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Hiro felt lightheaded as if he was drifting between deep sleep and a dream. He wasn't sure where he was but as hard as he tried he couldn't seem to open his eyes. As he tried to move around, it felt like he was lying on something soft, almost like a cloud. Was he in his bed? The thought made him exhale in relief as he snuggles into the covers. His mind and body felt heavy as if it was made of metal. Was he sick? Maybe walking in the chilly weather finally got to him. Still, try as he might he couldn't shake off this heaviness. How did he even get to bed? Was he so tired he couldn't remember? Maybe working on that last paper took more out of him than he thought. That's probably it.

As Hiro stiffly turned onto his side, he curls into the fluffy pillows beside him. He was too lightheaded to even try to sit up. Maybe more sleep will help the throbbing pain to go away. As he was about to drift off again he reaches over to pull the soft blanket over his head. He scrunches the smooth silky sheets and pulls them closer.

...Wait! Silk Sheets? Since when did his bed-

Hiro gasps as he forces his eyes to open. Memories of his kidnapping flashed in his mind. Walking home from work. Being arrested by the police. Going to meet the general only to be saved by a mysterious girl. And finally being dragged into an alley and drugged.

He sits up despite his pounding head. As he looks around he finds himself on a large king-size bed. The room was brightly lit, a large chandelier illuminating the room. As he squints from the brightness he takes in his surroundings. The room was large and made Hiro feel like he was in a hotel for rich people. He notes a fireplace and a couple of comfortable chairs with a small table, all decorated in dark wood. There was a large wardrobe and mirror on one side of the room and two large doors on the other. The rest of the walls had curtains pulled over the window, blocking the outside world.

As he tries to crawl off the bed he looks down to see his new attire. While he was knocked out someone decided to dress him. His hoodie and jeans had been replaced with a long silk robe. The material was thin but comfortable and the gray color at least looked nice. He pulls off his robe to reveal comfortable black pajamas. He was disgusted by being changed but at least whoever these people have had the decency to clothe him properly. 

With a bit of crawling, he was able to reach the end of the bed. Slippers were provided but Hiro ignores them as he lowers himself on the ground. He's a bit wobbly as his feet touch the faux fur rug. With a push he forces himself to stand and walk over to the large door, his feet feeling a tickling sensation against the rug. 

Taking in his surroundings, Hiro tries to understand where and why he was here. He takes a deep breath before pulling the two doors open, large enough so he can peak outside the room. While the bedroom he woke up in was very modern the hallway was very Japanese-inspired. The floor was polished so clear he could see his reflection. The room was lit up by a few lamps and a samurai armor stood next to another door. He froze for a moment, thinking they were actual people. With another deep breath, he steps into the hallway.

Paintings decorated the walls and a small table stood in the center of the room. A variety of food laid on the table, ranging from Japanese sweets to American pastries. Hiro's stomach growls but he ignores the feeling. He needed to escape and his eyes were focused on the doors located on the opposite side of the room. He slowly approaches the door his body still under the effect of the drug but he knew he had to leave. Something about this place made his skin crawl. It made him want to sprint as far as he could though that would be difficult due to his outfit. If people outside saw him wearing pajamas they'd think he was insane. Shaking the bad thoughts away he grabs the handle of the door and pushes it open.

There was a small click as the door creaks open. The hallways were tall and large, making Hiro feel uncomfortably small. Large windows lined the walls, revealing a light orange sky slowing turning a light blue. The sun was rising making Hiro wonder how long he was asleep. 

He quickly dismisses the thought. Right now he needs to escape. As he walks down the hall he tries to determine where he is. His mind was pondering a few locations when he hears footsteps approaching. He ignores them at first, continuing to walk down the hall but the footsteps grew louder and more frantic. Heart beating, Hiro sprints down the hall. He doesn't have time to react as he hears shouting behind him. He makes a sharp turn down another hallway in hopes of losing the man but the stranger persists. 

