Chapter 7

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Previously on Chapter 6

I take a deep breath to calm down. I strain my ears to listen to the monster's footsteps. I grip the handle of the makeshift sword I made. I can see the monster feet and quickly stand up. I slash through it, making it disintegrated into ash. I turn to the others. "Alright we have to leave... Now!" I said. They all nod their heads in agreement. They grab their chosen weapon and we run out of the house.

-Sacrificed For Our Friends-


We warned the others and we all agreed to meet up at school. So that's where Mike, Lucas, El and me are currently heading to.

We quickly runs inside the building. I use my ability to lock all the doors in this building, to make sure no one can enter. But I think it's going to be useless for the Demogorgons as they're monsters. They will just break through the window, much like how they did in Mike's house.

We keep running and enter a classroom. I pace back and forth as I try to think what we should do. We must act fast... or the whole town will be a feeding frenzy for those Demogorgons.

"First of... Dustin... you just got here. Do you bring weapon with you?" I said, turning to Dustin who shakes his head in return. I let out a sigh and hold out the sword that I made. "Use this..." I said. He takes it with shaky hands, it's obvious he's feeling scared about this whole thing.

"Do not hesitate to kill... one hesitation will result in your death. You don't wanna die, do you?" They all shakes their heads, letting me know they wanna stay alive.

I nod my head, still maintaining my serious face. "Those monsters will stop at nothing until they get us. They're flesh eating monsters. So we HAVE to fight back if we want to survive. At this rate... it's all about kill or be killed. So if you wanna live.... you fight for it. Do you all Understand?" I said, with a serious tone. Dustin gulps as he never sees me this way and instantly shakes his head.

Suddenly I hear sounds. I place my finger on my lips to signal them to be quiet. They nod their head to let me know they get my signal. I make a motion with my hand for them to squat and come towards me. We lean our back against the wall as there's a huge window overlooking the corridor.

I focus on my hearings, trying to locate where the Demogorgons will be attacking from. But all I hear is silence. Not a single sound can be heard. But I know they're out there somewhere, I can feel it.

"Where did they go?" I hear Mike asked. I clamp his mouth shut with a "shut up" look. Suddenly, a hand break through the wall and grab me. My sister in an instant grabs my hand tightly, not showing any sign that she's going to let me go. But even so... I still feel scared.

Tears streams down my cheeks as I look at her. "Do not let go, El..." I said. "I'll never let you go, sis! I refuse to lose you!" She said. Mike runs forward to help.

"Hold her..." El said. Mike got dragged a little before he regained his posture. He begin pulling me to him, while my sister focus on her ability. The monster got sent to the whiteboard and gets pined there.

I drop to the ground and groan in pain. El runs to me, pulling me into a hug whilst still pinning the monster against the whiteboard.

"We have to kill it..." I said, pulling away. "But I'm  not strong enough..." she said, looking at me. "But I am..." I said. I pull myself up and slowly walks to the monster as it struggles against the white-board.

"No!" My sister said. She grabs my hand tightly and refuse to let go. "El... let go..." I said. "No!! If you do it and so am I. We'll do it together..." she said. "Bu-" I truly to say, but she cuts me off. "No buts! I'm not losing you!" She said. I let out a soft sigh and nod my head. We held hands and walk towards the monster.

Mike tries to stop us, but El throws him back. We're now standing right in front of the monster. My sister turns to look at Mike one last time and I do the same as well. He have tears in his eyes. He shakes his head as an attempt to convince us not to. But we just give him a small smile.

"Goodbye, Mike..." El said. "Thanks for everything..." I said. We turn to look at the monster. We outstretch our free hand, palms pointing towards the monster.

"No more..." we said together. The light in the room starts flickering. We scream as we let out all of our strength. Then everything that's around us turns to dark.

Mike P.O.V

I stare in horror as the girl I love and her sister turns into ashes right in front of my eyes. I stand up from my spot and walks forward.

"El! Y/N!!! Where are you?!" I yelled. Tears streams down my cheeks heavily like a waterfall. I keep on screaming their names, but no matter how much I do... they're not here.



When we wake up, we're in a dark place. I turn my head to look at my sister, who's laying next to me. I place my free hand on her shoulder, since the other one is holding her hand. I shake her gently, trying to wake her up.

She stirs and opens her eyes. She sits up and sees what I saw. I stand up and pulls her up as well. She looks around the place.

Looks like we're in the Upside Down... she said, in my head. I nod my head in agreement. We've been in this place before. This place is where the Monsters came from.

I can hear growling coming from behind us and turn around. Over dozens of Demogorgons are standing there.

"Shit! El... run!!" I yelled, pulling her along. She start to run along. I can hear the monster roaring behind us, followed by their rapid footsteps as they chase us. This makes me pull El faster.

We reach the end and suddenly a bright light appear in front of us. I had to squeeze my eyes shut at how bright it is. I open my eyes after a while to see...

*to be continued*

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