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It's hard to explain what they are when the world has yet to define these creatures. In a world where all of society is at full capacity and everything has reach it's limit a few creatures are able to stand out. They are called limitless. These creatures can go beyond the limits of normal humans, having extraordinary abilities ranging from increase mental reasoning to dramatic physical change. They are unique and the origins of there creation have yet to be discovered. Even though most look and function like humans they are still classified as different creatures and when discovered in human society, are taken into the A.P. facility that focuses on training and rehabilitation. For now theses creatures are able to live amongst humans in society for there are no immediate threats but that is all the information the public has access to. A new law has been passed making it mandatory for limitless to carry IDs to prevent any more issues regarding denial of businesses. If anyone is to deny business to a limitless with an I.D. is subjected to rule 12 and will need to fulfill the guidelines before allowing anymore customers into the establishment-

"Hey wait-" Hiro flinches as the boss removes the cigarette from his mouth and drops it into the ashtray. "You mistyped. It's rule twenty two not twelve. Have this corrected and it'll be published."

Hiro. Formally known as Toshihiro Mamoru. He is what the world calls a limitless though it's not as glamorous as his articles make it out to be. Sure he has a special power and a special badge but that's all. Nothing else splits him from the world and calling him special downgrades all the work he's done. Being a limitless means you have to be special, unique, different. Those were the opposite of Hiro's goals and for as long as he could remember he wanted to blend in over sticking out. That's why he wore average clothes, worked an average job at the local news station, and earn a below average pay. Despite his best attempts people will always seem him as different and strange, resulting in backlash from co-workers and former bosses. After being thrown out of the radio department Hiro was about to go jobless when the leader of the newspaper station called him in and offered him a job. At first he thought this was a cruel joke, to use his abilities to get gossip or discover secret information, but he was mistaken. The kind old man he called boss simply asked for him to bring coffee in the morning and write inspiring articles for the public. Soon the raven hair male found peace in his life, writing articles on topics that interested him while finishing off his schooling-

"Hiro." The boss yells, slamming his hand on the desk to get the boys attention.

Hiro jumps in suprise, his hat almost falling off as he nervously takes a step back. "S-sorry-"

The bosses expression softens as he leans back in his chair. "Don't worry my boy. You were off in space again and I would like to keep my chair to the ground."

The boy tilts his head before gasping. The bosses chair was almost three feet in the air and Hiro quickly ran to his side to place the chair back on the ground. "Sorry! I'm so sorry- I wasn't paying attention-"

"It's alright my boy." The old man let's out a hearty chuckle. "I told you, you don't need to be afraid to use your powers. I know it's difficult to supress them at times."

Hiro tips his hat down to hide his embarrassed expression. "Sir you know it's against the rules. I'm only allowed to use my power once I'm twenty one. Till then I have to be supervised by an official."

"I'm well aware of what is and isn't allowed. After all it's out job to tell the public of new rules." He stands up, leaning heavily on his cane as he shuffles to the door of his office. "But I don't want to trouble you any longer. Your paper is wonderful as always though maybe consider branching out?"

Hiro collects the papers before following the man to the door. "No offense sir, but the only eventful news around these parts is a few rule changes."

"Ah I see you haven't been listening to word on street?" the bosses periwinkle eyes twinkle as he looks at the raven hair boy with intrest.

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