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chapter three

"GET DOWN SHIT FOR BRAINS!" Over the past week Liz has decided to join the boys on their little adventure, so she has quickly become close with everyone

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"GET DOWN SHIT FOR BRAINS!" Over the past week Liz has decided to join the boys on their little adventure, so she has quickly become close with everyone. Except for Tommy Eaton of course. She sat between Farraday and Tommy in Woody's mother's car.

"Woody what are doing you're going to lose him! Go!" Liz rolled her eyes at Farraday's outburst. "Guys I'm freaking out, okay! My mom catches me and I'm dead shit." Liz places her hand on Woody's shoulder and smiles at him. "Woody relax! You said your mom was going to be asleep for hours." "Yeah and you look like your 30." Liz slapped Tommy's arm and glared at him, 'Be nice,' she mouthed. "Hurry up!" The boys all groaned as Woody struggled to start the car.

Woody stopped the car in front of a hardware shop, "Hey, Woody. Where were you last night?" He slightly glanced back at Liz, "Just stuff with my mom, she needed me." "You'll never guess who showed up at my door." Davey smirked and all of the boys looked at him with interest.

Liz already knew Nikki showed up but acted stupid so Davey could have his 10 seconds of fame. The boys all laughed once Davey said Nikki, "No way." "There isn't a parallel universe with butt fucking wookies where Nikki showed up at your house last night." Liz actually laughed. "I-I'm serious! She was about to kiss me- Guys!" Everyone's attention went to the front door of the hardware store. Liz watched as some guy loaded dirt bag after dirt bag into Mackey's car. "Is that a fucking pickaxe." Liz' eyes went wide, "No fucking way." "Just like Kyle said, how many bodies do you think that would bury?" Liz thought, "A fuck ton."

The kids continued to follow Mackey, that was until all of the guys started yelling at him. "Woody watch out!" Liz grabbed onto the body next to her and closed her eyes, "Get off the road you maniac!" Tommy yelled at the car in front of them. "Now we lost him." Liz opened her eyes and let go of Tommy. Woody started freaking out so Davey yelled, "Guys! Relax. Let's just get home as fast as we can and hope that's where he's going to."

The car ride was silent, "Oh shit! Fuck." Woody pulled over, "Is that Mackey?" "Woody just be cool." Woody was not cool, "I don't have my license genius!" "Tell 'em you forgot it at home." "What if it's fucking Mackey!," Davey yelled.

Liz shrunk down into her seat as the officer knocked on the window, "Shit- Officer Cole." The cop sighed, "Dale Woodsworth, I thought tha was you." "Does your mother know you stole her car?" "No- Uh- We we're just borrowing it- ran out of snacks and she was asleep so I just-" "What if it wasn't me who pulled you over? You could be in some real trouble." "I-I know I'm so sorry, it won't happen again." The officer looked into the car, "Mr. Eaton, what a surprise." "Officer Cole. We meet again." "And Liz, does your mother know you're here." Liz slowly nodded, "Yes sir." Tommy snorted.

"Look guys- another kid has gone missing, everyone up at town hall is in a panic. People are talking about canceling the festival. So get your asses home where it's safe and stay there. You got it?" Everyone nodded.

Liz was combing out her hair when she heard talking, confused she looked all around her room and noticed a walkie talking in her bag. "Who cares? Where's the dirt?," Liz set the walkie talkie on her bed and continued getting ready for bed. When she came back from the bathroom there was no more talking. She shrugged her shoulders and picked it up, "Hey asswipes, can I come over to one of yours. Nikki's pissing me off and I don't wanna be home." Silence. Then, "Yeah sure come to my treehouse though." Liz pulled on her sweatshirt and grabbed two beers from her fridge.

Liz whispered as she climbed up the ladder, "Tommy?" She got into the treehouse and felt someone grab her. She screamed and dropped her bag. "You ass!" She started slapping the laughing boy. She ignored his laughter and pulled out a beer from her bag. "Here." He stopped laughing and grabbed the beer from her hand. "Sooo Barbie, what going on in the dream house that made you come to casa de Eats?" She ignored his nickname and sighed, "Parents fighting, parents apologizing to me. It's a lot to handle every night." He nodded and took a drink, "Parents suck." She also nodded and took a sip from her own beer. "I'm going to sleep, you can have my beer if you want," She laid down on the treehouse floor and took her blanket from her bag, "Night Tommy." Eats watched her eyes flutter close and he whispered, "Night Liz."

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