Kit Harrington and Batman

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"Okay, everyone here is thinking about it. What is going on with you and Noah?" I asked Ashley. I waited for her to spill the beans as soon as she came to school today but she talked as if there was absolutely nothing going on with her. At my outburst, she smirked at me.

"Oh right! You'll wanna know?" She asked us and we all nodded in unison. It would have been hilarious but I was too curious to laugh.

"I 'accidentlly' bumped into him when we were passing by the hall last week and he dropped some of his books. I bent down to help him collect everything and I noticed he was blushing. I did a mental happy dance and gave him my number. We talked for a while and he seemed really sweet." She said giving it a dramatic pause.
"Then?" Mia asked.
"Next day, I saw him on the football field practicing for the upcoming match against the wolves. He was shirtless and all thoughts of dating him and taking it slow converted to banging him till his mind's blown." She said happily and we all cringed.
"So when yesterday I said if you wanna go out to eat with me, you were having sex with him?" I asked.
"Oh no! I thought about having sex with him but to be honest he seems like a really nice guy and I don't wanna dive into bed so soon. I mean it's been months since I found someone this sweet. I don't wanna rush." She finished.
"When did she learned how to keep her legs closed?" Sofia joked and we all laughed. Ashley is an easy going person. She is usually comfortable with all kinds of relationships, flings or serious and she somehow manages everything perfectly. She is a hardcore extrovert and it's very easy to talk to her, to engage in a conversation with her.

The last class I had before lunch was Art and again, it was with Carter. Every class I had was with him. Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Art and Physical Education. He also had literature class with Emma and Mark which, thanking the lords, was not with me.

We entered the Art class side by side talking about the possible role of Kit Harrington, aka, John Snow has in the new Eternals movie. It didn't help that Marvel had only released teaser yet so we basically had little to no information. As soon as we put our foot in the class, everyone stared at us. I looked at Carter and he was mimicking my reaction. Then it hit me! Last time the school saw us, I punched Carter and he gave me death glares. We were basically at each other's throats and now we are all chummy. I never liked being centre of attraction but some or the other way I manage that. Before I came to high school, I used to keep my head down and focus of my work, you know, the typical nerd. But there was this one time when this guy thought it would be funny to cut the hem of my shirt with the new scissors he got. Boy, was he wrong. I snatched those scissors and cut his hair. He cried all the way home and I got scolded from mom and dad but after that incident I became quite popular. I looked over at Carter to see his expression but he just shrugged and went in the room. I followed him and we sat side by side.

Fifteen minutes before the bell rang signaling the end of the class, our teacher pulled out a file from his bag.
"Okay class that's all for today. But before we leave, I have a group assignment for you all. You will be working in pairs and your work will be to paint something that resonates with what you think of yourself, what image do you see when you will meet yourself. You can ask your partner for suggestions, hence a two person project."

The class squealed in excitement and starting discussing who they should partner with. I looked around and saw a couple of faces I would like to work with. I hate when people dump all their work on their partner but are always there when it comes to taking credit.

"Settle down there. I will be choosing the teams." Her announcement were met with groans and I myself was bummed. I did want to take a chance with some lazy asshole....

"Carter Grayson and Olivia Claire" She announced and I groaned out loud. Although I was annoyed that she paired us together, there is a strange kind of happiness I felt, like relaxation. It's like I didn't want him to be paired with anyone else and that was weird for me.

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