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chapter five

LIZ WAS FOLLOWING the boys as they walked through the dark streets, "You guys!! Slow the fuck down." Davey pulled something from his pocket, "alright here's the plan", he showed a dingy looking walkie talkie. "No way you still have those?" Davey continued, "while you guys are spying I am gonna plant these outside of Mackey's window and we can use the other one to listen." Liz nodded in agreement, "smart Davey." She went to his side and stood closely next to him to look at what he was holding. Farraday watched Tommy roll his eyes at this. "Let's just not get caught, okay?" Liz could tell Woody was scared, and so was she but she believed Davey and wanted to support him. "If Mackey spots you, act like it's part of the game." Liz looked around and heard yelling from the other kids playing, "guys we should probably go soon before we get caught up with everyone." Davey nodded, "Liz is right, Farraday, Eats, and Liz you guys take the backyard, me and Woody will plant the walkie." All the boys put their hands together so Liz placed her hand on top of Tommy's, "Operation Manhunt starts now. Let's go."

Liz trailed behind Farraday and when they got to the backyard she went by Tommy. The boys talked over the walkie and Liz noticed Mackey's gloves "Holy Fuck, Tommy look." They noticed blood on his shirt and Mackey carrying a lot of cleaning supplies. "He's going to the basement." The kids frantically went around the house to see if they could see him. "Shit!" Liz and Tommy saw Davey run and trailed behind. 

"Guys I can't handle any more of this, I am going home", Liz was scared. Once Mackey caught Davey she knew he was going to be onto them. She just wanted to go to her room and go to sleep. 

The next day Liz decided to go for a walk. She needed to clear her head. She was walking past Davey's house and was going to stop by to talk to him when she noticed him across the street snooping around Mackey's house. 

She was on her way over to talk to him when Mackey came out from behind the house. She quickly ran to hid behind a car. 

Liz overheard them talking about the previous night and then watched Davey follow Mackey to the backyard. Davey noticed Liz as she shook her head pleading with him not to go back with him. Davey just continued to follow Mackey with fear in his eyes. 

Once Davey got away from Mackey he ran to where Liz was hiding. "What were you doing?!" Liz slightly pushed Davey as they both got up to go inside the house. "I was going to get the walkie talkie when he came over. He was trying to give me his old walkie talkies." Liz just shook her head and sighed as she followed Davey into his house. 

Liz was painting her nails when she heard Davey come in over her walkie talkie, "Guys I am freaking the fuck out." Woody replied, "Dude it's one in the morning you're gonna wake up my mom." "Not after the pounding I just gave her." Liz rolled her eyes at that. "Guys I'm serious." Liz could tell he was worried, "What happened Davey?" Eats came over the walkie talkie, "What happened Davey?" He mimicked her, "Why don't you just go fuck him Barbie." Liz rolled her eyes once more, "Why don't you just shut the fuck up Tommy." "GUYS! Emergency meeting. Treehouse. Now." Liz put the cap on her nail polish and climbed out her window.

"The walkie was sitting in his window, he wanted me to see it" Liz got worried, "Holy fuck do you think he's on to us?" Davey tried to comfort her, "There is no way he knows why we're spying on him and even if he does, he's only onto me. Which is why I need you guys now. I have a plan."

Liz stood next to Woody and chewed on her freshly painted nails. Woody tried to reassure her with a smile.

The kids discussed their plan for the next day to follow Mackey. 

"Tommy.. Tommy- Slow down!" For some reason Tommy seemed to be upset with Liz but she just brushed it off. Davey had two shovels in his hand and Liz was supposed to be the lookout.

Liz was annoyed with Tommy because he was being pissy towards her. So she just sat and picked at her nails while the boys were digging. She caught Tommy looking at her multiple times so she whispered towards him. "Psst.." Tommy glanced at her looking annoyed, "What's your deal?" Tommy put his shovel in the dirt and walked over to her grabbing her arm and dragged her away from Davey. 

She tried pulling her arm away, "ouch?" He rolled his eyes and looked at her, "Are you fucking Davey?" She scoffed offended. "Excuse me?" "You heard me", he said loudly but then whispered when he realized how loud he was, "You're like all over him all the time, and he said you went over to his house the other day." She slightly smirked,  "Okay? And you care why?" He got flustered, "I don't. It's just I don't want the other guys thinking you're some slut." Now she was actually annoyed with him, "Because I am right? Just some huge slut." She stormed off and parked herself right where she was sitting earlier and Tommy went back to digging. 

Liz spent the rest of the time ignoring the two boys while Davey and Tommy broke into the shed.  "Well this whole night has been a waste of time," Tommy looked over at Liz who was paying him no mind. 

"Until now. Look what I found! It's Dusty's shirt!" "Oh the ginger?" Davey used his flashlight to get a better look at the shirt, "Oh shit is that blood?" 

"What are you guys doing in there?!" The two boys jumped but softened when they heard Liz and the two boys laughing. "Do you guys have a death wish?" "Do you? We have been trying call you for like ten minutes. We lost Mackey." Woody chimed in, "Yeah guys we need to go.. Like now." "You will never believe what we found." Davey was still in shock, "Neither will you guys, c'mon."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2023 ⏰

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