Chapter two: The FBI

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"A missile?" I asked. Rachel nodded. "A few. Enough to blow up our whole planet." She said, still staring at the screen.
"What are we going to do?" Cynthia asked.
"What can we do? If we say something it will just create panic. And besides, This is illegal. We'll get arrested. Do you want us to spend our last days in jail?" Rachel said.
"We can't just let everyone die because we don't want to get arrested!" Riley said. "I'm not going to keep quiet when there's a possibility I can save my family! And my friends!"
"What friends?" I said smirking. Riley just gave me a dirty look. "What? Just trying to lighten up the mood!" I said defensively. "Anyway, your right. We have to say something."
Everyone else nodded in agreement, and Cynthia called her mom, who managed to talk to the governor. Soon we had at least 10 government officials on the phone with us, and two were on their way to my house. They didn't ask us about much. We sent them the files, and they checked to make sure they were real. Then I heard a knock at the door. I rushed down and opened it. Two FBI agents walked in. One was fair skinned, the other dark skinned. They were both tall, but the fair skinned one was slightly taller. "It's upstairs." I said before they could even ask. They went upstairs and went to the laptop, double checking that it was real and not a prank. Then they turned to us. "Who did this?" The taller one asked. Rachel raised her hand slightly. "I did." She said nervously.
"Come with us. If you able to do this, we're going to need you to help defend us." Everyone looked relieved that they weren't going to arrest her or any of us.
"Okay, but my friends get to come with me too."
"Alright." The shorter one said. "Follow us." They walked out of the house into a car and we followed I felt extremely uneasy about getting into a strangers car, but the governor told us they were coming and I don't think we really have a choice.
"I'm agent McAndrews, by the way. And this is my partner agent Turner."
"I'm Ashley." I said. All of my friends introduced themselves. We sat in silence for most of the ride. I think if I spoke I would have either cried or thrown up, and considering my friends don't normally shut up, I assume they felt the same.
They stopped the car in front of a dimly lit small building. "We're here." Agent Turner said.
"I thought it would be bigger." Rachel said.
"It is. We can't make our headquarters completely visible to the public. We need to keep the area a secret. So most of it is underground." Agent McAndrew said. They went up to the door and but a code in that had to many numbers and letters to keep track of. Then they scanned their fingers on a pad next to where they put the code in and the door opened. We all went in and more people led us to more doors which led to more codes. Whatever they have going on down there must be extremely important. I wouldn't be surprised if one of us found a way to fuck it all up.
We walked into a room that looked a lot like a regular office. People in suits were working at desks full of papers and coffees and computers. It surprised me a little that a super secret corporation could run so normally.
The agents took us to a room in the back. It was about the size of a classroom, and had three computers it on desks, and a few chairs. Other than that it was pretty empty.
"The king and his son will be here soon to discuss defense plans. So will the leader of our military." Agent Turner said.
"The KING?" I said. Here, the kind ran our entire world. Most of the people who met him were celebrities. We were 14 year old criminals.
"Yes. And his son, the prince. He's about your age so the king thought it would be a good idea to have him along." He responded with.
"Oh." Normally I would have been freaking out, but we had more important things to worry about at the moment. "Well, we don't have a lot of time. We should probably get started."
After a few minutes of discussing a battle plan, the door opened. A few more people in FBI suits came in, and then a man in a normal black and white suit. We all knew exactly who he was. We all bowed down in front of him quickly, then went back to work. His son walked in behind him. I've seen him before, but in person he looked so much different. His blue eyes looked more tired and his jet black hair was messy. I couldn't help but stare.
Michael nudged me with his elbow and I snapped back into reality. I turned my head to where everyone was speaking and tried to focus in on the conversation.
"I think our best defense is to send out missiles to crash into the other ones and hopefully they'll all crash in space and not here, but they might not make it in time, and they might not hit the right target." The king said.
"It's risky, but there's not much else we can do. They are supposed to arrive in two days, so that's not enough time to evacuate anyone or to build some sort of barricade." Agent McAndrews responded with.
"We definitely need to shoot missiles to destroy the other ones. Send those out now." I said. Agent Turner nodded and called someone on his phone.
"I would try to evacuate some people, and keep the rest in submarines in the ocean. That way if some of the missiles do manage to hit, people won't get stuck or die under collapsing buildings and shifting land. It might not be enough, but it's the best we can do." The prince said. We all agreed.
"It's settled then. We'll send missiles out to hit the other missiles, but in case that doesn't work properly, we'll have everyone in the oceans." Rachel said.
"So as long as the whole planet doesn't blow up were good." Cynthia said.
"Pretty much." The kind told her.
"Ok. So the defense missiles were already sent, now we just need to tell everyone what's going on."
"I will record something quickly, and we can change all of the television and radio stations so everyone knows what's going on." The king said. "I will take it from here. Agents, you make sure these kids and my son are hidden and protected properly."
"Understood." They said in unison. The king left and the agents took us outside and drove us to the coast, where a fancy submarine was waiting for us. Agent McAndrew and agent Turner went in the front where they controlled the submarine, while my friends, the prince, and I all went in the back. There was a table, some beds and
Even a kitchen, so it was a pretty nice submarine. We all sat down at the table together. We were all quiet, but it was a nice kind of silence. The submarine slowly went down into the ocean. I looked down at my hands on my lap and played with the bracelets I was wearing, trying to calm my nerves.
"Those are nice." I heard a voice say. I looked up to see the prince looking at me."
"Huh?" I asked.
"Your bracelets. They look nice." He said, giving me a friendly smile. He probably couldn't care less about my bracelets. I think he was just trying to get rid of the silence. I smiled back, trying to look calmer than I actually was.
"Thank you." I said. He was about to respond when he was interrupted by flashing red lights and a loud alarm going off in the whole submarine.

Would you guys be okay with me adding some romance into here? I feel like romance isn't really for this type of story but I think it would make it better so idk. If none of you care I'm adding it so if you really don't want it speak now. Don't forget to vote and comment!

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