Chapter 10: Quintuplets (five babies)

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::::::::::THIRD PERSON POV::::::::::

After they left the Dawson they teleported back to the little shack, they all decided that it was time to start the journey. They couldn't be putting it off anymore, then Faith had a vision something that would show them the next step in their journey. 

My dear child,

They've caught on to you, but don't blame Hazel it was part of the plan, you must travel to Australia, Vanelopes pack holds the first clue, you must find it but first you need to change Vanelopes scent and looks using magic, they will not be permanent just get her to agree to do so.

love you my child xoxoxo 


The girls asked Vanelope and she agreed, though she hated her pack but if she did this then the journey could continue. Noah took a lot more convincing than Vanelope but the girls got him to agree, using magic well he wasn't gonna acept on his own. Then they were on their way the girls put the same spell they had on their bags on everyone elses. They totally forgot that they could just teleport their so they walked half way to the airport when Hayden said, "Why can't we just Transport there"

"OMG i forgot we could do that" Saige said giggling.

Then whoooooooooshhhhhhh they transported to Vanelopes home town. "This way guys" said a completley different looking Vanelope we made her long brown hair , turn into Long bright red hair. And when she mated with Noah her scent was changed. We walked up to the Pack house door and knocked. No answer so we knocked again.

"Who is it"

"Um we need to see the Alpha, my names Penelope" Vanelope said. Nice name change huh :(

"Fine come in he's in his office" 

While Vanelope talked to the Alpha, Saige had a vision, how moany more of these are there,

Saige, its in his desk top draw its got your name on it, he is a old friend of mine, so tell him your name and about me, Nothing is to be said about Vanelope got it, you'll find out in the clue.

 "Sir, my names Saige, i believe you knew a witch named Layla" said Saige trying to act polite.

"Your Saige." he said with a shaky tone.

"Yes, i believe she left something for me" 

*what are you talking about Saige* said Hazel. * JUST GO WITH IT*

"Yes, i do Saige, here" he passed Saige a envolope.

:::::::::::::::SAIGES POV:::::::::::

Saige opened the letter and read it through mind link, the girls were confused at why she knew about it but then they relized she had a vision.

Dear Saige, 

This might be a shock to you but you were not quadruplets but Quintuplets that means 5, also your father is not you father, Alpha Reed is your father he doesn't know because he was left with one of you. So you are Saige Reed not Saige Brooks. Also ask him who his daughter is he only has one.


The girls were shocked, but they had to ask him they had another sister. "Alpha Reed" Hazel said.

"How do you know my name, i didn't introduce you but what may i do for you"

"Well do you have a daughter?" Faith said.

"Yes, but shes been missing for 3 years ago, i don't know why though"

"Whats her name?" i said.

"Her names Vanelope, i don't know why she left" his sad tone and now frown on his face told us it was true.

*Girls Vanelopes our sister, but she left because off beatings and teasing, three years ago.* Hazel said.

*We have to say it out loud, mum just told me* Then Hazel said to the Alpha we have some very important news. Vanelope looked at us scared.

"Alpha we need to tell you were Quintuplets and you got given our sister because your our.....Father" Saige blurted out.

"You mean im your sister" Vanelope said, great she blew her cover.

Lets just say Vanelope changed back hugged her dad or our dad, Jayden was still shocked as was Noah considering he's our brother in-law. This was a weird turn of events whats next Sextuplets, thats 6 babies. Ok that would be going a little far, but seriously whats next???



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