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Two sounds of cries echoing through Laboratory room. Twins is born. The two of them are girls. They're not born like how normal children is born. They're test subjects created by a Project called, Project MKUltra. One marked as 011 and other 009.

The two babies were born acquiring through a combinations of inheritance and exposure to hallucinogenic drugs. In results, the two of them aren't normal children. But a mutated children.

Subject number 009 inherits the ability to control water, mind, shape shifting, shark strength and telekinesis. While subject number 011 inherits only telekinesis.


The two children are laying inside the room. Subject number 009 are staring at the ceiling in silence. She knows that she's the older one among the two.

Hey, 011... 009 called out to her sister telepathically. Yes... they're able to communicate with one another through their minds. In this way, none of the doctor knows what they're talking inside their minds.

Yes, 009? 011 responded. I don't know about you... but I'm sick with all the experiments they put us through... 009 said. You're not the only one... I am too... 011 said.

What did they make you do this time? 009 asked her sister. They make me taste my ability to crush a can of soda... 011 said. I see... 009 said, there's a hint of sadness in her.

Why? What did they make you do? 011 said. 009 starts to tear up, after recalling what happened that day.

A Few Hours Ago

009 is standing in a room. A table is set in front of her. A man is standing across from her behind the table.

009 looks at the man in confusion. Then a doctor enters the room. He walks towards the table and place a gun on top of it. 009 eyes widened when she saw the gun.

She turns to look at the doctor. "Subject 009. I want you to control his mind into grabbing the gun and shoot himself..." he instructed, making 009's eyes widened in horror.

"Please don't make me do this..." she said, looking at the doctor with pleading eyes. She never wanted to hurt people, but they forced her to do it. If she didn't follow them, they would start torturing her.

"Do it!!" The doctor yelled, making her flinch at his sudden outburst. She let out a shaky breath as she turns to look at the guy, who's looking at her with pleading eyes.

She bit her lips, trying to stop herself from crying. She take a deep breath and focus her mind on the guy. The guy's eyes instantly looks empty as 009 enters his mind.

"Grab the gun... and shoot yourself..." she said. The guy followed her instruction. Though his hand seems shaky as he reaches out to grab the gun. It's obvious that he's trying to resist her command. He points the gun against his head and shoot.

009 flinch and falls on her knees as she starts to cry. Blood is running out from her nose and ears. She is convinced that she's nothing but a monster.

A guard grabs her forcefully by the arm and starts to pull her. He tossed her back inside her cell-room. She stumbles forward and falls on her stomach. She turns to the guard and scream angrily at him. The door slams shut. She curl up in a ball and starts to cry harder.

Back to Present

011 crawls over to her sister and pull her closer in a hug. 009 cries softly as she snuggle closer to her lil sister's shoulder, who in return rub her back as an attempt to calm her down.


Years have passed and the twins is now 12 years old now. Everyday the two of them have to endure the same treatment. Tests, experiments and passed around like an object.

They are currently eating the food given to them in silence. No words is passed between the two of them, either verbal or telepathy. They are slowly turning lifeless as they grew tired with the way they're both treated.

Hey, 011... 009 called out after sitting in silence. Her sister look up slightly. What is it? She said. I can't stand being here anymore... let's leave... 009 said. But if we leave... where are we going to go? 011 asked her sister. Anywhere is better than here... is the respond she gets. You're right. Okay... let's get out of here... 011 responded, agreeing to her sister.

Good... we need to form a plan... 009 said. Okay... 011 said. First, we need to train harder in order to build up our strength... 009 said. Yes... once we're stronger... they won't stand a chance against us... 011 said. Then we run away? 009 said. Then we run away... 011 said. They give each other a curt nod. Finally having enough with the treatments they're getting, they finally choose to run away from the facility.

*to be continued*

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