brother, his name is Zale. He has water-like powers." Ditiya explained.

"We originally thought she was one of the main legends, but that theory was wrong given that you four exist." Elijah added to the already growing conversation.

"Speaking of your brother," started Phoenix."Is he going to come here?" She seemed very interested in this subject. Probably because Zale is the only boy known that is in the family. Ditiya rolled her eyes.

"That boy... Yes, he is. Unfortunately." Ditiya groaned. She stabs her fork in a meatball. Moon smiled brightly.

"So which room are you staying in?" Moon asked. Ditiya glanced at Aaron.

"Don't make me share with him! Can I go into their room?" Ditiya begged. Aaron sighed.

"You were supposed to anyway." He said. "The beds you have can be turned into bunk beds. Do whatever you wish."

At that lovely moment, the burst opened. It was raining outside again, so lightning struck too. A boy with light blue streaks in his hair opened the door. He looked pleased. "WHAT'S UP- Oh... Hi... Hello, Ditiya. Hey, guys. I, um, I kinda broke your door... again..."
Phoenix screamed, "CAN WE GET AN F IN THE CHAT!" Moon choked on her saliva. Dawn slapped her on the back. Moon screeched, then apologized.

"The 'f' has been granted, m'lady." Tristan replied, it took him a few seconds to realize what he had just said. They both turned a little bit red.

"Anyways, I'm Zale, the wholesome boy." He sat on the boy's side of the table across from Ditiya. He gave her puppy dog eyes. "Fix the door? Please." Zale pressed his palms together and stared. Everyone just watched.

Ditiya threw her napkin at him. "I'm nine. I can't use my own powers because I'm too YOUNG to use something so powerful!" Ditiya screamed, but then she looked at the door. "But a little practice could be useful for someone like me."

She looked into Zale's eyes. Her eyes flashed the same color as his. Her eyes opened. A green orb of light flashed by the door. It sparked fire and light into the room. A yellow door showed up where a brown door should have been.

Ditiya groaned. She chugged her water. Zale refilled her cup. "I'll re-paint it." Zale promised, holding his right hand up.

"You better." Elijah said.


Eventually, dinner was finished. What you could say is that it was very... chaotic.

Ditiya slumped in her bunk once Zale and Hunter finished helping to make them. "There... you good, lil sis?" Zale wheezed. Ditiya tapped her brother's head as she sat on the bottom bunk. He smiled happily. "I hope you're happy."

"I'm always happy when you're around, bro." Ditiya whispered in Zale's ear. Zale hugged his sister. He left to join Aaron and Hunter. Dawn watched from the doorway. She slipped behind a vase when Zale walked out. Dawn's room was across the hall, so she could spy easily. But there was just something she couldn't figure out.

Why is everyone being so sentimental? Dawn thought. She couldn't put it together. So she decided to slowly gather the puzzle pieces.

"It's not nice of you to spy on people." A voice said. Dawn almost screamed, but caught her breath when she almost knocked the vase down. Dawn turned her head. Elijah was behind her.

"I'm not spying! WHY ARE YOU SPYING?!" Dawn screamed. Elijah rolled his eyes.

"You're HIDING behind a VASE, Dawn." He stated. Dawn cringed. She gave a nervous laugh and slowly walked into her room. Elijah slid a paper under the door once Dawn locked it. It was a list of the rooms.

"Layla? Ari? Who is that?" Dawn asked, reading the list. Neptune gasped. She ran up to Dawn frantically.

"The girls who trained me and Moon!" Neptune exclaimed. She covered her eyes with her hands. Moon sighed sadly.

"Ari wasn't that bad..." Moon admitted. "But her real name is Ariana." She smiled at Neptune who was clearly not having it.

Neptune bit her lip and sighed. She heard the door knob twist open. She knew who was coming in. A familiar shy face appeared. Layla.

"Neptune, I'm sorry." She apologized. "I'm so sorry! I never wanted to make fun of you! I'm honest! If you let me explain, it's gonna make sense-"

Neptune's breath became cold. She raised an eyebrow to her. The air in the room became very humid. Neptune's powers were kicking in. Neptune's bangs fell over her eyes.

"The name's Neptune Venus. I'm a legend. Not a bully's victim. And you're sorry? Who are you, Layla? You're playing with people's feelings! That message really hurt!" Neptune yelled. The door was left open. Everyone was starting to peer in. Shards of ice flew around Neptune's hand when she pointed it at Layla. Layla's eyes went big. "Don't apologize to me ever again. Don't you even talk to me." Neptune warned.

The shards around Neptune's hands started to melt as Neptune's hands went dry. She brushed her hand against her shirt. She smiled at herself. Then she glared at Layla. Layla's eyes watered. She slowly stepped backwards. She bumped into the wall as she tried to leave the room.

Ariana walked in. She pointed two fingers at Neptune. "I'm watching you! Nobody makes my friend cry." Ariana seethed. "Or you'll get what you're asking for." She flipped her long brown red hair. Her green eyes were so clear she wasn't lying.

The light in Neptune's eyes returned. "What? Sure." Neptune mumbled. She placed a hand on Ariana's shoulder. "Please leave our room."

Everyone left as Ariana turned around. Neptune turned to her sisters. "I got this crazy vision!" She exclaimed as she shut the door. "It showed me something. It showed me first that Dawn isn't telling us something."

Dawn chuckled. "Yeah... let's have a seat?" 


Your girl Dawn is very secretive, why didn't you figure out she would've hidden something from you? Dummy. Also, can you tell I'm trying not to cuss at every two seconds?

Mom & Dad (reference to the image above) = Phoenix and Tristan. You're welcome.

Well, that's all. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Again, super sorry about the late upload. I have no excuse except the fact that I forgot.

Quote: You. Yes you! You are the artist of your life. Don't give anyone the paintbrush because, only you know how you want the finished product to look like.

Have a great day/night!

This is Phoebe, and only Phoebe :( , signing out!

(1107 words)

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