The voice became more distant as Hiro picks up his speed. He scans the hallway ahead of him to see if there were any more guards. He was moving so quickly he almost fell forward a couple of times, luckily able to keep his balance. Up ahead was a large door that he assumed was the exit. Picking up speed he sprints towards the door. 

Hiro didn't get a chance to blink as a female magically appeared in front of him. Unable to slow down he flails his arms in warning but the girl didn't move. Just as they were about to collide the girl grabs Hiro's arm and yanks him into the air before slamming him against the cool tiling.

The air was knocked out of him as he laid on the floor. He was momentarily stunned as the man who was chasing him caught up and grabbed Hiro by the back of his pajama collar. Hiro glares at the man, him being at least a foot taller than himself. The man wore a cocky smirk as his crimson eyes gaze down at Hiro judgementally. 

"Well look who we got here? Trying to sneak off without saying goodbye?" The man's voice was soothing but malicious. Hiro knew if he made a wrong move the man could easily end him. 

The female sighs as she proceeds to tuck a loose silver strain of hair behind her ear. It took Hiro a moment to realize it was the same girl from yesterday. She was in more casual clothes, sporting a long green summer dress with a white cardigan. He then meets the girl's eyes who were silently staring at him. After a beat of silence, she speaks, her tone gentle and warm.

"You don't have to be afraid. We aren't going to harm you. We're here to inform you of what happened last night." She speaks diligently as she retains eye contact, making sure Hiro understood what she was saying. The girl then glanced at the man. Hiro didn't see the guy's reactions but moments later he was let go.

Hiro stumbles back a few feet as he stares the two down. He wouldn't be able to escape easily. The guy seems strong, easily capable of chasing him down. The girl didn't look particularly strong or fast but the way she appeared in front of him was troubling. Hiro's seafoam green eyes watch the two carefully in case they planned to suddenly attack him. For now, he'd play along but once given the chance he plans on escaping. 

"Well...I may not understand what's going on but I'd like to leave now."

The girl sighs. "I can't allow that at this moment. Right now you are in (name). We have to assure your not only aware of being associated with us but what this will mean for you as a limitless."

Hiro pauses for a moment. How did she know? And that name...why did it sound familiar. Hiro ponders these questions for a few moments before gasping. "You...You're the resistance group!? The one that's been holding public demonstrations about limitless?"

"Good you know about us. This will make it easier." She crosses her arms. "As long as you don't mention our name in public I doubt the police will ever interfere with your life again. I apologize for you being arrested. I believe someone in the area found out about my group's mission and mistook you as a member here."

"Ah...I see..." Hiro uncomfortably takes a step back. What type of mischief were they conducting if they were being threatened by police? The nagging feeling to escape returns as his eyes dart around the room. For a moment his emerald eyes began to glow a pink hue, catching the interest of the platinum blonde.

Hiro's talent had activated on his own and for once he wasn't mad at this. Hiro's talent was very unique. It allows him to things from far away and into different rooms. Hiro has always been able to see things he may not have to suppose to. For example, if someone was in another room he'd be able to see them even though the door was closed. For a brief moment, Hiro could see the entire layout of the complex, and what obstacles might be in his path. As his eyes return to their normal seafoam green he knew what he had to do.

The crimson man seems to be catching onto what Hiro was planning as he dashes towards him, trying to grab he made his move. In a panic, hiro sucks in a breath and throws his hand out. Suddenly the man was levitating a few feet off the ground, his legs trying to run towards but incapable of moving without friction.  

The girl makes no attempts to assist the guard or stop Hiro, hiding a smirk with her hands. Hiro, after overcoming his shock, flees the room. He hears laughter as he exits the building but doesn't turn to see what it was. As he runs down the street he takes note of his surroundings. He was fairly far from his home and returning there when the rebels know about him is a bad idea. Instead, he makes his way to the local university. Hopefully there the rebels won't find him there and maybe he could find someone who could help him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2021 ⏰

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