I Just Got Tagged for the first time.

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I just got tagged by RafiaQ

*Sings* For the first time in forever!!!

Ok. Here goes. 

Q: Do you like someone?

A: Currently no.

Q: Do they like you back?

A: I feel like the answer to this is obvious in context.

Q: What is your middle name(s)?

A: All I'm saying is that it starts with a G.

Q: Are you single or taken?

A: I feel like this should be above the previous question. Also, another obvious answer in context. 

Q: Who is the last person you texted?

A: The family chat about feeding the cats. 

Q: What was the last song you heard?

A: Ghostbusters. I saw afterlife two days ago ok? You can't blame me. 

Q: What is your battery percentage?

A: On what device? I know for a fact the iPad is currently dead so...

Q: Who are your best friends?

A: In real life or on Wattpad?

Q: What is your favorite OTP?

A: Ummmmmm.... next question.

Q: Why did you create an account?

A: I grew up creating stories with my favorite characters in my head. Sometimes they were original and other times I was putting myself in the film or show. It wasn't until I was older that I realized that I was basically acting out my own fan fictions running around the house using pencils as wands and old wrapping paper tubes as lightsabers. One day I sorta said "you know what?" and decided to write one of the stories down and I haven't stopped sense.

Q: What is your current lock screen?

A: Loki shouting nothing matters

Q: When is your birthday?

A: All I'm saying is that it's in October.

Q: Can you tag twenty people?

A: I can, but sense it's my first time doing this I'm gonna be nice and not. 

Have a good day everyone!

And if you eat thanksgiving food on thanksgiving (that does NOT mean you celebrate it) or you watch the Macy's thanksgiving parade, have a happy turkey day!

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