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chapter one

       ELIZABETH SPUN AROUND in her room as she listened to her walkman, mouthing all of the words and playing the air guitar

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       ELIZABETH SPUN AROUND in her room as she listened to her walkman, mouthing all of the words and playing the air guitar. "Liz?" Her mother softly knocked on her open door. She pulled off her headset and smiled at her mom. "A boy named Curtis Farraday is on the phone asking for you." Liz groaned and walked down the stairs, "Yello?" Liz had met Farraday because she failed math every semester and her teacher said the only way she would be able to move up a grade was to get tutored, during summer. "Hey, Liz. It's Farraday, I'm really sorry but I'm going to have to cancel our tutoring session tonight." Elizabeth pumped her fists in the air and silently sang, "Yeah, it's no problem. See you tomorrow." She quickly hung up and smiled to herself. "Mom I'm going over to Nikki's!"

Nikki Kaszuba and Elizabeth Jones have been friends since they were kids, despite their age gap and their very different sense of fashion and views. Liz knocked on her friends room door and smiled when she opened it. But that smile quickly dropped when she heard what she was listening to. "Nikki, no. I thought you were better than this." Nikki rolled her eyes and pushed the door open and let her friend in. She had turned down, Girls just wanna have fun, and opened her closet. "Ipswich lanes tonight?" Liz nodded.

Liz drank her Pepsi as she listened to her friend dj-ing. "Hey Barbie," Liz sat down her drink and rolled her eyes. She didn't even need to turn around, she already knew exactly who it was. Tommy fucking Eaton. "Tommy! How's being a virgin?" She faced the boy as he smirked, "How would I know, if anything you should ask yourself." She glared at him and turned back around, trying to ignore him. "You look hot in that top," She felt his hand get close to her ass so she quickly turned around grabbing his arm, "Talk to me again and I'll make sure you have no hands to jerk off with." He put a hand to his heart, "You know, I'm hurt Barbie. Truly. I mean jerking off is my only purpose in life. I mean, besides torturing you." She took her drink and slowly poured it over his head, "Oops, my hand must've slipped!" Liz grabbed her money, shoved it in her pocket and left.

Elizabeth knew Nikki wouldn't be home 'till later so she laid on her bed listening to her walkman.

She must've fallen asleep because when she woke up Nikki was shaking her, "Wake up! Come downstairs." The two girls turned on the tv and watched the news, "Holy fuck."

The girls were getting tired so they started getting ready for bed, "You wanna borrow a shirt." Liz looked down at her cropped band tee and nodded. She wiggled out of her jeans and took her top off.

"Incoming titties, 12'o clock!," Farraday grabbed the binoculars and stared outside of Davey's window. The boys all ran over and Tommy stole the binoculars. "Holy shit." Farraday's eyes went wide, "Is that Liz?" Eats smirked and nodded. "If I was over there right now, she'd be pregnant," Farraday swooned watching Nikki. "Show her a little respect okay? Her parents are getting divorced."

"Please turn around, please." Liz put the baggy tee over her head and when she popped her head through she made eye contact with the boys.

"Uh Nikki, you've got at least four peeping tom's next door." Nikki turned around holding her boobs making eye contact with Davey.

very short chapter
sorry :,(

𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐁𝐈𝐄.              𝐭𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐧Where stories live. Discover now