Chapter one: United States Government

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My name is Ashley Evergreen. I am 16 years old. I am human, just like you probably are, except I'm not from Earth. I am from a planet not far away, called Planet X. Your government has decided to keep our planet a secret from you. They fear us and want us destroyed. A while ago they tried to blow it up. I am sharing this to inform you of the things your leaders won't tell you. I am here to inform you how they invaded my peaceful planet and killed my innocent people. This is my story, and it is only just the beginning.

"Rachel, you are not hacking into the United States government!" Michelle said.
"Bet you 20 bucks you can't hack into the system." Riley replied, ignoring Michelle.
"10 bucks says you'll get in, but get caught." I said.
"Deal. I'll be in by next Thursday." Rachel was a whiz with electronics, but hacking into a government system was going to be a challenge, even for her. I didn't think she could do it.
Three days later, I got a phone call from Rachel.
"Hello?" I said.
I knew exactly what she was talking about. "You hacked into the U.S. Government?" I asked.
"Can I see it?"
"Sure. I'll be over in 10. I'm telling Riley to come too."
"Okay..." I said. She hung up. A few minutes later, I heard a knock on the door. I opened it, and Rachel walked straight up to my room, barely even looking at me.
"Well hello to you too." I said following her. She ignored me and took out my laptop. Rachel comes over my house a lot, and most of the time when she's here we just sit in Tumblr or Netflix, so she knows where I keep all of my electronics. She plugged something that looked like a flash drive into it and started typing and clicking away. "This is serious business Ashley. Wasting a second to even say hello could mess up the whole system." She said. I'll take that as an apology for not talking to me.
The doorbell rang again. "That's probably Riley. I'll go get it." I said, even though I doubt she was listening. I walked downstairs, and opened the door. Riley was there with Michelle and Cynthia, two of our friends.
"Hey." Riley said. "They were with me when I got Rachel's phone call."
"I came to make sure nothing blows up." Michelle said.
"And I came in case something does." Cynthia said, smiling. I laughed.
"She's upstairs." I walked upstairs and went into my room. They followed.
Julia was still clicking and typing. We waited a few minutes, watching, but not understanding anything she was doing.
"I'm in." She said. "They have a lot of cool stuff in here." She clicked on a few more tabs and we all read what it said.
"They know how to move objects with their minds?" I asked.
"It says their work was completed, but failed. People in that world cannot move objects with their mind. Our world, on the other hand, no one has been able to try." Rachel said.
"Should we?" Cynthia asked.
"Absolutely not!" Michelle replied. "Do you know how dangerous this is? We might die!"
"Yea, but we might live. Come on, how cool would it be if we could move objects with our minds?" Rachel said.
Michelle sighed. "This is going to turn out horribly." She said.
"I'll take that as a yes. Now, odds are we won't get it completely perfect the first time, and I'll need to record the brainwave pattern so it will be easier to help other people control it. It will also require some electric shocks to make the brain and object link for the first time. Who wants to go first?"
"Not it." Someone said. Quickly, everyone else said "not it!" before I even knew what was going on.
"Ashley! Looks like your going first."
"What? I don't want to go first!" I said, taking a step back.
"No one does. And someone has to do it. Come on, we have to do this."
"Ugh. Fine, I'll go." I tried to appear nonchalant, but I could feel my whole shaking and the blood rush from my face. I sat down on a chair and Rachel put a wire on my body. Then another one, and another. I had at least 10 wires on my body before we were ready to try anything.
"Ready Ash?"
"Not really."
"Too bad." Rachel started pressing keys on my laptop and I could feel a small shock though my body. Then two more like it, then a few more worse. It only lasted about a minute. That wasn't too bad, I thought to myself.
"Okay, now we have to move something small first, like the hairbrush. Stare at it, don't take your eyes off of it. And concentrate on where you want it to move. Don't move up yet. It will be easier to slide it then to make it rise up all together. Try moving it right."
I did what she told me to do, and nothing happened.
"That's okay. We have all night." She said. My parents left this morning and weren't going to be home until tomorrow, so no one was here to notice if something happened except us.
I nodded. "What's next?" I asked.
"We're just going to try the electric shock on a different level. Last time it was on level one. This time it will be on level two. We can go up to level fifteen."
"Got it." Level two wasn't bad either, but it still didn't work. Each level just got worse. We got up until level eight before we saw progress. The end of the brush moved slightly to the right. It was a small moment, but big enough for all of us to see. We all cheered, but quickly went back to work.
"Okay, level eight is the level we need to get to so we can move the object. That's all we need to do with electric shocks for now. I copied your brainwave pattern, and we have all the data we need for now. Now we just need to find out how to improve on the powers. I think we should try to find the place where there the most power is transmitting off of your body. Try lifting your hand towards the object."
"Okay but I really hope it is in my hand because that would be so cool and if it was in my foot or something that would just be really awkward." I said trying to calm my own nerves. I put my hand out in front of me and slowly, the brush moved. I tried to move it upwards, and it moved off of the dresser, into mid air. We all stared in awe. It only lasted a few seconds, though. Pretty soon the brush fell down to the ground.
"Awesome!" Rachel said. "We got a lot farther than expected. It will take a lot of practice to move bigger objects and moving them for longer amounts of objects, but you'll probably get it extremely fast."
"Got it."
I stood up, but quickly fell back down. My friends rushed to help me back up.
"You alright?" Michelle asked.
"Don't worry, she'll be fine." Rachel said. "Moving objects will tire you out, especially the first few times you do it."
I nodded and walked sat down on my bed.
"Who's next?" Rachel asked.
"Do who have to use electric shocks to be able to do this?" Riley asked.
"No. You just need to do something so your heart beats faster than normal, but it can't be exercise, since that will tire you out, and you need to save your energy for moving the object. Plus, electric shocks give the best results. I'd only use something else if this wasn't available. Now come on, don't be a wuss." Rachel said.
"Alright." Riley sat down in the chair and soon she could move the objects too. Next was Cynthia, and then Michelle and lastly Rachel. Soon we could all move objects on our own.
"This is so cool!" I shouted. Everyone nodded in in agreement.
"Okay, let's see what else the United States government knows about." I said excitedly. Rachel quickly went back to typing and clicking. She read through articles for a few minutes, and suddenly the blood rushed from her face. We all looked at what she was reading.
"Is that-"
"A nuclear missile." Rachel said softly. "That's being directed towards us."

What do you guys think of the story idea? If you have any constructive criticism I'm open to hearing it. Thanks for reading the first chapter in my story! I feel like this chapters really log so sorry about that 😂. Please vote for it and follow me to keep up with when I write this story and other ones! Bye!

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