10 : Heated.

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"Oh really ?"

"Yeah, wanna see ?" Yoongi asked, turning to her.

Arabella scoffed, leaning her arms against the balcony's glass fence as she looked at Yoongi, gaze flirty without even meaning to.

"You'd have to take off your shirt for me to see those six wounds, Yoongi-yah." She said, though her tone didn't seem too impressed.

She was on her third glass of champagne, bringing it to her lips.

Yoongi and Arabella met at the buffet and decided to talk for a bit, which led to a discussion about Yoongi surviving six gunshots.

He licked his lips, looking away for a second before looking back at her, chuckling.

"Would your fiancé like that ?" He asked, looking at her up and down slowly, her body looking tempting and inviting in that dress.

Arabella looked around before cocking her head, a small pout on her lips.

"I don't see him." She answered. "I thought you'd be more fun Yoongi-yah."

He was about to answer before Taehyung interrupted them, finding them standing there, gazing at each other like they were lovers.

He immediately pulled out his gun, pointing at Yoongi who chuckled, holding his hands up though his eyes were still on Arabella.

"Now I see him.."

"Back off." He said coldly, clicking on the safety lock.

"There he comes, ruining my mood.." Arabella groaned. "Leave us alone Kim, do you know anything about privacy ?"

Taehyung didn't even look at her, her attractiveness would make him lose focus.

He didn't see her that much because of how much he was working but whenever he did, he was mesmerized, regardless of whether they were trying to kill each other or not.

"Baa-baa boo-boo you can't speak now ?" Arabella mockingly said to his lack of words, which made Yoongi snort.

"Sweetheart can you shut up for a second ?" Taehyung answered, finally turning to her.

She leaned towards him, her hands on the fence holding her back.

"Make me Kim, you know damn well you can't, you can't force me to do anything because you know that I don't give a fuck about you, and I never will." She spoke in a very stern tone. "I hate you with a burning passion, darling."

She took Yoongi's hand in hers, turning to him.

"Now let's-"

She got cut off by a warning shot into the sky fired by Taehyung, who clearly disliked whatever was happening there.

The bal room was too loud to be bothered by a mere gunshot, most people enjoying the alcohol too much to even hear it, or pay attention to it.

Even if they did, it wouldn't matter.

They knew what kind of people they were surrounded by.

Yoongi let out a sigh, kissing Arabella's temple before letting go.

"That was fun, we'll talk some more later, you have my number." He whispered in her ear before walking away, giving Taehyung a smirk as he strolled back into the room, unbothered.

Arabella crossed her arms, frustrated as she pulled out her phone from the garter under her dress, turning around.

"Ryeon Arabella, face me." Taehyung said, putting the safety lock back on and putting his pistol away.

She didn't answer, still discovering the functions of her smartphone.

Back in Pyeongyang, she was allowed to have a phone, however it was the one that had for only purpose to call and text other people.

"Arabella, don't make me say it twice." Taehyung spoke up again.

"Or what ?" She answered, her back still turned to him as she tried to take some selfies.

Taehyung walked towards her, accidentally getting into the frame of her last picture as he forcefully turned her around.

She pushed him away immediately, looking disgusted.

"Don't touch me."

"I told you to stop pushing my buttons.. What do you want from me ?!" He asked, almost shouting. "I'm sick of your shit Arabella, can't you be appreciative ?! What would your life be in Pyeongyang huh ?!"

"Oh so I should thank you for killing the only person I loved in this world ?! Thank you for killing my father Taehyung, I'm so fucking grateful, should I bow down to you too ?"

Arabella was angry and frustrated.

She was having a good time for the first time ever since she stepped a foot in this country and Taehyung ruined it, just like he ruined her life.

He sighed, throwing his head back.

"Listen there Arabella, we both want this wedding for personal reasons, so at least stop acting like you hate me." He said in a tired tone.

"You think it's an act ? I do hate you ! I hate everyone here except Yoongi, the stylist and the butler ! But you.." She let out a nervous chuckle. "Hate isn't enough to express how much I despise you, I can't call off the wedding but eternity in Hell seems way more charming than the rest of my life with you !"

"You know what ? I was thinking exactly the same thing ! Why would I want to marry a bitchy, self-centered and stuck up bitch when I can have anyone else ?!" Taehyung shouted back.

Arabella scoffed, her eyes widening.

"You think you're so great ? You're a man-child who can't keep it in his pants and kill people for fun, for the sake of-.. You know what ? I'm going back to your mansion and I'll pack my stuff, fuck you and fuck this marriage, I'm done, I'm done !"

She started to walk away, but Taehyung's voice stopped her in tracks, his next words triggering her in the worst way possible.

"Go ahead and leave sweetie, tell your dead father I said hello." He said with a smirk plastered on his face.

At the speed of lightning, Arabella grabbed her gun and shot him, not missing him, right in his chest.

Taehyung grunted in pain, surprised that she even got him with how far she was.

"Actually, you tell him yourself."




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