Life Maybe Does Goes On.

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"Don't look at me like that Sweetheart come on.."

Taehyung came for a hug but Arabella pushed him away in a way that brought back many memories.

He didn't know what to expect from her, but hostility wasn't on the list for sure.

"Don't serve me that bullshit you heard me ?! Don't even put your fucking paws on me !"

Taehyung pursed his lips, lowering his head.

He did expect her to be a little upset, but not immediately and not that much.

All he could do was lower his head and listen to what she had to say, no matter how much he wanted to hold her and kiss her until they both lose their breaths.

"I.. I was left alone ! I was all alone during six years and I raised my son on my fucking own, do you know how hard that is ?! Do you know how hard it is when your son asks you about his father all the time and all you can do is hide the truth because his father just thought that he was fucking Harley Quinn and went to a suicide mission ?! You said you were gonna stay alive, yet I was alone in that delivery room when I was pushing him out, I was alone going through depression because of your shit and now you want me to act like everything is fucking okay ?! You fucking betrayed me !"

She didn't realize that she had been shouting, feeling a bit out of breath by the time she was done, looking at him.

Taehyung didn't really change, except for his hair that was now blond and straight. His figure was hugged by a white tee, allowing her to see that he got a bit muscular too.

His face looked exactly the same despite him being thirty-one now, only dark circles hugging his under-eye.

"I'm sorry I.. I'm sorry you had to go through that much and-"

"When I fell in love with you I thought I could finally have a break, but no ! No ! Because you decided to forget the promise you made when you said you'll stay by our side, if you're going to bring your mafia shit into my house get out, I don't want my son to be raised in that environment."

She didn't really want him to leave, but she couldn't just let him in like that again, not that easily, not after she did everything she could to protect her son.

Myungshi didn't deserve that kind of life, and she deserved better too.

She deserved her peace of mind.

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