15 : Protection.

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"Leave me alone for fuck's sake !"

Taehyung clicked his tongue, looking at the maid besides him who stared at the ground, not wanting to get involved.

"Arabella you better open that door right fucking now !" Taehyung said, banging on the dark wood of the door.

"Or what ?!"

On Arabella's side, there was a silence for a moment. She sat on the bed criss-cross, watching a drama on her bedroom's TV.

Ever since her last encounter with Taehyung, she refused to come out of her room, meaning she hadn't ate in three days. All she did was watch dramas and sleep, drinking tap water that was disgusting.

At first Taehyung thought she was only avoiding him, but the maids came to him, worried about the lady of the house.

"Open it Arabella, it's my last warning." Taehyung said again, his voice a little lower.

Arabella didn't answered, staring at the screen silently.

Loosing his patience, Taehyung broke the door's handle, surprising her though she didn't show much of a reaction aside from rolling her eyes.

He immediately analyzed her, seeing that she lost a bit of weight, just a tiny bit, but he noticed.

She wore a simple set of shorts with a crop-top, her usual silk robe on top of it, her hair in a bun.

"The bathroom was opened all along you know ?" Arabella said, looking at him with a hint of annoyance in her eyes before glancing at her poor door.

"I don't give a fuck ! You're gonna eat now !" Taehyung said, taking the trail of food from the maid's hands.

Arabella looked at him silently before scoffing.

"And why would I do that ? I'm not hun-"

"Stop with all of that bullshit I won't allow that to happen !" Taehyung cut her off, shouting. "You're gonna stop pretending marrying me is Hell and hurting yourself because of that, look, Jina made you kimchi stew with some rice because apparently you love that shit, also I personally went to the store to buy some blueberry soju because they also said you loved that shit, come on eat up."

He put the trail down on the desk under Arabella's curious eyes, a light of disgust clearly visible, though it was a bit different than usual.

"Why do you suddenly act all husband ?" She asked, giving him a nasty glare.

Taehyung sighed, ruffling his own hair before stretching his his shoulders, jerking them up and down.

"I just want the best for you and I want to protect you." He answered, looking at whatever she was watching.

Arabella scrunched her face at his words, scoffing after she finished analyzing them.

"I don't want your-"

Taehyung cut her off by jumping on the bed besides her as the maid took the hint and closed the door to the best of her abilities, leaving them their privacy.

He held her waist tight, as if he was going to die if he didn't, his face burried in her stomach as Arabella tried to push him away, without success.

"You weren't protected Arabella, you can pretend your father did but he didn't had the heart to fight his whole family to protect you Sweetheart, I know." He said calmly, ignoring how she tried to pry him off of her. "The discussion we had that day made me realize that."

Arabella sighed, knowing it was true, which only irritated her.

Her father was always protecting her, but with her family, he never did it fully.

For exemple, he never stood up against his parents to protect Arabella, which led to child-abuse.

He never stood up against his wife and his son to tell them to leave Arabella alone, which led to bullying inside their home itself.

He protected her, yes, but not from everyone.

"Well I'll protect you now, you hear me ? Hate me if you want, whether you like or not, you will become Madam Kim Taehyung, it's my duty to protect you." He said, holding her tighter, rubbing his hands against her soft skin.

Arabella slowly sighed, patting his back in hopes it'd give him the peace of mind he seemed to seek for, all of that in hopes that it'd make him leave her alone.

"You sound like you're in love with me, ew." She mumbled.

"Don't think too high of yourself, I.. I was thinking about why you were so upset about your dad and-"

"You killed him, it's logical." She cut him off, looking at him in disbelief.

"Shut up and listen for once." Taehyung groaned. "Usually, your eyes are empty, just pitch black, like a black hole but when you talk about your dad, there's a little light, like.. A sun... And I understood your dad was your protector, and I took that away from you." Taehyung explained. "I'm truly sorry about that Sweetheart and if we have to get married, I'll make sure to give you the life you deserve."

Arabella stayed silent, not saying anything.

What could she say to that ?

None only did it come out of nowhere, but she wasn't used to kind words.

".. Why the sudden change of demeanor? It's for keeping me away from Yoongi ? What are you planning to do ? Make me fall in love to break my heart ?"

Taehyung sat up, kissing her forehead before standing up, giving Arabella a wonderful view of his back as he stretched, his muscles flexing a bit.

The bandage surrounding his chest area made it even hotter if it was possible, which led to an inner battle for Arabella.

Thirst or not ?

"Don't ask too much questions and eat up, Sweetheart."

Taehyung himself didn't know his real intentions anymore, but what he did know was that he meant every word he told her.

He'll protect her, with everything he has.

"Wanna stay with me a minute, lover boy ?" Arabella asked, her voice stern and cold as usual, contrasting with the petname.

Taehyung turned around, his eyebrows lifted in surprise as he looked at Arabella standing up, walking towards her desk.

"Why would you want me to stay ?" He asked with a light chuckle.

Arabella cocked her head, grabbing her chopsticks as she looked at him.

"Aren't we getting married ? We can talk for a second."




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