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chapter four

LIZ HEARD the boys talking as she was about to climb up the ladder

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LIZ HEARD the boys talking as she was about to climb up the ladder. "No way! No fucking way!" She overheard the boys yelling and rolled her eyes. "Hey assholes." Liz pulled herself up into the treehouse and sat down, all of the boys were looking at her, "What?" Farraday shook his head and the rest looked away. It was night time and all of the kids were sitting around Tommy's treehouse. Farraday pulled out a bottle of whiskey and the boys whistled. "Finally using those brain powers for good." Liz pushed Tommy slightly and glared at him. Farraday took the first sip, he made a face and coughed. Everyone took turns trying the gross drink. "Guess you dickheads aren't men yet," Tommy took a drink and Liz smirked at him. She knew he was gonna hate it. He slightly made a face but choked the drink down. He handed the bottle to Liz and continued talking.

"So what's going on with you and Nikki?" Tommy smiled at Davey. Davey also smiled, "Well, we hung out again last night." The boys all congratulated him. "No guys we have like, a connection." Liz slightly frowned because she knew her friend. Eats took another sip of the whiskey, "A connection? Only connection I want with her is vaginal, oral if she's into it." Liz punched Tommy once again, "Shut up Tommy." Eats smirked at her, "What? You jealous?" She rolled her eyes, "No. Shut up."

"Guys, Mackey's still out there." Farraday spoke up, "Look, Davey. We've been on him for weeks. I mean if he was going to give us a clue we would've seen it by now. Don't you think?" "Unless we missed it the first time."

All of the kids got out of the treehouse and started walking. Davey opened the door first. He turned to face the other kids, "What everyone leaves their doors unlocked." "It was locked last time." Liz moved next to Davey, "Let's go in." Nobody moves, "What if they're dead in there?" Eats wasn't moving, "It said he killed kids not adults." "That's not totally true," Liz looked over to Davey for him to back her up. "Yeah, one of the articles at the library said he killed a whole family. It said something must've gone wrong. And if it's Mackey!" Eats rolled his eyes, "Fuck that. You wanna go in there? Be my guest, dumbasses first." Liz rolled her eyes and scoffed, "I'm going in." Tommy shot up, "Liz I was kidding!" Farraday smirked at Tommy, "You call her Liz now?" Eats ignored him. Woody just looked into the doorway, "I have a bad feeling about this."

Davey looked over at Liz as she tried flipping the light on, "It doesn't work." They all walked through the house staying alert. "Do you guys smell that?" Liz rolled her eyes and tried joking around, "If you ripped ass - now is not the time." Nobody laughed and Farraday spoke up, "It smells like roadkill."

"Do you guys still think I'm crazy?" The house had an eerie feeling and Liz hid behind Tommy. The phone started to ring and all of the kids jumped, Liz grabbed onto Tommy and screamed. "Guys! Shut up! They could still be in the house." Davey flashed his flash light onto the light switch, "Woody - try the light." A hand creeped over the light switch before Woody could reach it and they all screamed. "Oh my god!" Nikki had a knife in her hand and screamed aswell. "You bitch!," Liz screamed at her friend. Nikki held her chest, "You guys scared the crap out of me." Liz slightly shoved her friend, "We scared you?!" Davey spoke up, "What are you doing here - with the lights off?" Nikki breathed out, "I blew a fuse vacuuming up this mess. Stupid cats."

Nikki explained how she was watching the cats because the family rented an RV and were going up to their lake house for the summer. "What the hell are you guys doing here?" Nobody said anything so Liz spoke up, "Sammy was missing so we thought maybe the Hoffman's were dead." Nikki tried to cover her laugh, "And let me guess, you guys thought it was Mackey." "Seriously Davey?" Tommy looked between the two, "Wait? You're really talking to her? What's going on here? Are you guys hooking up?" Liz thought that Davey and Nikki were cute despite the age difference so she smiled. "Let's just say, he's more of a man than you jerk-offs." Nikki walked out of the room and all of the boys started laughing and patted Davey on the back. Liz giggled, "You guys are such dorks."

Liz was sitting in Nikki's room listening to music and laughing. "So Davey huh?," Liz smirked and nudged her friend. Nikki rolled her eyes jokingly and dodged the question, "What about you? All those boys and your telling me not one peaks your interest?" Liz looked at the ground and didn't say anything. "Wait what! Tell me!" Liz giggled, "I don't really know yet and I don't wanna ruin the friendship I have with all of them so it's probably nothing." Before Nikki could ask more Liz' walkie talkie made static noise, "Hey guys what time are we playing manhunt tonight?"

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