Chapter 43

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Previously on Chapter 42

"I love you..." he said. A smile makes it way to my face. I pull away from and look at him. "I love you too..." I said. He smiles softly and leans down to place a soft, passionate kiss on my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck, kissing him back with equal passion.



It's been a week since the incident with Parkinson the other day. But oh well... I don't regret a thing. She deserve that.

I'm lucky enough that I don't get into any trouble. But what she did, still makes me feel annoyed. She knows my weakness, and try to use it against me. All because she wants to have Draco to herself.

Parkinson tried to blame me. She goes around telling people that I'm the one that attack her. But no one believed her, as there are a lot of witnesses. I can tell she feels annoyed because everyone is on my side. I don't really care though... she can do whatever she wants.

They said today is the day they'll be visiting a town. I ask which town and they said it's called Hogsmeade. They ask if I want to come with them. I'm not sure if I want to... but after a lot of persuasion, I just decide to go along. Mainly because Draco is the one that begged me to go with them.

So here I am... sitting next to Draco inside a carriage that will take us to Hogsmeade. I have my head on his shoulder while staring out at the window. My hand is being held by Draco.

"This will be my first visit..." I said. They all smile at me. "And we'll be sure to make your first visit the most memorable one..." Harry said, who's sitting across from me. I turn my head to look at him and smile.

"I'M her boyfriend. So making her first visit the most memorable is MY job. Not yours, Potter" Draco said. I gently hit his arm, making him turn to look at me. His gaze instantly soften as he stare into my stern gaze.

"Remember what I said, Malfoy. She was our best friend first... long before she's your girlfriend..." I hear Hermione said. "Whatever you say, Hermione" he said. Ron and Harry looks shock at what Draco just said.

Hermione is no different. Her eyes practically bulge out of her socket. "Did he just called you by your first name, Hermione?" Ron said, still looking at Draco in shock. "What's with the shock face, Ron?" Draco said with a smirk.

Ron's eyes widened even more. I just giggle at their mini interaction. "Guys... Draco have changed. You don't have to treat him like a stranger nor rival any longer..." I said. "I wonder who's behind it..." I hear Hermione said, smirking slightly.

Draco wrap his arm around my shoulder. "Of course, the one and only... Y/N... my beloved girlfriend..." he said, smiling lovingly at me. I blush and turn to bury my face in the crook of his neck. I can feel his neck vibrating, in an instant... I know he's laughing.

"Yeah... only Y/N can do that... she's a miracle in Hogwarts..." Harry said. I let out a groan and cover my face. "Cut it out! You're embarrassing me!" I said, in a whining tone. They burst out laughing at my reaction.


We are now walking around Hogsmeade. My hand being held gently by Draco. He said it's a must, since there's so many people here. He don't want me to get lost.

As we walk in silence, I suddenly hear a loud sound. I turn my head and instantly panic. There's a crowd of reporters. In an instant, they start to surround us. I tighten my grip on Draco's hand from nervousness.

Flashes from their camera are blinding. I shield my eyes from how bright it was. "Y/N! Is it true that you came from a different dimension?" "Is it true that you have a younger twin sister?" "Where is she?" "I heard that you got separated in two different world!" "Can you tell us what happen??" More and more questions are thrown my way. I cover my ears as I can feel panic flowing through my body.

Draco stands in front of me to cover me from them. Harry notice what's Draco trying to do and hurriedly told Ron, Hermione and Ginny to do the same thing. They stand in line in front of me, covering me from the reporters view. But I can still hear what they're all trying to say.

"Did you do it on purpose?" "Do you want to get rid of your sister?" My breathing that's to get heavier. I fall on my knees and cover my ears, shutting my eyes tightly.

"Shut up!! Stop it! I don't like this! Make it stop!!!" I yelled at top of my lungs. It took everything in me to not blow up and use my abilities on them. The last thing I want is to hurt anyone.

But they ignore my outburst and keep asking me. My breathing starts to get heavier. Draco kneels down in front of me, facing me while the other four moves closer to cover me. I start to find it hard to breathe.

"Baby... calm down. I'm right here... it's okay. You're okay..." he whispers. "D-Draco..." I gasped out, still finding it hard to breathe. I can see panic flashing in his eyes.

"We have to go back to Hogwarts. Now! She can't breathe!" He said, turning to the others. Harry tries to stop the reporter from bombarding me.

Harry raise his hands. "Everyone! Everyone! Please! She's having a hard time to breathe right now! Give us some space! I beg your pardon!" He yelled, trying to stop the reporters. But no matter what he did, the reporters just won't stop.

My sight starts to get blurry as tears starts to cover my vision. Draco pulls me closer. I bury my face into his chest, clutching the front of his shirt tightly. He cover my ear, while the other is pressed against his chest. "Guys! Please! Leave her alone!" Hermione said.

"D-Draco... I... c-can't breathe..." I choked out. My vision starts to get darker. Exhaustion starts to fill me up. I close my eyes and let myself fall limp in his arms.

Draco P.O.V

Y/N suddenly lose her consciousness. I take out my wand and point it at the reporter. "Stand back! Back! Don't make me use magic on you! Can't you see my girlfriend is having some trouble here! Go away!!" I yelled. They flinch and instantly runs away. I let out a sigh and place my wand back inside my pocket.

"Let's just head back to Hogwarts..." I said, picking Y/N up in my arms. They nod their heads as a sign of agreement. I walk towards the direction where all the carriage will be.

Harry is the first to get in the carriage. He picks Y/N up in his arms. I get inside as well. I take a seat on the cushioned seats. I outstretch my hands, wanting to be the one to hold Y/N. He place Y/N on my lap and I hold her close.

Her first visit should be pleasant. But this is far from pleasant. Y/N will be traumatize and it'll be hard to convince her to come with us again. Not that I want to anyway... I can see how hard it is for her.

"I'm sorry, Y/N... I'm sorry I let this happen" I said, in a hush tone. I lick my lips and gently place a soft kiss on her forehead. Then I just pull her close. She moves a little and I gently caress her hair, trying to keep her asleep. She needs to rest after what happen just now.

*to be continued*

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