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"Don't get me wrong sweetheart but as I was making you my son's bride, I do have to check your baground. But what attracted me more is you are kind and loving. Actually at first I wasn't sure about you, but you make him happy. You have put life in this house. After so many years I saw him smiling. His attitude has changes so much, he use to barely smile but now, when you are with him his face is always lit up. You are the one he needs. And he'll know it soon too." Mrs.jeon said with a smile and left the room.

Y/n was madly smile by herself. 'shut it y/n what the hell is wrong with you' she said in her mind and changed into some comfy desire as Mrs.jeon was already prepared for it.

Meanwhile jungkook got in his comfy attire and got in bed.

They both were in bed but none of them could sleep. They twisted and turned around but they were not getting the warmth they wanted. They both didn't wanted to accept it but they missed eachother's touch.

"I bet he would be sleeping by now" y/n mumbled to herself. "Ugh why can't I sleep. But I wish she was hear I want to hug her" jungkook said on the other side to himself. "Ughh- jungkook come back to your sense" he said trying to erase everything from his mind.

But they both didn't knew that love it the most dangerous and powerful thing and it is not in anyone's hand to control it. Love can make you do anything.
And the worst thing love can do is Make you stop believing in love. They didn't know how were this going to end all they wanted to do is live it.

Her phone rang making all her thoughts disappear. She saw the caller ID "Mom" she mumbled and picked up the phone. "Oh were you sleeping?? I forgot about the timeline. I'll call you tomorrow, sorry for disturbing" her mom said as she chuckled. "no no I was awake. But why didn't you called me when you reached? You litteraly called me after 2 days!!" She said angrily. "I am sorry my child. It was a complete mess here. You dad and sister just made the condition of the house worst. And then the call's from relative's won't stop, for asking about your marriage" she said as y/n hummed in response. "Take rest you would be tired right?" Y/n said softly. "Oh by the way say thank you to Jungkook, tell him he really didn't have to do that" Mrs.smith said as why asked confused. "Why are you thanking him? what did he do??" Y/n asked confused.

"He didn't told you?" Mrs.smith asked. "No" y/n replied. "He sent his private jet for me, so that I can fly over comfortably.... that's so sweet of him." She said as y/n's mouth dropped. "Did he really?? Are you sure it was send my jungkook and not his mom?" She asked. "No I am sure they were his bodyguards and the jet was customized specially for jungkook, as his name was written on it" her mom said as they both talked a little and she cut the call

Y/n again went to bet closed her eyes trying to sleep. Now the thought of how considerable jungkook can be about her family was roaming in her mind. 'but maybe he just did that to make my mom believe that we are married' she thought and brushing off the thought she tried to sleep. And after few minutes she was sleeping peacefully.

Jungkook on the other side was staring at the ceiling as he thought "why can't I sleep?" He muttered to himself but he knew who was the reason. Thinking about y/n a small smile appeared on his face without even realising.

That night was long for both of them. Cause night was the only time they touch eachother. It was the time they was closest. But the distance between them which was maybe just few feet away felt like many dimensions away.

It was morning Jungkook looked out of his window and got up. He got ready and went down to the dining hall. As y/n was also getting down from stairs. They both were now down as Mrs.jeon entered.

"Oh! Didn't you guys sleep well last night? You look tired" she said with a small smile. "No it not like that" y/n said returning a smile as they all sat on the breakfast table.

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