Chåpter 3

702 24 1

The feeling of home

"So Azulia" I hummed in response, Techno had gone to the kitchen to make dinner half a minute ago.

"How's it like to have Techno as a brother?"Tommy asked. I took a few seconds to reply.

"Eh from my time with him, I'd say he's pretty cool. Left me at the bus stop for 2 hours tho" I mumbled the last part but I wasn't very quiet.

Tommy and Wilbut bursted out laughing.

"HE-HE WHAT" Tommy wheezed as Wilbur's eyes were starting to tear up from laughing so hard.

"Why were you at the bus stop anyways?" Wilbur asked when they calmed down.

I bit my lips before answering " I attend a summer camp every year"

"Wait are you American, cause I just find your accent a little different" Tommy pointed out.

I gulped and looked around in slight panic.

"U-uh yeah, I'm actually uh.. half Greek!" I prayed to gods that sounds convincing enough.

"How many languages do you know?"Tommy asked. What is this a interrogation?

"Ancient Greek was my first language,  English, Spanish and German and a little bit of Russian and mendarin" just don't ask me how and why I learn these languages.

"Pardon?" Tommy said, his face looked like a gold fish. I snickered quietly.

"Wait , say something in Ancient Greek!"Wilbur said.

"Uh okay, Πώς είσαι σήμερα?" I said, they freaked out.

"No wayyyy" "WHAT"

"What's goin on?" Techno popped into the room. He went to the kitchen to grab a snack.

"They told me to speak Greek and they freaked out when I did" I said with a chuckle.

"Alright guys it's time for dinner say goodbye" Techno said in a fatherly tone.

"Byee!" "BYE WOMAN"

I snickered,  "bye!".

Techno said goodbye to Tommy and Wilbur as well.

I leaned back into the chair with a sigh. "Tired?" I nodded. We headed to the kitchen to eat dinner.

"Do you have a lighter?"  I asked after sitting down. A plate of steak and corn in front of me.

"Why'd you need a lighter?" He asked but took out a lighter from a drawer.

"Sacrifice to the Gods" He nodded and handed me the lighter.

After sacrificing, we talked about random stuff and about camp.

"We are going to Olympus next month as a trip. Chiron said I could go if I wanted to" I flashed him my rare and exclusive, limited edition...puppy dog eyes.

He narrowed his eyes at my face before chuckling. "Of course you can go"

I sent him a smile before finishing my food. Putting them into the sink , I washed them up and put put them into their respective cabinets.

Biting Techno goodnight, I headed to my room. (Image above if you wanted to know)

It was fairly decent, a small book shelf beside the bed with some plants and stuff.

I changed into some comfy clothes before sitting down in my desk. "A little studying won't hurt"

I took out my book from earlier today and started reading, taking down some notes as well.

Eventually,  my eyes got tired. I yawned and decided to take a short break.

(3rd person view)

A few hours later, Techno went to check up on his sister when he saw the blonde girl asleep on her desk.

Laughing lightly, Techno carried her o to her own bed before tucking her in.

"Goodnight sis" He switched off the lamp before closing the door

"Is she a daughter of Athena or a daughter of yours brother?" A woman with white grey hair and pitch black eyes laughed quietly.

The man beside her with sunny blonde hair  looked at the peacefully sleeping girl with warm eyes.

"Stupid Haiku" The girl mumbled in her sleep and turned so her back was facing them.

"Definitely mine" The man chuckled before they both left the room.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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