Chapter 38

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Previously on Chapter 37

"So YOU'RE Y/N? The girl I've been hearing about. You and your sister suddenly appear out of no where in the middle of Hogwarts..." he said. "Yeah... that's me..." I said. "Wow... I can't believe I get to meet you this fast... I heard everything that happened... and I am sorry about your sister and your abilities... I sure hope they'll return..." he said, smiling at me. "Yeah... I hope so too..." I said. One thing's bothering me...

Why do I start forgetting about El?

-Trouble In The Dining Hall-


"Y/N... wake up" I feel someone shaking me awake. I open my eyes to see Hermione. She smiles when she notice that I'm awake. "Come on and get up... we've reached Hogwarts" she said. I yawn and slowly nod my head. I stand up and grab my luggage. Then we get off the train.

As we walk, I hear someone calling out for me. I stop walking and turn around. A grin appear on my face as I realize who it is. I place my luggage on the floor and run towards his welcoming arms.

"I miss you, Draco!!" I said, happily. He laughs and wraps his arms around my waist. "I miss you too, Y/N..." he said. He picks me up and twirl us around. I let out a cheerful cheer and as I clutch his shoulders.

He place me back on my feet and cup my cheeks. He smiles and leans down, capturing my lips in a short and passionate kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck and tilt my head slightly, deepening the kiss.

He pulls away and leans his forehead against mine. I smile as I stare into his loving eyes. He lift his hand and place it on my cheek.

"I miss kissing you... your soft lips are so addicting" he said. I blush at his comment, and bury my face in the crook of his neck. I can feel his neck vibrating a little, letting me know that he's laughing.

"Oh how I love the effect I have on you, Y/N" he said. I pull away and punch his chest softly. He groan in fake pain. "Oh stop it... you're such a drama queen. I didn't hit you that hard... and stop teasing me while you're at it..." I said, rolling my eyes. "You're so damn cheeky..." he said, chuckling softly. "But that's why you love me, right?" I said, grinning at him. "That's one of the many reasons why I love you..." he said. I smile and leans up to kiss him again. He tightens his arms around me, kissing me back.

"Ayo, Lovebirds! Come on! Let's get going! It's night time and you know what that means? It's dinner!! I am starving!!" I hear Ron whining. I giggle and pull away from Draco. "Come on..." I said. He just laugh softly, giving my lips another peck. I pull away, only to have him pull me closer for another kiss.

"Oiii!!!" He yelled again. I hit Draco's shoulder. He laughs and pulls away from me completely. "We're coming, Ron!" I said. "Finally!!" He said, looking a little annoyed. I just laugh and Draco chuckles next to me. I grab my luggage and we head towards the others.


We finally reach the dining hall. It's busy as always. Chatter comes from all around the room from all 4 tables. Even the professors seem to be discussing something.

I make my way to the Gryffindor table, along with Harry, Hermione and Ron. I take a seat in between Harry and Hermione. Ron sits across from us and he's instantly stuffing his face with food. I roll my eyes, for a guy that have a huge appetite... he have a quite masculine body. It makes me curious, where did all those fats go to.

"Did you all hear the news?" I hear someone from my left said. It's a boy. "What news?" A girl said. "Sirius Black escaped from the prison... some said he's been spotted around here..." the first boy said. I hear a gulp across from me. I look forward to see Ron, looking pale.

"What's up with you? And who's Sirius?" I asked. He looks at me in disbelief. "You don't know who Black is??" He said. "Well... duh. I'm not going to ask if I know, right? Besides... have you forgotten? I'm not from here..." I said. "Oh... right... anyway... Sirius Black is a mad man. He's involved in a mass murder and he got sent to Prison of Azkaban. That prison is for someone with serious criminal record. Including Sirius Black..." he said. "Wow... that sounds scary..." I said, gulping.

"I know! That's why... and some also said that Black is here... because he wants to kill Harry" he said. My eyes widened as I turn to look at Harry in shock. He just looks back at me, even though he looks calm. I can tell that he's freaking out on the inside. Right at this moment... I wish I have my abilities, more than anything. With my abilities I can help Hogwarts in keeping Harry safe. Now it makes me feel so useless.

"Are you okay, Y/N? You suddenly act all gloomy..." I hear Hermione said next to me. I turn to look at her and sigh. "This situation made me feel useless. I wish my abilities would recover. So I can help..." I said, looking down with a sad frown. I feel Harry pull me into a side hug.

"Don't worry about it..." he said. "I just don't want my best friend to get hurt, you know..." I said. "I know... but you have nothing to worry about. I'm a strong wizard. Plus... I'm sure everyone here will protect me... don't worry..." he said. "Well... if you put it that way... I guess you're right..." I said. He smiles and gently pat my shoulder.

I jump when the door to the dining hall swung open. I turn my head to see a guy with long silver hair. I can hear gasp behind me. I turn my head to see Draco. He's looking at the man wide-eyed... and he looks tense.

"Who's that?" I whispered to Hermione. "That's your boyfriend's father. Lucius Malfoy..." she whispered back. "Oh... what's he doing here??" I asked. She just shrugs his shoulder, to let me know that she didn't know anything.

I turn to look at Draco. He feels my gaze and turn to look at me. "What's going on?" I mouth at him. He just shakes his head, to let me know he didn't know why he's father is here. I frown and turn to look at the man. He's looking around the place. But mostly looking through the students in Gryffindor table.

He scoffs as he looks at our table. Then he walks up to the table where all the professors are sitting. I just stay silent as I watch Professor Dumbledore getting up from his seat.

"What brings you here, Mr. Malfoy?" He said, only to earn a glare from the man. 'Tch... his manner is very bad' I thought to myself in annoyance. I can't believe the man standing in front of us right now is Draco's father.

The man turns to look at us. "How pitiful. This place is suppose to be a school for Wizards and Witches. It's bad enough that this place have mudbloods in them..." He said. I can feel Hermione tensing up at the mention of mudblood. I glance at her to see her have a sad expression on her face. I clench my hands into a tight fists and turn to look at the man again. I can't believe this man is Draco's father.

He still have that unamused expression. "Then to make things worse... this place welcomed someone who doesn't even have magic in their blood and still welcomes that person just because of what she did for this place" he said. I can hear whispering from the other students.

The man scoffs. "Silence!! Oh how disgusted I feel when I learn that this person have an affair with my son..." He said. I can feel a few eyes turns to look at me. I just ignore their stares and keep staring at the Draco's father. I take a quick glance at Draco to see him looking at me with worry in his eyes. I just give him a reassuring smile that everything will be okay. Then I turn to look at his father again. He still have that disgusted look on his face as he glance around again. "Now...

Where is Y/N??

*to be continued*

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