Three <Bone of my bone?>

186 37 107

A.N: Hi, guys! Sorry for the delayed (over-delayed, in fact) update but I promise they will be more regular now.
Please, check the previous chapters again, I made some subtle changes to them. Thank you for still being here. ❤❤❤


And Adam said, This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man. --Genesis 2:23 (KJV)


"Your relationship is closer than you think but you need to be prepared for it."

His relationship was definitely not closer than he thought because when his pastor had said this, that was about 6 months ago.

Abi, what does close mean again?

Close should have been maybe one or two months after. But it was already six months. Six whole months and he was beginning to get into that ticking-bio-clock funk again.

And this time, he knew it wouldn't be so easy to get out of it. He had read books, prayed, taken confessions, and listened to messages. Even his relationship with God was on a whole new level. What more did God want from him?

He really didn't know. All he knew was he had nothing to give again. He had even received words about his wife-to-be but it seemed she wasn't ready to show up.

Sighing as he wiped the tabletop on which he had been working, he made plans for the new menu ideas he had.

He was at least glad that the words about his business had come to pass. Sales in The Mouthwaterers had increased three-fold in those six months and his customers were more than satisfied. He had had to begin turning down catering orders. It was indeed a miracle.

He looked around his workstation and he turned his mind to what God had done in the last few months. He had never thought he would move from selling pastries out of warmers in the back of a friend's car to have a bungalow as a restaurant space.

The size of the building was similar to that of the popular Chicken Republic outlets scattered around the country, but with its kitchen invisible to the patrons. The entrance had a transparent fibre-glass door that opened into the sitting area which was painted in pastel blue. The sitting area had white tables and blue cushioned seats for two's, four's and groups scattered aesthetically. While the ordering counter painted in white separated the sitting area from the kitchen and the manager's office and staff room was directly behind that. The kitchen was a standard one set up in the assembly line layout with every necessary utensil and appliance needed to run a restaurant.

The restaurant had three chefs including himself; he doubled as the manager. It also had six serving staff, two delivery staff, two cleaning staff and two security staff. The staff was divided into two and they always alternated between the morning and evening shifts. Godswill had tried his best to do a thorough job in educating them on customer services, communication skills and the standard of excellence he envisioned. Sometimes, they even had to have training at different times.

The main menu was everything pastry, from the popular meat and fish pie to the croissants, bagels and so on. And some other special menu which was strictly on order.

Godswill smiled to himself again and thought. In this regard, God is good.


It was almost closing time when he heard a raised voice coming from the main restaurant. He had retired to his office to handle some other administrative tasks and he was just putting final touches on it.

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