Immortal Sins :Rise Against the Angels

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 Immortal Sins

Book 1- Rise Against the Angels


It was sometime past midnight when I was awoken by the sound of the fire alarm going off, by the time my eyes had opened the burning sensation from the smoke and the haze made it so incredibly hard to see anything. I knew my bedroom like the back of my hand I started to make my way towards the door inching my way while trying to refrain myself from panicking. Holding my breath and covered my face with my shirt as I neared the door I pressed my fingertips securely around the nob when it burned my fingers to the touch.

The fire was outside of my door and the only other escape was my window. My heart started racing insanely as I ran blindly towards the window that was so small even if I  had managed to open it there was no way I’d be able to get out. The disbelief and  desperation sunk in I was trapped.

After everything dawned on me I couldn’t help but think about the rest of my family, had they made it out alright?  I then heard the most terrifying sound that haunted me. My baby sister  Summer screaming and crying at the top of her lungs. She was still in here but I  wasn’t able to hear if mom and dad made it out. I started screaming from the top of my lungs.

“MOM! DAD! Are you guys in here? I can’t get out and I hear Summer.”

No response only Summer’s cries for “Momma.”

I gulped as I tried kicking down the door it could do two things, cause the blaze to uproar even further or give me the chance to at least find Summer because if I could only get in there her window was big enough I could at least get her out.

“Summer, I’m going to find you just hang in there baby it’s okay!” I tried pulling out a dresser drawer and smash it against the door but it wouldn’t budge.

“MOM! XAVIER! DAD! ANYONE!!!!” Screaming from the top of my lungs as tears flooded down my cheeks. My breathing was so rapid I felt my head start to spin, the air was too thick and filled with smoke that I knew we didn’t have much time. At this point I couldn’t see a thing so I smashed my bedroom window open to scream as loud as I could.


My voice broke when I took notice to  the most eerie sound of all. Silence. The crackling of the fire was all I heard, not a single cry or scream. That’s the last thing I heard or saw before everything started to blur.


A/N: As you might have noticed my previous romance novel I started "Love is Louder" was removed I lost interest so I discontinued it. As for Saying Goodbye 2 it is still in the process but it's going a bit slower than I would like. The Alliance is my main focus atm but I wanted to write something that's been itching to come out for a while. This story will be regular seeing as I have several chapters to this story written already.  I hope you guys like this and remember to vote/comment/fan all that good stuff. I appreciate the support that I continue to get and hopefully I will have more time to write. <3

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