Chocolate Mousse and Fifty Shades

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The time in my café was smooth. A lot of people came and dined in, some with their friends, some really cute couples and some alone just working on their assignments. There was a time when couples that used to come in to buy gifts for each other used to remind me of Taylor but I feel so relieved to know that I am over it now. I still care about Taylor and he pops in my head once or twice but it doesn't hurt anymore. I just wish that he is okay, whoever he is with. After completing the first half of my day, I hurriedly went out to change the sign in shop door to 'closed'. The crowd luckily came in in a fashion that I was able to manage all of them without making anyone angry. I sighed and went in to the kitchen. I wanted to cook something but I was just way too tired for it. I decided to order from the Burger Shack I and carter went to. When I scrolled through my phone to fetch it's number, I heard the bell on the door chime. I smiled thinking it must have been Mark but was surprised to see Carter coming in. He had a big smile in his face and he was wearing black leather jacket, blue t-shirt and black jeans. Not that I am complaining but does the guy owns anything but black jeans? I thought.

"Hey Gray! What are you doing here?" I asked and his smile faded a little but he quickly hid it.
"I knew you will be working here today and I also know that today must have been quite busy for you so I bought lunch for us." He said holding up the brown paper bag he had.
"Oh god you are a life saver!" I said and snatched the bag from him. I heard him chuckle but I was way too hungry to acknowledge it. 
"Chill pig. It has my share too." He said and snatched the bag away from me. He handed me one burger and I looked at him in surprise.
"You bought in from Burger Shack?" I asked and he blushed.
"Yeah, I remembered the look on your face when we went together to eat there. I guessed you liked burger more than anything else." He said and I nodded and took a huge bite of my burger. He mumbled something like 'pig' and chuckled but I just ignored him and kept eating. I was starving and food was my number one priority at that time. When I was done, he handed me the tissue and I smiled at him gratefully. He threw away all the waste and looked at me with a satisfied smile on his face.

"How much do I owe you?" I said and fished my wallet.
"Oh don't worry, its on me." He said and I put my wallet back in my pocket. I preferred to keep things even between my friends. I hate owing people money so I like to keep that business clean. But looking at his face, I knew he will not accept my share even if I offered him so I decided to let it go.
"Well if that's the case, what would you like to have in dessert sir?" I asked him faking politeness and he laughed. He pondered for a while.
"I would like to have your finest chocolate mousse." He said in a very formal tone.
"That is a great choice sir." I said and started preparing. When I was done, I transferred it in a coffee glass. I put whipped cream on top and fetched for strawberries.
"Can you not put that? I hate strawberries." He said and scratched the back of his neck.
"Boy! That's perfect. I hate it too. I was putting them just for your sake." I said and sprinkled crushed chocolate over the whipped cream. I placed two chocolate tube cookie on each side. I handed him one spoon and took one for myself and we started eating. He moaned lightly and my heart skipped a beat. I felt my body heating up and I could feel my face becoming red.
"Are you okay? Your face looks read. Do you have a fever?" He asked and placed the back of his palm on my forehead. I jerked his hand away in embarrassment.
"I am fine. Do you like it?" I asked focusing on the mousse I made. He knew I was changing the topic but he decided to go on with it.
"Yeah its awesome. No wonder this place is such a hit!" He said and smiled at me. When we were done, I took the glass away and he sat on the counter looking at me.
"Hey so I was thinking since we didn't work at all on the project together and the presentation date is on Monday, should we go to the local bookstore to research a bit?" He said and I looked at him.
"That's an awesome idea but I have to be here till four at least." I said with an apologetic smile.
"Actually, if you are okay with it, I was thinking if I could help you here today. As I said, I know today must have been busy for you so..." He trailed off and I smiled at how adorable he looked.
"That would be great man. I appreciate it." 

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