Chapter nine: Make a Plan

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Blood rushed to my face. The prince still remembers be? I couldn't help but smile at the thought of him still caring about me. He could have anyone he wanted on this planet do this job but he chose me. My nervousness was replaced by happiness. I was still terrified about being a spy, but focusing on the prince calmed my nerves.
I walked back into the building, and all of my friends were staring at me. I realized I was smiling and quickly stopped.
"What happened? Is everyone okay?" Marley asked. I nodded.
"Yea, no ones hurt. They told me I was going to be... transferred." I was going to tell them the truth, but I thought better of it. I don't want to put any of them or myself in danger. The first thing you learn here is to never trust anyone.
"Transferred? Why?" Grendel asked.
"Yea. They said they needed more soldiers in... Canada."
"Funny, I always thought that was a nice country. Never thought they would need a lot of soldiers to take over Canada."
"I guess that's what they thought too. Maybe that's what Canada wanted us to think." Hmm. I'm not to bad at this lying thing. I guess that's good, since my new job is going to mainly rely on that. And if I can't lie well I probably will die.
"True, true. Well we're gonna miss you." He said.
"I'm gonna miss you guys too." I said. We talked a while, and then went back to our cabins. My stomach turned every time I thought about what lies ahead of me, but I ignored it. It was worth the risk.

"We have lieutenants who were able to promote you to Sergeant. If anyone asks, you were one of the first people so sign up to fight for the Earth."
I nod. I'm trying to absorb as much information in as I can, but I'm to nervous to listen. I'm going to get caught. I heard they're pretty ruthless. If they find out I am a spy, they will cut me and shoot me until they get information they want, then they will just kill me. I get that this is war, but it's pretty terrifying and inhumane to even think about.
"Do you understand?" He says. Shit. I had no idea what he just said.
"Yes, sir." I say.
"Good. We're here. Good luck, Sergeant."
I force a weak smile and walk off of the helicopter. My stomach turned at what lied ahead of me. Two people came to greet me at the door. I saluted them. They saluted back.
"You must be Sergeant Evergreen." One of them said. My government let me keep my real name, since it was so common.
"Yes, that's me." I said. My heart was beating so fast, and the lies didn't even start yet. I hope they couldn't tell how nervous I was.
"Nice to meet you, sergeant." He put out his hand, and I shook it. "I'm private Ganshaw. This is private Munero." He said.
"Nice to meet you both." I said.
"We're supposed to guide you around the camp. Give you a tour." Private Munero said.
"Oh, good." I gave them a smile. I'm going to get lost wether they show me where I'm going or not, but it's nice to at least know the general idea of where I'm going.
We start walking. "That's the cafeteria." He says pointing to a big building to our left. "That's where we go before training, and that's where we go for battle planning." He pointed to more buildings.
After pointing to a lot more buildings, we finally came to our last stop. "This is your room. You'll sleep in here, and the bathrooms over there. It has a shower and all that stuff." He said. I put my stuff down in the middle of the bed. "That's all for the tour. If you need anything were always walking around this camp somewhere. See you around." They said while walking out. I had three hours until my first meeting with some of the other army leaders America. I decided to take a nap. I was so nervous I didn't think I would be able to sleep, but I was so exhausted as soon as I closed my eyes the darkness overtook me.

"If we come from the South, they won't see us coming. We can take them by surprise, and from what I've guessed, they don't have many people in the camp. We can take them easily with only half of our men." A man said. Most of the people here were men, except me.
"That could work, but it's risky. They might not have as many guards in the south but there's plenty of open fields that I believe have lots of wild animals that will cause a lot of suspicion if they make a lot of noise. If we come in from the East, we can go through the woods. No one will see us coming.
"What do you think, Evergreen?" Someone asked.
"I think that could work, but it would be a lot easier to go West." I don't remember what was in the West, but I'm sure they do. And there are more guards in the west than the east, but not enough for anyone to question my choice.
There was a lot of argument for a lot longer, but eventually we all agreed with my plan. "We'll tell our men what's going on tomorrow we leave tomorrow night, and can take half of our men. Preferably less." One of the men said. We walked out and went back to our cabins. When I got back to my room, I took a hot shower trying to forget about the choices I had to make. I didn't work. When I finished, I quickly fell asleep exhausted by the day I had and nervous for the battle, hoping I made the choice that would kill the least amount of my people and help us win the war.

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