Chaptér 15

533 18 2

Just being idiots

"What are you all even doing" Annabeth asked as she watched them throw paper balls at one another.

"We're bored and plus we're trying to see who can hit Luke the most" Travis said as Azulia threw a paper ball right at Luke's shoulder resulting the guy to turn around with a irritated look.

"Would you stop that already" He yelled and glared at the three, The Stolls twins and Azulia gave him sheepish grins. Annabeth shook her head at the three and walked away.

"Idiots." Ah. Wise words from a child of wisdom.

"Wanna target Dad next?" Travis asked as the other two shrugged and went out to hunt for the God of travels.

They later found him with Apollo just chatting in the gardens. The three hid behind bushes and started throwing the paper balls from earlier. Don't worry they had collected the ones that were scattered on the floor as well.

Connor threw a paper ball at Hermes"s head but missed and hit Apollo's forehead instead.

"Oi, who did that" Apollo exclaimed and searched for the cause of the sudden ball attack.

Snickering quietly,  Travis moved to another bush and hit Hermes in the face.  The previously laughing God now stopped and  had a narrowing eyes as he scanned the garden.

Azulia slowly raised a paper ball and aimed. The two gods were distracted by the noise Travis made as a decoy. They went to check it out and when their back was turned.

She threw papers balls at the back of their head.


The two gods turned around immediately with a scowl on their faces.

"Retreat" Connor whispered as the three demigods rushed back into Olympus as Ares walked in.

"Ares! Oh you little shit" Hermes scowled and picked up a paper ball on the floor and hit the god of war straight in the forehead. Ares stopped in his tracks and glared at the two before picking up another ball and threw it back at them.

After a few more paper balls throwing, it turned into a full on war.

Millions of paper balls appeared and the three gods was throwing them back and forth. Resulting a large crowd to gather around them in a safe distance.

Annabeth and Luke facepalmed as they knew exactly who started this. While The Stolls twins and Azulia was cheering them on as they walked through the crowds with popcorn, drinks and even some box of money of bets being placed on the winner.

The other Olympians started to notice the presence of the three gods missing and the eary quiet halls that was use to be filled with demigods walking around.

They had a nasty shock when they found the three gods throwing paper balls at each other like children while demigods crowd around them.

Athena , Hades and Artemis rolled their eyes at the gods, Zeus , Poseidon, Aphrodite and Hephaestus looked amused by it while Hestia , Dionysus and Demeter had a small laugh.

"Lords and Ladies?" Azulia's voice caught their attention. A bucket of money was in her arms as she smiled at them innocently.

"Want to join the betting?" She held out the bucket.

Only Zeus , Poseidon , Dionysus and Hephaestus batted. The others declined .

"HA LOSERS" Ares yelled and began throwing paper balls like crazy as Hermes and Apollo ducked under a safe bunker they made in the middle of battle.

"We are losing this fight Apollo" Hermes said dramatically. They looked at each other sadly.

"I know how to end this" Apollo said with dramatic tearful eyes.

"No! I will not lose you in this battle!" Hermes exclaimed.

"I have to brother.." and like everything went slow motion.

Apollo jumped out of the bunker with a bunch of  paper balls in his arms. Throwing them rapidly at Ares who could only use his hands to protect him.

The God of war, with annoyance in his eyes threw a giant ball towards Apollo and hit right in the chest.

"No!" Hermes exclaimed as Apollo dramatically hit the floor with a thud.

"I'm sorry my friend...."

"A...avenge me" Apollo's voice was above a whisper as Hermes clutched his shirt with sorrow eyes. Apollo's eyes slowly closed as Hermes yelled out a NO!!

The God of travels stood up and summoned a million of hundred paper balls and threw them all at Ares. The waves of balls drowned the God of war. His yell was muffled by all the balls and the demigods laughter.

"AND TEAM HEPOLLO WINS" Azulia yelled through the microphone. Most demigods cheers as some groaned as they have lost the bet.

"Better luck next time Ares" Azulia smirked and sat her chin on her palm.

"I am your host Azulia Blade and I declare this battle is over" The Blonde haired girl announced and sat two paper crowns onto on Apollo and Hermes's heads.

She also light kicked Apollo's head to wake him up. The big man he is had fallen asleep while Hermes led them to victory.


The demigods and most of the Olympians who didn't take part in the silly battle clapped.

Darling giggled from the entrance of the garden. A smiled graced her face. She closed the dark purple journal in her hands and clapped as well.

"Now this is what I call fun" She smiled. At the moment Rose and Melody came towards her.

"Were you writing again V?" Melody gave her a look. The murky blue eyed girl only sent her a grin.

"C'mon , dinner is almost starting. We could be the first ones there" Rose exclaimed and walked to the direction of the dining hall. With Melody on her heels.

Darling winked at the camera and joined her two friends with a mischievous glint in her eyes.


Word count-969

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