Chapter 2

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A curtain of platinum hair fell over the pale face as the moist red lips moved farther up his length, sending a shiver through Theo as he let a shuddering breath escape him.

Jewels released a sound of a sharp, shrilling cry. She always thought pleasurable noises made Theo want her even more, but he intentionally ignored them.

Theo Wilder was a man of silence - putting it mildly - when he fucked. But his lovers weren't. They talked and screamed and cried. He didn't bother with those unnecessary little things but often made noises of pleasure himself.

He only ever wanted to hear one particular woman begging for more, squirming and breathing heavily.

"Are you close?" Jewels asked, peeking up over her long fake lashes to meet his gaze.

But Theo was too busy checking emails on his phone and grunted, not even bothering to glance at her pleading blue eyes.

She took that as a hint to continue her blissful sucking. Little did she know that nothing was considered blissful to the cold and ruthless Theo. All he felt was pleasure when it came to his dick in a mouth or on a occasion a pussy when he was properly fucking women.

He nearly jumped when he felt the pressure of her teeth running up and down his cock. "Jesus, Jewels. I told you no fucking teeth."

She rolled her eyes and unhooked her bra, allowing it to fall to the side before placing his moist length between her breasts. Ever so slowly, she thrust his cock up and down inside her cleavage and reached into her panties to rub her aching clit.

"Keep doing that," he demanded just as his phone rang. He frowned when he saw it was Tristan calling and pushed Jewels off of him before answering. "What do you want, Devereux?"

"Where the fuck are you?" he growled on the other end of the receiver. "You're an hour late and Serena is panicking in the fucking conference room."

Theo pulled the phone away from his ear to check the time and cursed under his breath. He hadn't realized he was an hour late for work. "Fuck, tell Serena I'll be there in ten minutes."

"Don't bother," he said through an exhale. "She's not going to open that door for anyone."

"She will for me." Theo hung up after that and grabbed the scattered clothes off the floor. "Get out, Jewels. I don't want you here while I'm at work."

"You never had a problem with that before," she said, glancing at him with hooded eyes. "What the fuck is going on with you? I offered you sex last night which you passed up and then again this morning."

"I'm not in the mood," he said, and he was surprised to find that was the truth. "Out, Jewels. Now."

She gaped at him in shock and tried to register his harsh voice. "Seriously?"

"Seriously," he repeated, dropping her clothes in her lap. "Get out of my house and I might just call you tonight."

She let out a humph before getting up to pull her clothes on. Theo watched her leave his house in a daze and shook his head to pull it back together.

Fuck, what was happening to him?

Ignoring the emptiness he suddenly felt, he climbed the stairs and jumped into his shower to scrub away traces of Jewels. He didn't feel like himself this particular morning, but he figured the feeling would eventually pass as the day progressed.

• • • • •

"Rena, you can't stay in there forever," Tristan said from the other side of the conference room door. "Theo wasn't here to guide you through your first meeting, but you're alright. Tomorrow's a new day."

"Please leave me alone," she said, dropping her head into her hands.

She could still feel the intense stares of every person when she walked into this room at seven in the morning. They had all expected a great business plan from Theo, but she was left to explain to the board members what the company had in store for the next month.

She hadn't had enough training in public speaking for that and ended the meeting in tears and whispers from everyone else.

"He's a shit partner," Tristan started, "but he's a good person. Don't let one bad meeting ruin your whole day. Come on, Rena. Just open the door for me."

She buried her face in her hands and bit hard into her lip to keep from sobbing. She was a grown woman, and she wasn't going to cry.

"Sweetheart," she heard Theo say. "I'm an ass. Let me see you."

"Is Tristan still there?" she managed to ask.

"No, I sent him away."

She reluctantly stood up to unlock the door and fell into his opened arms the second they were locked in again. "I hate you so much, Theodore. How could you leave me to run a meeting my first day here?"

He stroked her back and pressed his lips to her hair, inhaling deeply. "I'm sorry, sweetheart. That was a total ass move on my part."

"You think?" she bitterly asked. "I looked like such an idiot. I got up to speak and I started stuttering and breathing hard and I just couldn't think straight."

"Calm down," he whispered cooingly. "I've got you now. What do you need, sweetheart?"

"Teach me," she said, biting down on her bottom lip.

"Teach you what?"

"How to not be so tense. How to make a crowd listen. I'm so scared of myself sometimes, Theodore. I'm always so scared I'll faint or hurt myself."

"Don't be afraid," he said, swallowing hard. He was now just realizing he was holding the woman he longed to touch, and the most frightening revelation of all was that he had craved her touch for eight long years. "I can get you through your fear of public speaking, but you have to trust me. Do you trust me, sweetheart?"

She nodded. "I trust you, Theodore."

• • • • •

Isaac Wayne knew Theo well. He knew he was a mess. He had been for awhile, and something constantly ate him alive. The man was growing tired of himself, and as one of his best friends, Isaac had to figure it out.

"You only come to me when you need something," he said, holding his small infant against his chest as he led Theo into the kitchen.

Theo instantly made himself at home and poured himself a glass of scotch. "A few months ago when I was still seeing Athena, or attempting to, you were helping her become more... sexually open, right?"

Isaac scratched his stubble and took a seat across from his best mate. "Something like that. What's up?"

"Serena Colt," he said, chuckling to himself. "You remember Kyle? He, Tristan and I ran with the same crowd in college and then went to grad school together. Anyway, Kyle's got this sister I kinda screwed around with during my internship. Holy crap, man, you have to see her. I can't stop thinking about that eighteen year old girl."

"The Serena Colt as in your new partner?" Isaac asked, his eyes widening. "Did you ever fuck her?"

"No," Theo immediately said. "I said we screwed around. She wants me to help her out of her comfort zone. How'd you figure out how to unarm Athena? What did you do to make her more comfortable with herself?"

Isaac glanced down at his daughter and smiled. Disarming Athena was the reason for his child's birth. "It helps if you know this girl well. What makes her tick? What makes her weak? She's gotta be good if she's on your mind a lot."

"She's the reason I'm so fucked up." Theo hadn't realized that was true until he said it out loud. "For eight years I've been trying to find traces of her in other women. I spent three months with her, and for three months I wasn't with anyone else. I didn't even ever fuck her."

Isaac grinned and chuckled loudly. "She's got you by the balls. Might as well be married to her."

"You've been waiting for this, haven't you? You want to see the day I fall for a girl and fuck myself up. It won't happen, Wayne."

Isaac quirked an eyebrow. "You're already halfway there, Wilder."

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