The Adventurer

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(I will admit this whole thing was slightly inspired by Sarah Jane (my brain was in PDU mode when I was writing this). No one in my class watches SJA or Torchwood. I have one friend in my class who watches Doctor Who but they don't know anything about the spinoffs.)

During LA/English, we have been reading the Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer. The first part of this was an assignment to create a character that should have been featured in the tales.

Here's the character:

Original Character

The adventurer had been adventuring since she was twenty. She had gotten into adventuring on accident. She knew trying to sneak into a not so secret facility on a dare was not the smartest thing she had ever done, and she had found herself sneaking into not so secret facilities quite a few times in more recent years.

She didn't mean to get involved, originally, she didn't want to, but she worked with the people at the not so secret facility for fifteen years, helping where and when she could. She was one of the few people there who tried to see the situation from the "bad guy's" perspective, even though it wasn't easy. She helped them save the world too many times to count. Sometimes they would saved the world by accident, not knowing they had saved it until afterwards when the world kept spinning. Her life was never boring, she enjoyed what she did. Every day was a new adventure, but after fifteen years, after an adventure went wrong, she left.

She still adventured by herself from time to time, saving lives in secret, away from the world's prying eyes. After five years, and an unintentional reunion with her old coworkers, she realized she didn't want to adventure on her own anymore. She never wanted her kids to get involved, they weren't supposed to, but they were kids, they had a talent for sticking their nose into places they shouldn't and after following a trail of clues they weren't even supposed to find, her kids helped save the world.

After that, the adventurer decided to teach her kids everything she knew. Her son had her selflessness, her daughter had her curiosity. They were both trusting, too trusting even, they had inherited their trusting nature from her. Sometimes, that trust would help them defeat the "bad guy's" other times, it would make the situation a lot harder than it had to be.

Being the overprotective mother that she was, the adventurer tried to protect her kids, even though she knew she wouldn't be able to protect them forever. Her kids knew that the lines between good and bad were blurred. They knew from an early age, there was no black or white. She had lost so much while saving the world. She had lost the love of her life because she had been too trusting. They had lost so much as a family. Sometimes they would lose things and gain things at the same time. It was the life of an adventurer. A life she had been living for a very long time.

She was in her sixties now. Her once brown hair was streaked with grey, her eyes filled with their mischievous light. That light had faded slightly since that day her husband died, but it was still there. She hadn't seen her old coworkers in a long time. They were either dead, dieing, missing or adventuring. Her kids had left a long time ago, living their own lives out in the world. Her son was married, teaching at a university, adventuring on any and every holiday. Her daughter was following in her mother's footsteps, traveling the world, helping various not so secret facilities whenever she found one.

Every day she had ever lived was an adventure, even the days she didn't go adventuring on. She woke that morning knowing this would be her last adventure. Her kids were out living adventures of their own. The adventurer smiled, standing in front of a not so secret facility, the same not so secret facility she had snuck into all those years ago when her adventuring life began. She held a hand up to shade her eyes, watching the sun rise over the hills.

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