chapter 31

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Jungkook froze on his place listening to his mom's words. 'did I heard it right?' he asked himself. Everyone in the room was quite.

Jungkook quickly ran behind his mom stopping her. "But mom, you made me marry her. And now you are telling me she can't be your daughter in law?" He asked confused.

"The marriage was never real. I agreed to protect your reputation. But now you can let her got, you deserve much better" she said as jungkook's fist tightened with anger.

"Mom!! You know how much I love her, right??" He asked anger still visible in his eyes. "Love is just a feeling, it will soon go away with time.... You don't have to worry about that" she said as his eyes went teary.

"But-" he was cut off by Mrs.jeon. "you have to chosse jungkook, it's me or her" ahe said as jungkook was shook by her statement.

Jungkook did love his mom as much as he loved her. One was his mother who gave birth to him, who loved and cared for him, who raised him and other was the love of his life. He couldn't choose in between. His heart sank hearing his mom.

"Why are you doing this?? You always cared about my happiness, but now-?" He could help as tears streamed down his cheeks. His eyes had become red due to anger.

She left the room as jungkook fell on his knees. His Hyungs quickly came to pick him up. "She will agree, you should give her some time" yoongi said patting jungkook's back.

"You should talk to y/n about this" Jin confronted him. "What should I say hyung?? that I can't marry her, even tho I love her??" He said in a low voice.

Jungkook came back as y/n cheerfully opened the door. "Welcome home kook!!" She greeted him with a wide smile and hugged him. He hugged her back as she help him to remove his over coat.

"I cooked dinner, go get fresh I'll set the table" she said as he nodded. They both were sitting on dinner table as y/n spoke breaking the silence. "What did mom said??" She asked while eating. "She wants me to divorce you" he said as he stopped eating and looked up at her.

He was taken back when y/ndidnt reacted much. "Did you hear me??" He said as she looked up at him. "I think she is right!! This marriage wasn't ment to be successful, it was just a deal." She said looking up at him.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS!?!! I LOVE YOU SO DO YOU, RIGHT!?!!" He asked making y/n flinch as he raised his voice slightly.  "Jeon, we both know this marriage was never ment to be. I was going to tell you this but didn't got a chance. This marriage is more like a contract than love to me" she said as his eyes went teary.

"You are joking, right?" He asked still hoping this all was a bad dream. Few moments ago everything was so fine, and now his entire life was a mess how??

"I already signed them you should too" shesaid handing him some papers. "What is this??!?" He said checking the papers. "Divorce papers!!?!" He said.

"You planed this already?!" He said in anger as he couldn't believe on his eyes. "Your mom and I talked on phone, we both agreed to this and hope you will too. She send this as I asked her to prepare this." She continued. "I just didn't wanted to put pressure on you so I didn't told you this whenyou came back.... But I think I should leave now."

She said as she was about to left. "Y/n- I loved you more than anything!?!! I beg you please don't leave me...." He said between soft sobs.

Y/n didn't have a courage to face him as tears were streaming down her eyes too. "You said you will be there with me..... Forever!! It was all a lie? Everything you said was a planed bullshit??!" he mumbled only for her to left with tears in her eyes.

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