Court Room Reveal

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Summery: Diaz hides a camera in the room when Oliver and his lawyer have a conversation in 6x21

Oliver sits down next to Jean waiting for Felicity to take the stand when two cops roll a TV into the room and position it facing everyone. The TV flickers on and Diaz appears saying, Hello Star City. My name is Ricardo Diaz and I have a video to play for you all and I hope this clarifys some things, Diaz says with a smirk. Everyone is confused but when the TV flicker to a room where Oliver and Jean are, Oliver grows pale knowing what conversation he had with Jean. Jean has the same reaction where everyone else is confused but focused on the screen.

Oliver: Okay. Is this as bad as it looks?

Jean: Arguably worse.

Oliver: Can... can we prove that, uh, Diaz was putting pressure on Rene?

Jean: No, No, No. I mean, even assuming we could, the jury has no idea who Ricardo Diaz is.

Everyone is very intrigued and Oliver puts his head in his hands knowing what's about to be revealed.

Jean: Conventional wisdom says you never ask a client if they are guilty because the more I know, the more it might tie my hands, but I am gonna ask.. Are you the Green Arrow?

Everyone's eyes widened, especially everyone who already knew and was wondering what he was gonna say.

Oliver: Yes.

Everyone who knew sank there head low wondering what the were gonna do now while Felicity looked hopeless and Oliver looked defeated. Everyone else gasped in shock and everyone started whisperering amongst themselves.

Jean: Then I'm gonna propose a new strategy.

Oliver: Okay

Jean: Jury Nullification

Oliver: Hmm?

Jean: You're going to admit to being the Green Arrow.

Oliver looked away and shakes his head.

Jean: we are then going to highlight every single thing you have done for this city, all the times you have saved it. We will argue you do not deserve to go to prison. This is a legitimate chance, Oliver.

Everyone thought hard about how much he's done for this city and all the times he saved it.

Oliver looks back toward Jean

Oliver: I can't do it.

Jean: Why not?

Oliver with emotion in his voice

Oliver: I'd be putting a target on my back, I'd be putting a target on my wife and son's back. I have been the Green Arrow for 6 years.

Everyone who didn't know gasped in shock doing the math that ment he was the Hood, The Arrow, and The Green Arrow. Everyone starts thinking of how he saved half of the galdes in the Undertaking and how he stopped the Seige, and all the stuff the Hood and Arrow has done as well as the Green Arrow. They also think of how the Hood murdered a lot of people but also how he has changed.

Oliver: I didn't plan on doing it forever. I thought that one day my mission would end and I would finally, after all this time, get a chance to actually live my life.

Jean's eyes soften

Everyone that knew was sad about this, that Oliver just wanted to live his life but now that everyone knew that would probably never happen.

Everyone thought about that statement and felt kinda sad for Oliver. They were at a war with themselves at if he should go to prison or not.

Oliver: That will never happen... If I tell the whole world that I'm The Green Arrow.

The TV flickers off and Felicity is silently crying, William is sad, and Oliver hasn't looked up from his hands yet.

No one knows what to say but then the judge breaks the ice, Uhmmm well let's take a break and meet back in 1 hour.

Everyone leaves the courtroom and everyone from team Arrow walks to the room and they walk in the room and shut the door Oliver walks toward where the camer was and grabs it and smashes it. Oliver then goes ballistic and starts smashing the whole room up in rage. When he's done he looks over to where everyone is standing looking at him worried and William looks on the brink of tears. Oliver sighs and says, Come here, buddy. William runs over to his dad and jumps in his arms. William let's a tear flow and ask, Am I gonna lose you? Oliver doesn't know what to say because he probably will but he doesn't want to say that, so he just says, No matter what happens, it will be okay.

Do you guys want a part 2?

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