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"y/n... Y/n.." someone came shouting her name from behind as she turned. "Mr. John's.... Do you need something?" Y/n asked as she saw him walking towards her. "How do you know Mr.jeon?" He asked surprised. "Umm he is my husband..." She continued. "WHAT?!!?! Ohh I mean what... I am sorry Mrs.jeon didn't know you were married to the most powerful man of Asia. Please don't fire me... Please forgive me." He begged in front of her. "sir, no please don't say so... And I'll ofcourse not take any action which will cause you trouble. But just don't treat someone bad based on their baground...." She said assuring him as he nodded. "Yes Mrs.jeon I'll take care of that.. But do you still want to work with me I assure you I'll treat you much better." He said " please call me y/n and I am sorry sir I'll still work with Mrs.choi cause she was the one who really supported me when I needed" she added with a smile as he nodded.
Y/n got off from work early as she went home and started cooking for Jungkook. "yes I have marinated it as you told but are you sure you'll do it?" Sofi asked her as she nodded. " I haven't done this before I hope it turns out good" Y/n said wearing an apron. They both cooked the meal together. The door bell rang as y/n ran to open the door.
"Welcome" y/n opened the door smiling. Jungkook was tired as he tried to finish his meeting early to come home early. But still he returned her the same smile. "Wooaa it's like the first time I saw you smiling" she said with a giggle as they both walked in. "so you don't like it?" He said with a straight face. "Yaa it's literally the best thing in you... You look more cute when you smile" she said making him blush. "I am not cute."he said loosing his tie. "And I can show you that" he added with a smirk. Y/n was looking at him,who was looking Hella fine with few unbuttoned shirt, sleeves up, and loosened tie. He was walking towards her as a voice intrrupted. "Should I set the table sir" sofi asked from the kitchen. They both statlered as Jungkook realise what was he doing. "I'll go get fresh" he said going to his room with the speed of light. 'wth are you thinking y/n, get to your sense' she said to herself slapping her forehead lightly and started helping sofi. "Ma'am if everything is done can I leave?" Sofi asked looking at the set table."why don't you join us for dinner?" Y/n asked as sofi said " no my daughter will be waiting for me.." "ohh I am so sorry yes, yes you can leave. Why don't you take that some food with you" y/n suggested. "No ma'am she would have already cooked for us" she said packing her things. "Atleast take the sweet dish." Y/n insisted. "Ok" she said with a smile.
Sofi left as jungkook came out wearing his shirt and sweatpants. "Sofi left quite late today" he said sitting on the table. "Yes she was helping me as I am not good at cooking" y/n said serving the food.
They both sat down and had dinner. Y/n washed the dishes as the rest of the kitchen was already cleaned by sofi. After finishing the work she sat down on the couch as Jungkook was working on his laptop on the desk. Her phone rang as she panicked looking at the caller ID. Jungkook saw her panicked face but brush it off. She quickly grab her phone and went to her room closing the door. Jungkook noticed it but didn't say anything.

Y/n picked up the call. "Hello mom" she said in a soft voice. "HELLO??!? HELLO MY FOOT.... DID YOU GOT MARRIED WITHOUT EVEN INFORMING US!!!" She shouted from other side."mom it not like that-" y/n was cut off by her. "Yaa your are my daughter, don't you think it's important to tell us that you got married. Thank god Mrs.jeon informed me otherwise I wouldn't even knew anything about it" she said angrily. "Mom listen to me first... Actually I wanted to tell you but, due to Jungkook's positions and businesses it all happened really quick. Even the marriage was decided a day before. I am so sorry mom and you are really important to me" y/n said as politely as possible. "Girl this the the biggest decision of your life, how can you be so careless about it. And how the hell you knew about the marriage the day before! I mean weren't you guys dating or discussed it previously?" Her mom asked. "No mom, actually it is quite messy story but don't worry I am fine" she said assuring her. "Is he a good husband? I heard he is one of the youngest billionaire!" Her mom said. "Yes mom.. he is" she said as tears formed in her eyes. "Does he loves you so much... Does he keep you happy??" She asked. "yes very much he always care about my opinions and respect my choices" y/n said as tears started streaming down her cheeks. "The only thing matters that is if you are happy" her mother said in a soft voice. "Yes mom I am very happy, and I miss you guys a lot" she said with a small smile. "Ok I want to see my son in law, so I am going to come Korea... I will be there tomorrow at 8." Her mother said happily. "What?? You are coming here! Why?" Y/n asked panicking. "Cause I want to meet my son in law, stupid...." She said with a chuckle. "But mom-" y/n was cut off. "Your small sister have exams so she and your dad can't come so this time only I will come but next time we all will meet together" her mother said and cut the call saying good bye to eachother.
Y/n ran out of the room to jungkook. "My mom called me" she said as looked at her amazed. "Did you cried??" He asked still looking at her. "That's not important, my mom said she is going to visit us" y/n said wiping her tears. "Ok so are you crying for that? She can surely stay here till she wants." He said as she frown. "No you are not getting it. She thinks we are married... In real life!! We have to act in front of her. Means we have to act as a real couple." She said sitting down beside him. "Can't we just tell her the truth" jungkook asked looking at y/n. "No!! We can't, she will kill me. She will make me sign the divorce papers and will take me back to India." Y/n said as his eyes widened. "Why would she take you back?" He said. "is that important? I mean your reputation will be destroyed and this secret will be out if she knows it" she said as he nodded. "So we have to act in front of her... That's easy" he said looking back at his laptop. "How can you think it's easy? Like she will be here for 4-5 days and we have to act like real couple" she said rolling her eyes. "Ohh come on we can do it.... And it's just about few days" he said without looking at her. "When is she coming?"he asked "tomorrow" y/n said getting up. "Ok so I'll accompany you to pick her up at the airport" he said looking at her. "No need I'll take care of that" she said rolling her eyes. "Nah- I am really a good son in law, I'll be there" he said and winked. "Son in law my foot" she mumbled to herself and started walking back to her room. "You know I can still hear you right?" He said without even glaring at her. As she slapped herself in her mind and went to her room.

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