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Michael shot with his Gun as y/n flinched. Taehyung as jungkook both were about to run to her direction but they were quite distance as they were close to Michael.

But they both relaxed as jimin had already pulled her to to ground. Bullet didn't hit her but it went too close from her ears as she covered her ears and sat on her spot.

Jungkook looked back at Michael as he shot him straight in his head. Michael directly died on spot by 2 bullets by jungkook and taehyung at the same time.

Jungkook shot in his head where as taehyung aimed at his chest.

They quickly ran to y/n was was still unconscious as everyone was worried.

"We quickly have to get out of here" hobi said as they nodded.

They all started running as jungkook quickly lifted y/n in his arms and carried her out.

Taehyung was standing behind was jimin turned. "Come on we have to go!" Jimin said pulling him as they all went to sit.

Namjoon quickly opened the car as they all sat in. Namjoon started the car "ARE YOU GOING TO DRIVE!!" Jin shouted sitting on the front seat.

"WE DONT HAVE TIME FOR THAT!" hobi said as namjoon was already driving.

"YAA- I DONT WANT TO DIE SO YOUNG!! Jimin said grabbing the handle as namjoon took a switf trun almost driving out of the road. "MEE TOO" yoongi said as taehyung quickly intrrupted.

"But didn't you wanted to die tho-" taehyung said remembering yoongi mentioning he hated life and wanted to die.

"SHUT UP! EVEN I DONT WANTED TO DIE SO YOUNG" Jin said closing his eyes tight as Namjoon literally hit the car in front of them but quickly swift and saved it.

"YOU ARE NOT EVEN YOUNG!" Jungkook said holding y/n in his arms as she was sitting on his lap still unconscious.

"YAA I AM NOT EVEN MARRIED" Jin shouted looking back as Namjoon shouted making everyone shut up
"SHUT UP!! LET ME FOCUS ON DRIVING IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!" He said as everyone sat quietly holding their lives in there fist.

After coming on main road Jin took over driving as Namjoon sat beside him. Jimin was throwing up due to the swift turns and taehyung was claming him down.

Y/n now opened her eyes as she found jungkook who's eyes were teary as his arms were wrapped around her.

"I'm fine" she said in a low was which was only audible to jungkook. Jungkook quickly pulled her close in to hug. "I thought I lost you for a second" he said as his voice was breaking.

He tried hard not to cry but her embrace made him realised what would he loss today. Y/n quickly wrapped her hands around his neck trying to clam him.

Taehyung saw her as his eyes got teary too. 'Did I lost her-' he asked to himself in his mind. 'I did everything I can, to keep her with me! She probably loves me more than him, right?' he questioned himself as a tear rolled down his cheek.

'I loved her with Everything I had still why it's not me!' he said looking at y/n who was hugging jungkook. 'I know she would still choose me over him, she would!' he said giving himself a hope which was useless.

Jimin placed his hand on taehyung's hand without looking at him as he didn't wanted to making it awkward. Taehyung quickly wiped his tear with other hand. As he looked at him who's hand was on taehyung's hand but he was looking out of window.

Taehyung's lips formed a smile as he rested his head beging and closed his eyes making his thoughts disappear.

A speed breaker hit as the car jumped a little. Y/n who was sitting on jungkook's lap bounced a little as she adjusted her seat.

He quickly held her waist stopping her from moving. Y/n looked at him blankly as she didn't know what was she doing.

He hissed in pain as she could feel him getting boner and hard. Her eyes widened as she quickly shifted her gaze.

Her eyes weren't meeting his but, the blush on her cheeks could tell everything. After reaching home as they all got off.

"I am tired" jimin said getting off. He was walking with the help of taehyung's and yoongi's support, being completely dramatic, which he was.

"Hyung" jungkook called as they all looked at his direction. "Let's get fresh and meet here in an hour" he said as they all agreed and went to their rooms.

Y/n was walking to there room but as she reached the door she got trapped between 2 muscled arms. She flinched but relaxed knowing it was jungkook.

"I am sorry" he said as he was backhugging her. She quickly turned around in his grip facing him. "Thank you for saving me" she said with a smile.

She hugged him tightly as she was still in his embrace. They broke the hug as they entered the room. Y/n let jungkook shower first as his clothes were stained with blood.

"Taehyung-ahh" jimin entered the room as taehyung was changing. Jimin quickly turned around as he saw taehyung putting a shirt on. Taehyung let out a small laugh. "It's ok I'm done" taehyung said buttoning his shirt up.

"Do you need something?" Taehyung asked lastly checking himself out in mirror. "Nah-" jimin said as he jumped on taehyung's bed. "But now get ready for all those questions" jimin said teasing him. Taehyung knew what exactly he was saying as he rolled his eyes.

They all went downstairs and sat facing eachother. "Now! Just tell us what the heck we missed" Jin exclaimed as everyone nodded looking at taehyung and jungkook.

"Ok so let's start it.... My dad and jungkook's dad were both mafias and were also best friends." Taehyung said looking at Jungkook as jungkook nodded. "Yeah we basically knew eachother from when we were born, but tha bastard blew my dad's Island where they both were staying for a mission" jungkook said as everyone was focused on them.

"We agreed to keep it a secret for some safety purposes but now I think we should let you guys know this" taehyung said as everyone's mouth was flung open.

"So now we all are basically mafias?" Jimin asked as jungkook nodded his head to no. "My mom lost my dad when I was young so she wanted to keep me away from these things and same goes to taehyung" jungkook said as taehyung agreed.

"So this is why you never questioned about taehyung even tho he was not really close to you and ylhe just entered our group" namjoon said joining all the puzzles.

"Exactly, how can I trust someone blindly. It's just long time ago, we decided not to reveal our family baground so we didn't show we knew eachother" jungkook said making everything clear.

"I have one more doubt" hobi said looking at taehyung. "We know your and jungkook's dad were mafia so you had gun but what about jimin?" Hobi asked as Taehyung chuckled.

"Jimins dad was the best shooter in the team" he said looking at jimin as jimin gave them a cute smile making it hard to believe that this man was holding someone at a gun point just few hours ago.

"Whaa we were really kept in dark" yoongi said as everyone agreed. "Seriously! I thought jungkook was really innocent guess I was wrong" hobi said as Namjoon agreed.

"So I got married in mafia family?" Y/n said dramatically. "Shut it! I am not a mafia it's just...." Jungkook said as everyone laughed.

Thank you for being patience.... And if you think my work is good and don't want to let it waste then please vote. It really cheers me up.

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