That Tuesday: A Tale of Burning Drapes and Glitter Bombs - The School Version

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This is an alternate version of Chapter Ten from PDU that I wrote for the Sci-Fi and weird fiction elective at school. 

There have been quite a few minor changes to make them less whovian. 

I hope you enjoy. 

Despite our A.I. Smith's warning, I fell asleep on the attic couch.

When mum found me in the morning, she spent five minutes searching for robot mice. When she didn't find one, she gave the mum lecture on how not to mess with unknown alien artifacts and technologies. Mum can get veeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrry scary when giving lectures.

She has given the alien artifacts and technology lecture so many times I could probably write a word for word transcript of what she is going to say before she says it.

Let me give you a bit of context. When I was twelve, so... about two years ago, I found a broken robot mouse in the attic. Being the semi tech savvy young teenager that I was, I decided to repair it. As you can guess, I fell asleep working on it.

Overnight, the robot mouse got out of the house and amassed a robot mouse army, calling his fellow artificial cheese loving robot mice. The next morning when mum came into the attic, she found me standing on the couch playing the alien equivalent of the floor is lava. In case you were wondering, the game is called Don't get your ankles eaten and drown in a sea of robot mice.

Robot mice are worse than termites. We had to call Kate to help get rid of them and mum does not, I repeat, does not, like having Aegis soldiers in the house. Mostly because of the guns.

After breakfast mum sent me back to the attic, after lecturing me about being in the attic. I don't understand adult logic. I don't think I will understand adult logic as an adult when I have adult logic, and I'll probably still be calling it adult logic at that point.

It took me five minutes to disassemble and reassemble a random square cutting gun we had in the attic for no particular reason. I don't even know where it came from or why we had it. After disassembling it again, I flopped down onto the couch I had spent the night on and sighed. "Smith, why am I up here?"

"You still don't know what today's date is, do you?"

"No." I was starting to get annoyed by the sudden disappearance of calendars around the house. "What day is it?"


"That's not what I meant and you know it." Smith's holographic screensaver color changed to a color I associated with laughter. I swear at some point in one of his past lives he was an evil A.I. Can A.I.'s even have past lives? "What's the date?"

"I have been told not to tell you. However I am not not allowed to show you what is going on downstairs."

"What do you mean show me?"

"I have access to the in house anti robot mice infestation and invasion camera system."

"Waitwaitwaitwaitwait. Hold up. Hoooooolllllld up" Smith waited. "There are cameras in this house?"

"Yes. They are only in the living room, kitchen and each landing of the stairway."

"How long have they been there!"

"Sarah had them installed after the robot mice incident."

Of course she did. Mum is terrified of robot mice. If there was such a thing as robot mice phobia...

"Well then show me what's going on." I walked towards Smith's holographic display as he opened the anti robot mice infestation and invasion camera system.

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