Chapter seven: Behind the Trigger

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I turn to my right. Another friend dead. Another enemy dead. Everyone dead.
I have to keep moving. There's no looking back now. I have to kill anyone blocking our path to justice.
I raise my gun up at the enemy in front of me. I always thought this would be difficult. I didn't even know if I could do it. But I could. And pretty easily.
The body in front of me collapsed to the ground, surrounded by a pool of blood. I didn't look at him twice. I kept my eyes forward, kept moving.
Bang bang bang.
Another dead. And another, and another. I was on a roll, killing people like a shark hunting fish. I raised my gun yet again and looked my prey in the eye. They were brown- such a common color, but these were different. I knew these eyes.
I put my gun down. "Michelle?" I said.
"Ashley?" She said. I smiled and ran up to her.
"What happened?" I asked looking around, making sure no one was going to attack us. She looked around too.
"Come with me." She said. She took my hand and dragged me to a hole in the ground.
Rachel walked into the ditch wearing the same uniform as Michelle.
"Hey." She said. She gave Michelle a kiss and turned to me.
My mouth opened in shock. I was astonished about both being spies and apparently being together. I had to focus on the more important topic right now.
"So, you guys are playing for the other team now?" I asked.
"Well, we always have, but I guess now since we're together-"
"She meant the war, you sweaty potato." Rachel said, trying to sound annoyed, but you could see the stars in her eyes.
"Oh, right. Sorry. Could have worded that a little differently though. Anyway, we're not actually fighting for Earth. We're spies." She said, so quietly I could barely hear her.
"You're spies?"
There was a pause for a moment. "So you guys are together, huh?" I said, barely able to contain the excitement in my voice.
"Yea." Michelle said. She put her arm around Rachel and they both smiled.
I would like to say that I was totally nonchalant about this, but I wasn't. I may have squealed. Even teared up a little. All of my friends back home and I wanted them to be together so bad, and now they were.
I tried my best to calm down, realizing we didn't have much more time. "How's everyone else?"
"Don't know." Rachel said. "We didn't see anyone else since we left the submarines."
"Oh." I was worried about all of my friends, but I was hoping I might be able to see Derek again.
"We better go." Michelle said. "We don't want anyone suspecting anything. See ya soon." You could hear the doubt in your voice.
"Bye." I said, forcing a smile. We quickly ran out and went back to fighting.
Two days passed. Many on our side died, but not enough to retreat. We kept fighting. I got to sleep for a few hours and that was enough to keep me fighting.
I ran, casually killing people as I have been. I turn to my left to see someone aim their gun at me. I'm much quicker, and pull my trigger before he can even react.
I am out of ammunition.
He shoots me and I swerve to the side.
He didn't miss.
I scream out in pain. Blood falls out of the bullet hole. Luckily, it only hit my arm, so if I get to the medical center soon enough I will be okay.
I make a dash for the medical center, dodging fists and bullets. I quickly slow down. I lost most of my energy along with my blood. The medical center was so close. Just a few feet away...
A body stepped into my path. I look up and see a girl swing her arm at me. I quickly duck. Her gun must also be out of amo, or else she would have shot me dead already.
She wanted to fight, but I couldn't. I already saw black spots. If I didn't get there in the next few minutes I would probably die.
She swings at me again. Her fist meets my jaw. I fall down to the ground. I start to get up but she kicks me. I fall to the ground again. She continues to kick me. I curl up into a ball trying to protect my organs. She kicks me in my bullet wound. Pain shoots through my body. I scream and tears sting my eyes. The pain seems numb now. I can't see anything but darkness.
I can't give up. I can't give in. I hear someone pull the trigger on a gun.

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