12 : Hide and seek.

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After a few weeks of complete rest, Taehyung could finally go back home.

He still had to rest, Jimin being in charge for the time being.

However, he couldn't.

For someone at the head of a criminal organization, Taehyung was childish.

He didn't care about Arabella running away itself, nor that she shot him, but that he lost his toy he could play with.

It pissed him off, he hated losing control.. Well as a matter of fact, he hated losing.

"I tried to hold her back Master, I really did.." Jihoon said with a small pout.

It only made Taehyung angrier, hearing her voice trying to justify her actions when it wasn't about her at all.

"Where did she go ?" He cut her off in her self-centered monologue, his voice deep and cold.

"I-I don't know she called a cab.."

Taehyung sucked his teeth, throwing the glass of whisky he was drinking on the wall, the secretary jumping at the sound.

Frustration. Anger. Bitterness.

If Taehyung thought he was a devil, Arabella was much worse than that and he learned it the hard way.

He let out a frustrated sigh, massaging his temples.

Even in her absence, she gave him headaches.

"Jihoon-ah, listen closely because I won't repeat myself.. Find Ryeon Arabella and make sure her ass gets back in this mansion.. Who does she thinks she is to call off the wedding huh ? I'm the only one who can !"

Jihoon nodded before bowing ninety degrees, jogging out of the room hurrily as Taehyung started to scare her.

She had never seen him that frustrated, not even when five hundred pounds of cocaine suddenly disappeared out of nowhere.

It made her roll her eyes at the cause and chuckle at the same time, knowing Arabella would never come here, allowing her to have another chance with the curly-headed male.

Speaking about the devil, Taehyung grabbed his phone looking through his contacts.

He got her number with the help of one of his team's hacker, which now he was grateful for.

You better tell me where
you are right now.

He waited a few minutes until she replied, ruffling his messy curly hair as he sat lazily on his leather chair, only a pair of grey sweatpants hanging on his waist, the bandages on his chest on full display.

Sweetheart 🕷
or what ?

A chuckle escaped Taehyung's lips, his head throwing back on the chair as he texted her back, smirking as his tongue pushed against his cheek.

hide and seek won't end
well sweetheart

Sweetheart 🕷
catch me if you can then

"Ryeon Arabella.." Taehyung laughed bitterly, licking his lips. ".. You really shouldn't let me find you sweetheart.."

game on, love

Sweetheart 🕷
fuck you.

Taehyung threw his phone on his desk, wiping his face in his hand as he thought.

"This bitch is giving me an headache." He sighed, tapping his index against the dark wood of the desk.

Jimin walked in the office, seeing Taehyung's annoyed yet amused expression.

"Of course Jihoon was blushing, have you seen yourself ?" Jimin said, chuckling.

Taehyung rolled his eyes, straightening his head and stretching his neck.

"Jihoon can go suck a dick, anyone's but mine." Taehyung answered, ruffling his messy hair. "She's starting to get on my nerves, trying to control me or whatever now.."

"That's what happens when you give a stray dog food, he thinks it's home." Jimin answered, smirking. "I thought you'd never get enough of her, is your fiancé responsible for this change ?"

Taehyung scoffed, pushing his hair back and letting it fall on his face again.

"Talk about a fiancé, she shot me and ran off.. She acts like she knows someone here." Taehyung said in a mocking tone.

Jimin's eyebrows raised as the male realized something, pursing his lips.

"I mean.. She kinda does." He answered, gulping.

"Oh yeah ? Who then ? The stylist ?" Taehyung laughed, raising a brow at the blond male.

Jimin shook his head, realizing that Taehyung didn't suspect anything. He cocked his head before speaking.

"Who was she with before she shot you ? What led to this violent argument ?" Jimin asked.

Taehyung took a moment to think before furrowing his eyebrows, standing up brutally but soon grunting at the sharp pain in his chest from the wound Arabella gave him.

"You okay ? Take it easy Taehyung-ah." Jimin said, following Taehyung out of the room.

The taller male didn't even bother to put on a shirt, he simply grabbed his car keys, walking at a fast pace towards his car.

"Taehyung-ah calm down ! Where are you going ?" Jimin said, jogging to catch up with him.

"To Yoongi-Hyung." He answered, getting in his car. "I told her to not try me, now I'm gonna find her, hide and seek is over."

"Nothing tells you she's there though." Jimin rolled his eyes, trying to knock some sense back into Taehyung.

Taehyung scoffed, looking at him as he started the engine.

"She better not be there then, because I wouldn't like her being a bad girl now."




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