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chapter two

    "MAYBE YOU SHOULD TAKE NIKKI?" The boys laughed at his sarcastic comment, "Yeah and Eats can take Liz

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    "MAYBE YOU SHOULD TAKE NIKKI?" The boys laughed at his sarcastic comment, "Yeah and Eats can take Liz." Tommy laughed, "She fucking hates me!" Farraday looked at him goofly, "Why?, she's so nice to me." He rolled his eyes and leaned back,  "Because in like fucking fifth grade I started calling her Barbie and to my knowledge it'd be a fucking complement! Like she's hot, blonde and has a killer bod but nooo." He rolled his eyes again, "Anyways, she hated the nickname and everyone started calling her that." Davey turned around, "I've never heard anyone, besides you, call her that." He threw his hands up, "Well yeah! That's because everyone stopped in sixth grade. She just never forgave me." Woody spoke up, "Well it is kind of a dick move, she hates that nickname and you know it. What's the point of calling her it?" Tommy smirked, "To piss her off."


Liz had gotten a call from Nikki wanting the young girl to come over, so she snuck out of her house and started walking. As she was walking she heard talking, she got nervous as there was a serial killer on the loose. She continued walking cautiously. "You have got to be kidding me."

"If I find a used condom in there, I'm going to be so jealous." Liz rolled her eyes and walked up to the group of boys. "What are you losers doing?" They all jumped at the voice.

"Barbie! What are you doing out so late? Didn't you know there was a serial killer on the loose?," Tommy smirked and looked at the girl. She once again, rolled her eyes. "Well Tommy, I was just on my way to Nikki's but then I saw you guys digging through.." Liz looked at the house, "Mackey's garbage?" She cocked her head to the side and shifted her body, "So, why?"

This time Eats was the one to roll his eyes, "Dipshit over here thinks Mackey's the killer." Liz just shrugged her shoulders and stood by Davey, "I could see it."

That night Liz decided to stay out with the boys and help them look through the trash. Nikki would understand.

"You know.. We could look through his mail?" Farraday suggested, Liz lifted her head from the mail box and got up. "For instance," Farraday smiled and turned around the magazine. Tommy's eyes went wide and he got up, he ran over and grabbed it. Liz smacked his arm while Davey started to talk, "Farraday's right! We could check his mail everyday and he'll never suspect a thing." Liz glared over at Tommy as he shoved the magazine down his pants.
"We should get out of here before Mackey gets back." Everyone nodded in agreement except for Liz. "Night assholes." She walked in the direction of Nikki's house. Turning around she blew the boys a kiss and continued her walk.


Nikki was wide awake when Liz snuck in her window, "Hey bitch." Nikki smiled and applied some lipgloss. "So Liz." Nikki batted her eyelashes and smiled innocently at her friend, Liz knew she wanted something. "What's up?" Nikki smacked her lips, "I'm going out but I'll be back soon, I promise. I just need you to let me back in and cover for me if my parents come upstairs." Liz nodded and smiled at her friend, "Go, have fun. But come home soon okay? There is a killer on the loose."

"Back so soon." Liz held out her hand to pull Nikki up. "Yup, just had to clear some things up with peeping tom next door." Liz laughed to herself and got into Nikki's bed. Nikki crawled in after and laid facing Liz, "Thank you for being my best friend Liz." Liz smiled but didn't say anything back, "Night Nikki."

𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐄.              𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now